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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2018 in all areas

  1. i finished up the final cut of the instrumental version of radical dreamers, with @Chris ~ Amaterasu on the violin as the lead instrument. it sounds great! i also got in touch with JohnStacy and he fed me some delicious horn lead for the instrumental version of the distant promise/garden of gods collab. some more touch-up there (i tuned up the clean part and forgot to do the same to the room recording, so it sounds absurdly out of tune now randomly) and a bit of balancing and that'll be done too. i also sent out nastygrams to everyone that i haven't heard from in a while. hoping to clean this up by the end of january if possible - we're so close!
    1 point
  2. Well, I submit something. Not something that I'd say was finished, but what I had was pretty cool so I submit it anyway. Nice to hear Jorito sub something too, though.
    1 point
  3. I definitely dig the latter part of this song with that cool crescendo and the spooky chanting
    1 point
  4. Man I forgot to get my vote in time. I still wanna share my thought though so here goes... 1. Silverpool - I really liked the changes in tempo both midway through and at the end. It was a great way to keep things interesting. The classic game sounds used were cool too. It's almost like there could be a secret retro part in the game. On the flip side of that, the sound used for the main melody around 1:07 was a little harsh for my ears and took away from the overall feeling that you had given the track earlier which was more "light and fluffy" if that makes sense. I also thought that your track didn't need as much reverb or delay as was used. It didn't necessarily hurt and wasn't too distracting but it didn't help either. Still though, the build up to the 2:00 minute mark was my favorite part of this whole competition. Very creative. Good stuff. 2. This one definitely had a more holiday vibe to it. I think you chose your sounds very well with the piano being my favorite part of your remix. With that being said, there was some room for improvisation with that piano that you could have added in my opinion. I think that could have taken this one over the top. The shaker in the background was nice and fit the vibe you gave the track but became repetitive after a while. I honestly don't have any good suggestions at the moment for what else you could have done with it though and that's the way it was in the original. I also like that electric piano sound used around 57 sec. It would have been cool to hear that in a more featured role. A very fitting remix. Overall, this original song was tough. It sounds somewhat simple to cover but doesn't leave much room for change in this type of competition. I honestly have no idea what I would have done differently so hats off to you both.
    1 point
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