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  1. Then be sure to contact me via PM immediately with the name of the person who reserved your room, which I believe might be Jarel Jones, and the reservation's confirmation number, which he can retrieve and PM to himself.
    1 point
  2. We now have our second finished track: 'A Sailor's Respite' by Bluelighter! Everyone give a round of applause for his hard work! Awesome job. We also came up with a name for Deedubs mix of Armada too - 'God's Ambition'. Both tracks are excellent and I can't wait to hear the rest when they go final. Even though the second, more substantial WIP isn't due for many folks until June 1st, hopefully we get some overachievers who get a sudden burst of inspiration and belt through the songs in a fortnight! I can dream, right? However, there is still 2 people who I'm waiting on their first WIP past deadline right now. Expect another PM from me this week. If I hear nothing yet by the end of my upcoming TDY (temporary duty) that ends mid-Feb. Then I'm sadly going to have to open up the tracks once more for others to claim. Not saying which tracks yet since I'm not comfortable calling out people publicly, but let's hope it doesn't have to come to that.
    1 point
  3. 00:00-00:18 - okay, this seems like a nice standard Mario remi- 00:19 -
    1 point
  4. Hi all, This is Digital Coma, the "director" or organizer for this album. It's been more than a decade since I was last involved in OCR and Kong in Concert feels like a lifetime ago, but I thought I'd drop by and say a few words after all these years. It's pretty neat to see that KiC still has an audience almost 12 years on. Looking back, it's safe to say that I didn't always know what I was doing with what was to be the follow up to OCR's very first remix album. We did things on the fly, we struggled to put together a team, and there were plenty of mistakes made along the way. But what started out as a small summer side project with no lack of naysayers and haters ended up a surprisingly big hit, and in the end we had a solid homage album whose impact in the community I'm happy to see continues today. I won't say much more since I like that there's some legend surrounding how everything came together. But I do want to give thanks to everyone who's enjoyed the music over the years, and a special thanks to the remixers, djp, and OCR for making it all possible. Cheers, DC
    1 point
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