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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2017 in all areas

  1. I beat TMNT on the console once when I was like 16. I was messing around in game with my cousin watching and eventually got to the point where I was like... hey I could actually do this. I actually went through it again about 2 hours ago, and got past the room with the spikes for 3 scroll-screens. It's ridiculous, but I only got hurt (a new record of) only 4 health squares. It's a good day when you get past that room and only lose half your life. The stupidest part about that game is if you lose a turtle after that room, you essentially cannot win because your remaining turtles don't have enough life to get past it. You HAVE to game over and start fresh at the beginning of the level, and when you do that you lose your consumable ranged items (I.E wave scroll thingies) and lose nearly any opportunity to beat the last hallway with the flying white jetpack lazer-beam guys (which is the room I just died in 2 hours ago and turned it off with 3 turtles remaining). The only way around them is to plow through them with wave scrolls, or to manipulate their spawn in a certain pattern where they fly in at an angle, fly backwards so they move off the screen and despawn (which you have to do roughly 8 times in the long hallway) which really is not easy to do (and is how I beat it as a teenager). Shredder himself is a joke. I know way more about that game than any human should and still only beat the game around 5-10% of the time I decide to try to run through it again. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with finally overcoming awful design that you just don't get with modern games though.
    2 points
  2. Haha, I remember listening to this track in the workshop a couple of months ago! Very fun track with a very strong groove The combination of the guitar and somewhat retro-ish eletronica is pretty neat. Another instant eargasm! Great debut man, hope you'll submit more!
    1 point
  3. Alright - I said I would be working on the narrative part of this album in May, so I thought I would give an update on that. I still haven't developed a plan on what this looks like yet, but I have been thinking about the narrative discussion earlier and I'm now building the framework on what that would look like. Here's what I have so far... What I'm thinking is 3 or 4 minute-long narrative scenes and possibly an ending sequence to give listeners a bit of context and help guide the path of the journey, much like the conversations with Pepper and pilot chatter in the games themselves. Each 'scene' would likely be amongst the pilots and a few select guests, depending on the scene. Now, I do not want to go too far with this, as this is a remix/arrangement album and not an audio play; however, I'm totally open to suggestions on how to proceed or anything you think should be mentioned/included in the scene or dialogue. I do not plan to pump the dialogue full of cheese either; I might make a quick joke or two in game context - 'Watch where you're aiming, Fox!' - but I plan to keep as close to what I think the game would say. Here are some examples of where I would see these scenes in the album: Opening <-----> Title Theme (Introduction?) Boss A/Attack Carrier <----> Meteo ('All ships check in') Fortuna <----> Sauria (Approach to Sauria/Meeting Krystal?) Boss B <----> end of disc 1 (Leaving Sauria/Falling into the Black Hole?) Space Armada <-----> Star Wolf (Introduction to Star Wolf) Boss C <-----> Venom Orbital/Base (Approach to Venom?) Andross <----> Ending (Job Well Done?) NOTE: The above are suggestions - MAXIMUM 4 narratives, period. I do not want a dialogue with Pepper at the beginning because we have Pepper's monologue in SCRAMBLE and I'm also not going to build any dialogue around conversations between Fox and Andross because of the Andross monologue I'm planning to build for the Andross remix (whatever form that takes). So - please let me know what you think of the concept and/or if you are interested in possibly voicing any of the characters - and let me know which character you're interested in, if you have a particular character in mind (Yes, @TheChargingRhino, I know you're interested invoicing Krystal and @Cole Train has already given an offer to be Fox, since he's rapping as Fox on the Sauria remix anyway). Keep in mind that I'm not in a position to actually cast anyone yet - I don't even have a script - but if I know you're interested now then I'll contact you later when I'm in a position to start looking at recording. I have no set timeline for this - I'm STILL trying to find time to piece together the SCRAMBLE update and my own WIP - but I can commit to at least having the first script in place by the next deadline, wherever we decide that to be. Speaking of deadlines, six weeks to go!
    1 point
  4. Game-Art-HQ is on board, Lets see if we can build up a nice Music & Visual Art Tribute to Chrono Cross here!
    1 point
  5. This. This is the reason I have had such an addiction to Outrun 2019 for the past few years.
    1 point
  6. Whoah the wall of sound at 00:12 caught me by surprise even though I should have expected that Was that double or quad tracked for the guitars? One thing I was thinking about, you could change the strumming pattern as the double bass kicks trying to make it sound tighter. Come to think of it I would also probably postpone the double kick section, or repeat it later if you also wish to keep it like that in the first half of the track. Overall I really like the idea.
    1 point
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