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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi there, as you might have seen in the title, I'm going to write a paper about VG remixes. What will the paper be about? I plan to do a broad overview for the whole VG remix scene (quantitative research) and analyse a piece or two (qualitative reseach) if there's enough space left in the paper (it can't be much longer than 20 pages). The quantitative research is more important at the moment (I need to lay some groundwork), so I'll probably write the paper about this first and then a paper concerning the music itself. Since the second paper won't be directly for my university, I can take as much time and space as I want. So if you have any ideas concerning that, say it. It's going to be a long running project, so as sooner as I start gathering information, the better. What will be in the paper? First of all, the music of the VG remix scene. It is paramount to all scientific research that the history of the topic is clear (at least roughly) before other work can be done. While the history of VG music itself is researched quite well, the same can't be said about VG remixes. Where are the roots of VG remixes? Who were the first remixers? When did it all start? Are there any (aesthetic) rules for making remixes? How did other genres influence the remix scene? How can you help? If you know any answers to the questions above, tell me. If you're an experienced composer, tell me about your experiences. If you know something about the history of VG remixes, tell me. If you have a certain idea in your head that you want to share, tell me. I can't promise that I'll use every bit of information for the paper, but I need to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, so knock yourselves out. Im looking forward to your ideas Samsa
    1 point
  2. You can find mine 3 posts above yours :)
    1 point
  3. Voting starts soon. If anyone had problems with uploading a (second) entry please post a download link in this thread so that I can add them. To wait for that, voting starts in a few days and will probably take two weeks.
    1 point
  4. Voting already? It feels like time passes too quickly. Btw some of us added a second entry but it seems that they weren't added. G'd luck to y'all !
    1 point
  5. 19 entries to sort through? Like, I mean I already wrote down my thoughts as this progressed. But picking only three? I don't know even know how to approach the voting on this one lol. Honestly? it almost feels wrong to even vote such is the nature of this particular PRC.
    1 point
  6. I wanted to submit a for-fun bonus track, but turns out ThaSauce doesn't allow me to. So here it is, again... just for fun.
    1 point
  7. The way you re-harmonize the witches theme to fit with the Man with the Machine Gun makes this mix pretty incredible. What a great idea. I like the different styles interspersed throughout, as well, with the chiptune elements scattered around. Very well done.
    1 point
  8. Hi everyone, just wanted to say that I finished my paper. I wrote it as my masterthesis in the end, so it's quite long. In the end, I analyzed 20 ReMixes and also wrote a bit about the history of rearrangements. It isn't published anywhere yet, but if you're fluent in german and want to read it, just send me a PN. Cheers, Samsa
    1 point
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