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Meteo Xavier

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Everything posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Yoozer! I thought you were dead, you beautiful sumbitch. If it's not trouble, could you go into more detail of how I could recreate this in like FL Studio? The piano sound I don't need so much, it's the progressive lowering of the filter pitch like that I'm trying to figure out.
  2. Since the other topic for it is dead, I think, I wondered if any greater synth experts here could instruct me as to how to make a sound in this video below. It's the first sound that plays - ttch ttch ttch ttch ttchow ttchow ttchow ttchow tchoow tchoow tchoow tchoow choo choo choo choo...
  3. Only one track away from the mastering being done! The last track is going to be tricky, I'm told, but the rest of it is done. OCR brass will want to discuss artwork next. Rozo, PM time!
  4. I was unexpectedly gifted with a little Android tablet computer over Christmas and now I'm ready to join modern society (if this were 2012, anyway)! Not a beefy unit by any means, but seems to be decent enough for RAM (1 GB) and basic quad-core processing. As I get accustomed to how a tablet and apps work, it dawns on me that I could finally do some music work away from my main desktop or even outside my house. Not real music work, but like generate MIDI compositions that I can save for later use or arrange with my Roland romplers. Tried some MIDI apps, but they weren't cutting it for me and then I remember Fl Studio has a mobile version of itself at $16.00. So I ask anyone who has used it, how does FL Studio fare for mobile? At least as far as letting me just make compositions without trying to do any serious, final productions on them?
  5. Perhaps that level of perfectionism should be recognized as the very lofty goal it is and not pursued any further. You're NEVER going to get something to sound 100% like whatever it is you're trying to sound like. Best you can do is the best you can do with what's currently available. Additionally, I recommend getting the XV-5050 since it's a higher quality XV-5080 with even some Fantom sounds in it and can be found at half the cost of an XV-5080. The only real drawback is that it also has half the polyphony, but with a quality audio interface and some recording know-how, that problem can be worked out.
  6. Umm, PS1 and N64 didn't really have generated/generic chip sounds/samples like the 8-bit/16-bit stuff did (that's the simple way of saying it, a more accurate and detailed assessment I'm not learned on). PS1 had everything from the Roland Sound Canvas to the sort of real studio music you can get in games today, and N64 also used a lot of Roland Sound Canvas-grade romplers for generating samples. I'd say if you're looking to get the "1998" sound or something, get you the Roland virtual Sound Canvas software (or the real thing, they're easily available) and the Korg Legacy M1 software since a lot of games even by the 32bit era were still using the M1. That will be more than a good starting place by then.
  7. Dropping it to... the same price? I'm confused.
  8. Just restructure the theme of the album so it's not a 20th-anniversary album. Make it like a "PS1 Hidden Gems" album or something that focuses more on the themes being overlooked. You don't have to kill the entire project just because it's not the 20th anniversary anymore.
  9. I didn't see anyone post on this, so I wanted to post it. Saw it first when George Sanger posted it on Facebook. https://www.gofundme.com/bobby-prince-medical-fund-2vs94pg This goes towards Bobby Prince's medical bills as he gets retreated for cologne cancer. The good news is the goal amount is already 85% of the way there.
  10. It bothers me that a music maker with your level of knowledge in this line of work seems to have ignored the part where not everyone is even physically capable of singing, much less has the proper talent for it. Things like autotune exist to help people in that capacity and unless you quit doing music via software and are using hardware only, don't argue it back. Something more helpful - MIDI is a universal electronic language that lets you automate music, effects, knobs, etc. between software, hardware, and much more. It's a bigger subject than I could really delve into here, but a good, specific starting point for you is that NO, you do not need a MIDI keyboard. Your audio software should be very equipped to let you program MIDI language, so you just need to learn how your software let you go in to edit MIDI data, learn how your autotune software is set up to accept MIDI data (they're all different in my experience, you just need to refer to the manual) and get to practicing on it. An example: In FL Studio I have a plugin called "MIDI OUT" that goes into the same list as the instruments I have loaded up. In another instrument, I have to go to a window, have it assign a MIDI channel, go to MIDI OUT and set it for that same channel and now I can control things for that instrument. There are virtual knobs on MIDI OUT and I can assign them (via a universal code set called CC numbers) volume, panning, vibrato and a lot of other things. I program the MIDI language by drawing shapes in a specifically assigned window in FL Studio, like having a song fade in or fade out. If I have described that simply enough, you have a starting point for how MIDI works in a capacity that is relevant to you. MIDI is kind of a pain in the ass, but if I can learn how to do it, you can. It just takes some practice and memorizing where to assign things. Consult your manual, look up some tutorials on Youtube and practice it. You'll get it.
