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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2023 in all areas

  1. Louder does not always mean better. Best place to start when mixing parts is to zero everything out and pull all faders down. Pick whichever channel is most important (usually melody) and bring that up to a good volume. Then choose the second-most important part and bring that up and balance it against the first part. Continue with each part until done, balancing against each as you go.
    1 point
  2. finally finished my entry. looking forward to hearing everyone's remixes!
    1 point
  3. I started taking the reins from HoboKa in around the 2nd of March 2021. So that would be roughly 2 years and 8 months. That is a long time. Were taking 3 UK prime ministers tenure in office lol. I have been participating in this site, since June 2018. My first ever Video Game remixing competition was PRC, where i submitted an Outrun remix on August 30th 2018. My first MnP remix was on 22nd October 2018. So my affiliation with the community has been pretty huge. I've ran this for over 2 years, and participated in this for 5 years. 5 Years is pretty insane. So i have been fully active in both compo's, and honestly with the amount of time i've spent on here, i am a little sad to see this go. I met a lot of cool people here, heard a lot of weird and wonderful Video Game remixes, as well as looked at all the amazing feedback spent on here. It's been great knowing i had a community of like minded people, sharing their love for VGM as much as me. I also appreciate how many were accepting of some of my unorthodox VG sources, but i wanted to showcase diversity in a compo round. As much as Final Fantasy, Mario, Pokemon have such incredible music, i felt they were hogging the spotlight, so my weird source choices, were a reflection of my eclectic ideas. So knowing how much i had developed a community and now seeing it go is tough.... But i care a lot about my health too, and being drained making rounds for no entries, is pretty hard on me i'm not gonna lie. Especially when i have a life too. So the decision to pull the plug, if i'm gonna be real is the for the benefit of everyone, no matter how hard it is. The good news is that MnP isn't gone for good. It just means the concept of Monthly rounds is a thing of the past. So in the future, it could be the case that we have a 10 month waiting period, before we finally get another MnP round. Hell it could even take 3 years. The world is your oyster. So i will be here to basically do any of the admin work, but ultimately it will be you to decide on what source to use, and when. The only conditions required, is a Video and a MIDI. (Along side the super obvious ones, like Name and Game etc...) All ThaSauce uploading rules still apply, MnP rules still apply (Except for the 6th Gen Rule and the last rule, which for some stupid reason i keep forgetting to change on a round to round basis. When there is a special round, it usually means you can upload more than one source, when there is a normal round, that rule is gone). It seems more complex than it really is, so i hope you just trust my gut. At this point i don't know what else to say, i feel like i've exhausted all possibly gratitude for the wonders of hosting this amazing compo, and as much as it's sad to see it go, it was a choice i needed to make. So i would like to extend a couple thanks to the people on here. I know it's cheesy, but for all we know this could be the last time i ever see you all: 1. HoboKa - For having my back, showing me the ropes, and just being and extremely supportive dude. I love your there to back me up if there is a problem, it was great working with you. You are just really great in adjusting me to compo life. It's been great talking and working with you. 2. Bundeslang - For not only also having my back, but being a great backup option, if i wasn't there for a round. You are also very understanding, and really great at providing advice. 3. Souperion and Wassup Thunder - For essentially preventing the rounds from having no entries lol. For the most part, you made up for the lack of participation. Thanks for that. 4. HarlemHeat360, Hleet and APZX - For also being very active in compo, and again making up for the lack of participation. You guys are highlighted, because you were the probably the 2nd most active participants (Behind Souperion and Wassup Thunder) in this compo, preventing any chances that MnP would be gone for good. 5. The Participants - AKA any other participant who isn't mentioned. Basically you were responsible for prolonging as much of the MnP life as humanly possible. If there was ever a worry the round would be empty, you were there to fill it. 6. And lastly anyone else who isn't mentioned overall, thank you. Even you over there Bob. I don't even know you, but thank you anyways lol. I know it's silly saying this, but you guys really did make it. Anyway's i've said all that is needed to be said. This has been exhausted for long enough. So thanks for everything once again, and i will look forward to the future. See you around! TLDR: MnP Is now On Demand. If you want a round set up, message me with the source, and i will do so. Minimum 2 participants or more to enter. Thanks!
