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Everything posted by Brycepops

  1. http://www.heartofmadness.net/ - They subbed all 152 episodes :3
  2. Fist. of. the. North. Star. Watch it. Nao. I'm going to keep recommending it every time. I'm currently watching Dragon Ball Kai and going through Space Adventure Cobra (I can see where they might have gotten the idea for Vash the Stampede from.)
  3. You has no fwens :(

  4. You best not be including Final Fight in that, or I'll have to murder you.
  5. Because you're doing it wrong. User CP > Edit Options > Thread Display Options.
  6. There better be some epic shit going into this patch >:U
  7. You know you don't have to keep making different threads for different songs xD Pretty sure it'll be ok if you just keep it all in one thread and just keep updating the first post or whatever :3
  8. I don't mute people unless they're being annoying or I can't stand the sound of their voice, but I don't want to hear people talking all the damn time :/
  9. God Hand. Spanking chicks with whips and suplexing people headfirst into the ground never gets old.
  10. I'm glad they fixed the problem with Jarate going off in midair in some places. That, and that you can FINALLY reflect arrows with the Flamethrower :3
  11. So it seems that the psp-3000 and 2000 TA088v3 are hackable now
  12. I think I'm starting to get the hang of the Huntsman now :3 Neko, I'm sorry about that one headshot on sawmill D:
  13. I said this in the Anime thread a month ago: I guess nobody really paid attention to it :\
  14. I humbly request a reserve slot, because I kept getting kicked ;_;
  15. Ok, so my friend just found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jakiqCPKyFU lolhockey.
  16. I think he was just being a goofball. This is the first one I saw, and I've been trying to find that original video :/
  17. I hope a bee flies in your mouth
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