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  1. Project Director: @Darkflamewolf (Director of Arcadia Legends, Mizar Attacks!, and SeeDs of Pandora) Project Concept: After much prodding and poking by a multitude of people/remixers, wanting me to get this Star Fox album project off the ground, I decided it's high time to get the pitch started! Hot off my take on the SeeDs of Pandora album, I figured we could do a similar thing where we had 'themed' discs with tracks that best matched the core essence of what the disc was aiming to be. However, since I'm not sure the overall interest and response to this album, I'm not going for a large multi-5-disc album like the FF8 one. Instead, I'm going to start off with a smaller 2-disc scope and see if we expand from there or get enough tracks to fill the entire ambition. To sign up, you must join the Community Remix Album Collaborations Discord server. We use it to communicate between all members on the project and makes things insanely easy to coordinate and keep track of the project as a whole. Once there, you can find the Google Form to submit your claim on a track and be part of the project! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/T4XhB8TR The two Disc types*: - ACTIVE: You can interpret your chosen track into any genre/type of music you want, but it needs to maintain the frenetic feel of the original track. It's basically giving the Star Fox fan more of what they want. They got a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat Corneria theme? Well, we'll give them that and THEN SOME. Keep it active! Make it hard, fast, loud, crazy - go wild! These are tracks I want to really turn my speakers up high and just rage/rock out to! Let the walls pound with the beat. Note: But what if you want to remix a slower song from the OSTs into a crazy, active style? YOU SURE CAN! If it is active and fast, it belongs on this disc, regardless of the original source tune. - INTERPRETIVE: This disc is for everyone not looking for those crazy times, but wants to explore the melodies and themes beyond their original incarnations. Complete freedom of genre, style and mood. You can stay within the genre/style/mood of the original track or you can go off in wild new directions with it and remix it in a way nobody has ever thought of. Can we have active tracks on this disc? Sure, but those probably won't be the focus, but that's not stopping you from making some beats. This is truly the 'freedom to remix' disc. So, if the first disc was giving Star Fox fans more of what they loved, this is giving something they never knew they needed! Be unexpected! Don't repeat what has been done before - do something fresh and new with these tracks if you can! * - More discs and their types will be added depending on how big this balloons as a community project. --- QUESTION: What if a track has already been claimed by another, but it's for the ACTIVE disc and I want to do the same song more INTERPRETATIVE, can we both claim it? ANSWER: YES! However, this is the only instance doubles can exist. We can't have two Star Fox 64 Corneria's on the ACTIVE disc, but we can have one Star Fox (SNES) Corneria on the ACTIVE disc and one Star Fox 64 Corneria on the INTERPRETIVE disc. One variant per disc. Likewise, each Corneria theme is different from game to game, so we CAN have Star Fox (SNES) Corneria on the ACTIVE disc and a Star Fox 64 Corneria on the ACTIVE at the same time since, if you listen, they are different themes for the same place - this also applies to any track claims on the INTERPRETIVE disc. QUESTION: What if a track I want to claim isn't on these track listings? ANSWER: Then when you fill out the Google submission form on the Discord server, claiming a track, request it to be added to the list and that you're claiming it! --- TRACK LIST I am listing all available tracks from all Star Fox games, but that does not mean they all need to be claimed/covered. We'll take whatever we can get, but this album is meant to be a tribute to the series as a whole, thus the entire listing. Star Fox (SNES) 1 - Title Screen 2 - Course Map Select 3 - Corneria 4 - Meteor 5 - Titania 6 - Fortuna 7 - Asteroid/Venom-Orbital 8 - Macbeth 9 - Space Armada 10 - Sector X/Sector Z 11 - Sector Y 12 - Venom Base 13 - Boss (Any planet theme or multiple medley) 14 - Boss (Andross) 15 - Black Hole 16 - Ending Star Fox 2 (SNES) 1 - Title Theme 2 - Records 3 - Andross Returns 4 - Star Map 5 - Venom 6 - Titania 7 - Macbeth 8 - Eladard 9 - Meteor 10 - Planet Base Boss 11 - Fortuna 12 - Flotilla 13 - Missiles 14 - Battle Carrier 15 - Space Boss 16 - Star Wolf Team 17 - Satellite Platform 18 - Astropolis 19 - Astropolis Boss 20 - Andross 21 - Staff Roll Star Fox 64 (Nintendo 64) 1 - Title 2 - Select 3 - Map 4 - Corneria 5 - Meteor 6 - Titania/Macbeth 7 - Sector X 8 - Zoness 9 - Area 6 10 - Venom 11 - Sectory Y/Solar 12 - Fichina/Sector Z 13 - Bolse 14 - Katina 15 - Aquas 16 - Warp 17 - Boss A-C (Any theme or multiple medley) 18 - Star Wolf's Theme 19 - Battle 20 - Andross 21 - Final Battle 22 - Staff Credits Star Fox Adventures (Gamecube) 1 - Main Theme 2 - Main Menu 3 - Krystal vs The Galleon 4 - Krazoa Palace (all variants) 5 - Krazoa Shrine 6 - World Map 7 - Arwing 8 - Thorntail Hollow (all variants) 9 - Sharpclaws 10 - Ice Mountain (all variants) 11 - Dark Ice Mines (all variants) 12 - Puzzle (all variants) 13 - Boss Galdon 14 - Volcano Force Point Temple 15 - Moon Mountain Pass 16 - Lightfoot Village (all variants) 17 - Cape Claw 18 - Cloudrunner Fortress (all variants) 19 - Ocean Force Point Temple 20 - Krazoa Test (all variants) 21 - Walled City (all variants) 22 - Boss King Red Eye 23 - Dragon Rock 24 - Boss Drakor 25 - Andross Battle 26 - End Credits All variants means you can take any and all segments of the theme and mix and match. Use all or use a few, up to you. Star Fox Assault (Gamecube) 1 - Theme of Star Fox Assault 2 - Title Screen 3 - Mission Briefing 4 - Theme of Great Fox 5 - Oikonny's Fleet 6 - Fortuna 7 - Boss 1 (Oikonny) 8 - Katina 9 - Sargasso 10 - Fichina 11 - Asteroid Belt 12 - Boss 2 (Pigma) 13 - Sauria 14 - Corneria 15 - Theme of Star Wolf 16 - Boss 3 (Aparoid) 17 - Aparoid Homeworld 18 - Homeworld Core 19 - Boss 4 (Aparoid Queen) 20 - Final Boss 21 - Ending 22 - Staff Roll Star Fox Command (Nintendo DS) 1 - Main Menu/Select Screen 2 - Where is Star Fox? 3 - Main Headquarters 4 - Select Your Training 5 - Faithful Friend, Rob 64 6 - Planet 1: Corneria (all variants) 7 - Great Leader/Fox McCloud 8 - Mr Genius/Slippy Toad 9 - Planet 2: Fichina (all variants) 10 - Boss Theme 11 - Lucy Hare/Bunny of the Skies 12 - Oikonny Strikes 13 - Planet 3: Aquas (all variants) 14 - The Loner/Falco Lombardi 15 - The Skillful Flight of Falco 16 - Sector X,Y,Z (all variants) 17 - Asteroid Belt (all variants) 18 - Battle with Emperor Anglar All variants means you can take any and all segments of the theme and mix and match. Use all or use a few, up to you. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) 1 - Star Fox Zero Theme 2 - Main Menu 3 - Prologue 4 - Corneria 5 - Crisis-Fichina 6 - Monumental Crisis 7 - Enemy Down 8 - Boss A 9 - Stage Select Screen 10 - Sector Alpha 11 - Inside the Salvadora 12 - Activate Security System 13 - Area 3 - Neighboring Space 14 - Pigma Appears 15 - Inside the Colony 16 - Hurry, Star Fox 17 - Mobile Weapon Gigarilla 18 - Zoness 19 - A New Crisis 20 - Asteroid Field 21 - Sector Beta 22 - Star Wolf's Theme 23 - Fortuna (all variants) 24 - Boss B 25 - Titania 26 - Sector Gamma 27 - Boss C 28 - Sector Omega 29 - Interplanetary Combat Ship/Attack Carrier 30 - Return to Corneria 31 - Andross's Trap (all variants) 32 - Venom 33 - Corridor of Illusion 34 - Dr. Andross 35 - All Clear 36 - Credits Theme All variants means you can take any and all segments of the theme and mix and match. Use all or use a few, up to you. Reference Links: Star Fox OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byIjMomjWkA Star Fox 2 OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oODu0MAG9l8 Star Fox 64 OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FdW6cTHs4c&t=1s Star Fox Adventures OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSE3q9ktpy8 Star Fox Assault OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9naJ4i6fO8 Star Fox Command OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiEfudt7Vy4&t=1s Star Fox Zero OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55N8LLKYIy8&t=1s