    1 point
  4. So here is the poll results. Roughly 62.5 percent of you guys like the On Demand model. Around 25 percent want this to remain the same. And around 12.5 percent were a bit undecided. So it brings me unfortunate (Or fortunate depending on your stance on this) news to announce that MnP is NOW A ON DEMAND MODEL. This has been officially the last regularly scheduled MnP round. What is an On Demand model then? Well the concept of On Demand in this case, is that should you feel the urge to remix a Video Game source, especially within the realms of MnP, you will private message me, either on this website, or on ThaSauce's discord (Which should be on Compo.ThaSauce's website i believe) requesting a round to be set up. In order for the compo round to be active, i will require sufficient participation in order for the round to go ahead. A BARE MINIMUM, OF 2 OR MORE. Once the round is up, you will follow the MnP timeframe of a Month to submit, and a week to vote. If it's just you, and nobody else, then i'm afraid it will not go ahead. What would be the most Ideal is 3 or more participants, because then it feels like a round is forming, but at the moment, you only need two. There will be no limits on source selection, but should you go with a Source, it must have at least a video and a MIDI for ease of use, but at this point i assume most people would be familiar with that. I will participate in a round as and when it peaks my interest, and all users are invited to do the same, but this will only be on the basis that somebody has requested a round to be setup. FROM NOW, THERE WILL BE NO REGULARLY MONTHLY MNP ROUNDS. SO ANY INTEREST IN REMIXING VGM MUSIC WILL BE FORMED BY THE INTEREST OF A FEW USERS, NOT BY ME. It is sad to see this die out, but the truth is, i am getting tired. If a lot of people were giving this the Buzz it deserved, then sure, this might encourage me to upload more rounds, but nobody is showing interest, and for me to make a round and have a month of submitting and voting, as well as all the unnescary extensions, was just draining me. People have said, about advertising this elsewhere, but truthfully, i'm done. The lack of participants, especially in the last 5 rounds, has prevented any excitement or drive of me continuing this. So the sad reality, and unfortunate truth is, i've pulled the plug.
    1 point
  5. Results In 1st place with 6 points: TheVideoGamer (Me) In 2nd place with 4 points: Lunarice And the last place hero with 2 points: JH Sounds Unfortunately even though i've won, i'm afraid this is the end. If you want to know what i mean, then stick around for the poll results. Congrats to everyone who has participated, i'm glad people actually showed up, even if it's on the last round. I'm also glad we had votes in, even though it took a month or two. It's been great fun. It's time to move onto the poll.
    1 point
  6. Having trouble as well. Here's my second entry, an upcoming remix of my first release with the alias "BRKPNT". Many people know me for my entries in this contest, I thought that I'd show you what I worked on outside of OCR. This is going to be released for the Anniversary edition of my first EP. Enjoy ! (That would also be my very last release ever) Title : "Forgot My Phone on the Clouds (VIP)" https://drive.google.com/file/d/163Kv7hUVcD6DWTAn0cH01gP9UdDZEVEU/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  7. Hey, I'm having problems opening the second one. Here is the link: Sundrops https://drive.google.com/file/d/12EvsUh8f0kaOi0Zb3ESspZ6ypZykTK_Zh/view?usp=sharing This is an original song from 2019. Still not perfect, but I like it. I know my first one was an ORC remix instead of a PRC, but it was my first attempt at a competition. Thanks so much. Really, it is crazy how long this has been going on. I was in ORC20, 24, 25, 27, 31, 110 and PRC56, 58, 59, 65, 91. Thanks to doulifee who kept his website hosting bill paid and I was able to go back and save these years ago. I wish I could share all of them! Great entries, awesome job guys. How long have you the entrants been writing music?
    1 point
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