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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Ok guys since i missed it, i've finally sat down and gave some feedback. Let's see how this goes yes? Souperion - Really nice choir and strings here, really brings out the darkness of the source. Like with a lot of NES tunes, they can be very short, so creativity is needed here, and you did that perfectly. Love the rock vibes, the guitar and drums are really nicely done! Lovely melody additions here, lots of cool ideas not found in the original. The only critique i have, is that at times it can get very busy, so i have nothing to really latch on to. There is a lot of great call and response between the melodies which is awesome, however i do feel like an instrumental part of just guitars can really make things work. Now i say busy, in the sense that it's quite aggressive, however in this case, everything flows nicely, so it's no tiring. No what i think could work, is just guitar and drums in one sections, as a breakdown. Not only does it propel the hype forward, it also makes the melodies more exciting. The orchestral work is super lovely, and very nicely done. I mean the whole track is very groovy. There are moments where the drums seem a bit too forward, however i would say this is a minor issue, maybe even just nit-picking. All in all you've done an amazing remix of the source, well done! TheVodouQueen - This one is quite the journey. 8 minutes of full dark orchestral ambience. Interesting for you to approach it in this style to be honest, you don't usually go for orchestral music. Still though, the instruments sound quite high quality, so this composition is really going places. It's also lovely that you've taken into account, where each instrument belongs in the orchestra. For me, i have a habit of just adding layers upon layers, without thinking about dynamics. To be fair i rarely if not, never make orchestral music, because i don't have the capacity to handle it. After 5 instances it crashes. The harpsichord kind of makes it folk/baroque inspired i love it. Great processing on each sound too, the reverb is there. The one thing i have to say that sticks out, and i consider this critique, is that it echoes your comments about mine, in that it's too long. I feel this arrangement could work best at around 4-5 minutes. I know you said, you are new to this kind of music, so i assume 8 minutes is you trying as many techniques as possible. Also a minor one, but i feel the sound effects could be better integrated. The sounds kind of sit there in the background, without much in terms of brining life to the party, however though i'm not focusing on that in the piece, and it is only background elements. Last minor critique, is the crash cymbals. They sound very much like dance cymbals (EDM), however i'm not an expert on cymbals, so i can't really comment on that, these are just my own observations. On a good note though, you really created some seriously good orchestrations. For your first major orchestral work, this sounds awesome. I could never do this on my first try. (And no this is not me being "supportive" or "helpful", i literally would not do this on my first try, full honesty). The sound selection is also very much high quality, i must commend you for that. All in all, well done! Wassup Thunder - Very military inspired, that's a great way to approach this, especially since this game is military inspired. Really digging the drums, awesome work! Lovely flute melodies, this really makes it seem action movie appropriate. Loving the drive of the drums, it just keeps on powering through. The sound selection is also very quality here, very convincing mock-up for a moving score. If i had to critique it, only 2 really come to mind, which i have to provide, because this could influence and future tracks. First i feel this is very busy, but unlike Souperion's in which the busy nature of the piece actually helps propel the piece, i feel this needs a break. For practically the whole composition, i'm bombarded with drums, strings and brass. I don't feel they could sustain that long, but that might be me. Interesting how i'm the only person who did an electronica remix. The only other flaw left, is that i feel there is a lack of a strong bass presence. I know there's the drums and the brass, but it seems to be missing something like a tuba or a double bass or something, just so it doesn't feel hollow. Obviously it doesn't need to be powerful, just something light to fill the missing gaps. I still love the sounds here though, and that military inspired march approach was a lovely idea, definately makes it feel like it's ready for an action movie. Well done! Sorry this took so long, i've been away, as well as being so busy!
    1 point
  2. Love me some Police and Sting.
    1 point
  3. I can't believe how hard it is to find a good sounding military-esque alarm/siren! been combing the internet for something I can use. In the original game, each level started with a siren, so I'm trying to get a good sound to tribute that.
    1 point
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