    3 points
  2. 1 point
  3. I started the arrangement with a jazz fusion style on my mind, but prog rock started winning as I added more sections. I’ll take a look at the piano tone the judges mentioned. I’m using NI’s “The Giant” which has a variety of possible sounds, but I’m intentionally tweaking it for an aggressive and bright sound. I probably overdid it haha.
    1 point
  4. This is quite simply a musical celebration of everything I love about video game music, taking a lot of themes and sources most popularly ReMixed and taking the Wily stage theme on a journey through them in different genres and arrangements. Incredible mix!
    1 point
  5. Welcome to OverClocked ReMix's ReMix Reviews forum, with dedicated topics/discussions for every mix. Before you get started reading, replying, and posting, please read the following guidelines. By following them, you make our jobs running the site and moderating the forums easier, and reduce the likelihood that your post will be edited or deleted against your wishes. 1. Post on-topic reviews that specifically address the corresponding ReMix. Don't post generalized opinions like "I hated this game" or "Why are there so many techno remixes?" or "This is the only good mix in the last month". Your review should be specifically about that ReMix. 2. If you didn't like a particular mix, please refrain from using an insulting or offensive tone. It's okay to say you don't like a mix, wouldn't recommend a mix, would never listen to it again, etc., but making personal attacks or posting extreme and non-constructive reviews like "this sucks" etc. is not cool. Just try to keep things civil, constructive, and respectful - again, this makes everyone's life easier. 3. When replying to someone else's review, please keep the above points in mind. Two wrongs do not make a right - if someone else posted a comment that was out of line or that you disagree with, please refrain from extended debates. The purpose of these reviews is to let each individual voice their opinion of the mix - replying to other's views is a secondary purpose and should not get out of hand. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree. Use the General Discussion forum for extended discussion about topics not related to the mix, or send a private message to the individual involved if the message is specifically for them and not of general interest. 4. Reviews aren't limited to professional, technical review posts. General feedback is always welcome. ReMixers and other fans love hearing how much a mix resonated with you, moved you or helped you through a rough day, etc. 5. Do not be discouraged from reviewing a ReMix that has not received comments in a while. There are no restrictions on what ReMixes you can comment on, and ReMixes with fewer reviews or no recent reviews deserve additional attention. You never know what great tracks you're missing out on. Why not go through them all! 6. There's sometimes a delay between when the newest mixes are posted and when they become "reviewable". You may need to wait a bit - it's not a bug. 7. When viewing the list of topics in this forum, they are ordered by most recent response. You can either search on a given mix title or ID number to find the mix you want to comment on, or access it via that mix's details / download page. 8. ReMixers are not only allowed, but are encouraged to post comments regarding their own mixes. Some of the things you might include would be your inspiration for making the mix, the equipment you used, your own evaluation of how you did, and relevant anecdotes. 9. Failure to read these guidelines and follow them could result in your post being edited, deleted, or if there's a consistent problem in your account being banned. Please help us out and follow the above guidelines - it shows consideration not only to other visitors of the site and to us, but to the artists that spent their time to contribute this free music for all to enjoy. Thanks,
    1 point
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