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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2018 in all areas

  1. JSYK, the "ready for review" tag is intended for use on tracks that you plan on submitting to the judges' panel. Since you don't plan on submitting this, I'll switch this track to "work-in-progress," though feel free to switch it to "completed" if you prefer. As for the lead tones, I agree that they sound too thin. My first impulse would be to decrease the wet/dry ratio on the reverb, and slightly bump up the level, but there's probably more that can be done. What are you using for the guitars? (ie, are you recording an amp, or using a vst amp modeler and if so which one?)
    1 point
  2. I think you'll be fine if you submit this, tbh. I could hear some complaints on the panel come up about some random mixing elements or another, or someone else might say the drums are a hair static, but I doubt it'll be turned away as long as a decent time stamp is sent with it (still not an easy track to parse the source from, lol). Looking forward to it!
    1 point
  3. Yeah... the ending isn't a super improvement, but it is an improvement. The vocals are a bit too dry now, but my main beef was with the ending. This feels less like a WIP now, but to be honest I would've preferred just a longer fadeout instead of just a cymbal crash (Can't believe I'm saying I'd prefer a fadeout). I think I can let it pass like this, I still think the arrangement is awesome and just needed tweaking in the ending and vocals, which we got, just not to the degree I would've preferred. YES
    1 point
  4. Seems like we're pretty much in unison about the ending and vocals being an issue, even if whether it's passable or not is in debate, so I sent the artist a request to fix that ending specifically while mentioning the issue with the vocals. Here's hoping for a fix.
    1 point
  5. Hey, everyone! It's been a while. Thanks to those folks who have been looking in on me to make sure I haven't died. Still kicking and thanks for the updates! I know I haven't been doing great at this lately. Last year wasn't a wonderful year for me, but this year I have no excuse - I've been behind and I'm just being slow about trying to keep up. I could say that depression has gotten the better of me, I could say there are several developments in my life I'm dealing with, but really, I just haven't been making the time a priority. That being said, this project means a great deal to me; I think we have some great folks on board, I'm proud of what we have so far, and still excited for where we are going - and a likely reason for my depression is the lack of my own progress on the project itself. So, I'll be recommitting myself to this again - it's time for me to stop sulking and get back to work! ---- So, here is what I see I have to do to get things to current: Update front page and Project Overview - I've received many reminders about this. I will have this back up and running this week. WIP Spreadsheet - I have some new updates to post here too, but I need to confirm permission to post from a few folks. Will update this week as permissions come in. @TheChargingRhino - It is time-consuming to keep all this on Drive as well as the project Box account, and considering how my time has been lately, I'm going to keep it all on Box moving forward. Sorry for this, but you can PM me if you are having trouble accessing. Checking in with folks - I'm checking where everyone is in the next two weeks. No pressure for updates at this time - that would be hardly fair of me - but I am wondering how folks are. Some of you I've heard from recently, some of you I haven't heard from in a while. Please let me know where you are with your track - feel free to reach out to me if I don't get to you first! Updates @Etzaen has been working on some art over the last year which I'd like to share with the team, but I need to figure out the where and how first. Stay tuned for more on this. Our back covers are being produced NOW! I've received the first drafts from my guy and they are looking good. I will post these with the rest of the art when I figure out format. Of all the things I've been asked about on this project, the narratives have generated the most interest! So, by popular demand, 6 of 8 scripts are complete and I will have the rest done in time for March. I need to refresh myself on this part of the project and get the scripts proofread before we start recording, but hopefully I can get folks to start doing this for me by the end of March. Will advise as this progresses. Open voice roles are still available to claim! @classic_gamer_76, please PM me on this when you get a chance. I need to confirm some things for Star Wolf parts. --- Due to my own absence and timing issues, I am no longer optimistic that the project will be ready for submission when reach our July deadline. I think that with a little effort, we can still finish the project by the end of September, but I'm wondering if we should push this to January instead. Please let me know what you think, on the thread or with a PM, on whether pushing for September is something folks think they are capable of. Thanks again for everyone's patience as I figure my stuff out. More to come as things get under way.
    1 point
  6. This is fantastic! such energy and feeling of fun and speed, just what a sonic track needs. The vocals could've used less processing so they fit better with the rest of the track, but it's not bringing the track down for me. The swing-y feel of the vocals are a great fit for the track though. Now, about that ending. What happened there? it's like the track wasn't finished, specially with such a short fade-out time. I wouldn't have a big issue with this if it was a longer fade-out but man this is way too short. This is a very hard decision for me. I think I would be willing to give this a pass if the ending was changed. It seems the ending didn't stop the other Js for passing it but I'm not completely on that camp. I would really like if we could reach out to the artist and ask to double the fadeout time, at least. This may seem nitpicky and I may be alone on this one but I don't think this leaves me with a feeling of a finished song and I don't think it can be on the front page as it is. NO (Conditional on ending fix)
    1 point
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