  11. You should have more hope than that - it's in the process of being mastered on a $150,000 mastering console by someone who's basically volunteering professional grade skill and equipment for the project (as in for free). So, like everything else in this project, it's taking some time, but that time will be worth it. I'll check on the goings on for that here soon. Everyone's been busy for the last 6 weeks. I myself have been battling a relapse into clinical depressiveness and that's been gumming up my schedule (which is already at 56 work hours a week to help pay the $4,000 I lost in car damages and more over the summer) and frequently annoying me with existential confusion and distraction. I've had to take whatever breaks I can to ease down on stress while the meds do their job, otherwise it gets worse, but with Halloween over and my personal surroundings improving, I'm getting back into a functional state where I can devote more direct effort to this project again. Such is life, but the bottom line is that things are still moving forward, nothing's stopped, just slow goings.
  12. My response is going to come off rude, but I'm just confused by your question and not trying to be snide: you know there's quite a lot of indie-retro videogames all over the place these days, right? STEAM, GOG, Xbox Arcade, PS Indies, Nintendo eStore and many other places feature a lot of games that aren't AAA and have/want soundtracks to match. Now is it easier to get into that market than it is to do realistic sounding music? Probably not, but there is a very existent market for chiptunes and music that doesn't need to sound realistic to work.
  13. Not sure how one would capture that vibe in only 15 seconds. At that point, it's more of a fanfare you're looking for than something like a battle track. That might be what I suggest as a direction.
  14. On the other hand, children are potential gaming buddies you literally make. Kids still like to game, don't they? Throwing this out there because the subject of being a parent on OCR tends to skew towards "Ugh, don't have kids, they always take time away from games/hobbies." - It's not that bad. Parents find time to play games too, they just have to sacrifice some of it and work-around it so they can also have the deeply life-enriching experience of building a family. Certainly your parents still had hobbies when you were growing up, right? They didn't just split all their time between working and taking care of you.
  15. It happens in your 30s. You just keep looking around local and online as best you can and fill it up where you can. Get outside the box and try things you probably wouldn't have tried before. Pretty hard to be more specific as to what things those are from there, but with the will to move can inevitably reveal the path to get there.
  16. 120 piece orchestra according to Wikipedia.
  17. Yessir, that would be a particularly sharp/dirty sounding Saw Lead with some monophonic glide and vibrato modulation on it. A lot of major synth VSTs will have something like it - Synth 1, Zebra 2, Omnisphere, z3ta 2... Particularly, I think you'll want to get Zebra 2 for that because someone here made some Zebra 2 presets that were based on some of the later Mega Man games and one was a particularly dirty bendy Saw Lead that sounded pretty close to what you're looking for there. Not the pinpoint answer you deserve, but hopefully that will get you closer to what you seek.
  18. Yeah we dove off Cape Rational in this topic some time ago. When it comes to VGM composers and $0.37 being owed, you just can't fuckin' reason with'em. #truth
  19. Probably the same reason artists pissed off about missing out on $0.17 worth of royalties and saying Ocremix is suddenly NOW doing something illegal and immoral are staying to argue it and the moral tenements of OCR instead of leaving. If you can call that a "reason".
  20. That you guys flipping your shit over this are grossly unrealistic over how you think you're supposed to be compensated for work you've done here. You don't actually know the value of your work, but you want it compensated anyway. You had no agreement to be paid for what you did, but you want it compensated anyway. You didn't even do the work hoping to be directly compensated for it, but you want it compensated anyway. And any reminder of how unrealistic this is is called "nihilistic" and "defeatist". The point I'm trying to prove is that the level of criticism here is unreasonable. The response to it seems to amount only to, "All I'm hearing is I'm not getting paid and I won't listen to anything else until I am!" It's like, well, damn, not sure what else to tell you then. Any answers to any follow up questions or responses you might have are already here in the topic, I'll refer you to them.
  21. I can agree with you it probably should've had a proper announcement, though this conversation and its potential fallout would've happened anyway. It STILL ignores that that money only goes back to site costs, not to the administration staff. It's a NON-PROFIT, that means no one profits from it - not them, not I, not you. Really, you should be directing your complaints to the site itself, but since it's not a living entity, it's going to be kinda hard to get anywhere doing that.
  22. Fair call. I didn't see the part where they said they didn't want to share much. Made the appropriate edit.
  23. It might have something to do with the fact that artists are not being commissioned or contracted to provide that work, they are doing so of their own volition, submitting them to a site that is well known to be entirely a passion project for VGM instead of a marketplace for artists. You have to have an agreement for payment of work to take place. You can't just start something, put it somewhere, expect money to come in and then complain to the nearest possible administration when it doesn't. It doesn't work that way. It never has. Why is this so hard for artists to understand? Better question, why is pointing things like this out considered "nihilistic" and "defeatist"? My lord.
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