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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2016 in all areas

  1. Seconded! Those guys both know their stuff and would make excellent directors/assistant directors/etc.
    1 point
  2. For the record, I second @Jorito and @HankTheSpankTankJankerson. Both have worked, and are continuing to work very hard on mine and @Trism's Paths Less Travelled album, overcoming obstacles and persevering with vision in their directions. They're also very skilled at what they do. Also I've worked beneath Jorito on the Sonic album, and it went tremendously smoothly. I think they'll make an excellent pairing to take this album forward. So... yeah. Aaron and Jorrith FTW in my humble opinion.
    1 point
  3. eval: Soundwise, the first thing that bothers me is the level glitches in the 0:30 buildup. It sounds like a compressor is being fed way too strong a signal. Maybe you need some lighter compression earlier in the signal chain, and softer compression on the output. Maybe you need to clean up the low end. Hard to say. The next thing that bothers me is sound design. The ostinato synth at 0:34 isn't great, nor was the choir earlier, but the lead at 0:48 is not a good fit. That they're both rather loud doesn't help, either. Next enters the drums, and they're another step down in sound. Which is a pity, because you set it all up so well with the bass, pads and glitchy sounds. The drum writing is also not that great, not very effective. They don't drive the track, but they do draw a lot of attention. And not in a good way. I'd look into redoing the drums entirely. Sound design, writing, purpose in the arrangement. The arrangement itself is fine. Source is used well. No huge surprises, but some interesting inserts and nice performance aspects to some of the lead melodies. It has some stop-and-go moments that stand out as cool design choices. The glitches get a little annoying at times, when the lead should be the focus and the best element in that part of the track, and it's not. The glitches then distract from the lead. They don't add to the track like that, when they're fighting the lead for my attention. Something as simple as lowering their level would help. I think that's the problem with this. Too many elements fighting for attention, being too loud or too upfront, doing too much, drawing attention when they shouldn't, not knowing what their role in the arrangement and mix is. I think this would get you a NO, RESUB. The arrangement is good enough, and many of the sounds themselves are fine. The mixing and drums need work. I'm not sure you need any changes to the sound design besides the drums, as the instruments I've noted as being not that great might fall into place once the mixing is cleaned up. Cool stuff. Keep working on it.
    1 point
  4. Your link to An OverClocked Christmas is out of date, CoolAJ86. The site was moved before volume 9 came out last year, and this year's volume 10 won't be at that old link either. Here's the current link... http://williammichael.info/aocc/index.htm
    1 point
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