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Meteo Xavier

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Everything posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Protip (and one I never see anyone sharing): Remember that any and all advice and list of tools and places to do music promotion with are just guidelines at best and that actual, practical success in the music world comes from standing out in a creative and qualitative fashion and using as many tools as you can to see what works best for you and what doesn't. All these "How to make it in the music industry" videos and articles and such are painfully generic (for a reason) and have logical flaws to them because what ultimately determines artistic success is being ridiculously high quality and very, very lucky. They can only point you in a direction because what worked for them may not (and usually doesn't) work for you, and that especially changes because hundreds of thousands of other newb musicians read those articles and do exactly what they say only for the venues they recommended to get flooded with newb musicians and decide to seek talent elsewhere. It's that cycle plus the luck of the draw - you might do a lot better on CDBaby and Soundcloud than you'd ever do on Bandcamp and Youtube, just because that's what seems to work for you. Remember that if anyone truly knew what were the BEST music tools for promotion, everyone would be using them and getting successful from it. Because the question persists daily, there is no knowledge on what works best. The only logical course to take then is to get creative, take some risks and try as much stuff as you can to see what sticks.
  2. Man, Breath of the Wild is total shovelware. This game is all ass and no substance.
  3. Well with thousands of songs here and no idea how many of all those things were all played live or sequenced in with VSTs, it would be impossible to give you the idea you're looking for. I'd say don't worry about thinking of things like that. If you can make a quality re-arrangement with the stuff you have and mix it creatively and with high quality, that should be enough right there.
  4. I caved and bought a Switch last night. I traded in any prospect of getting any of the Roland SRX cards or synths to record with (since it's evident I still need a LOT more practice recording from hardware) for this system at $299.00 at the Sevierville Walmart at 11:51PM. I feel proud, weak and guilty all at the same time. :S
  5. HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE YOU MONKEY-ASS MOTHE... *Sees it's 4:40AM while still not being finished with work.* Oh, that's why I'm getting cranky and insane. Carry on then, computer man.
  6. Was it really necessary to quote the entire huge topic post just to add a couple links there, GSO?
  7. I contemplate now the plausibility of just saying "YES WE CANCELLED IT IT'S DEAD NOW YOU HAPPY?" so that y'all'd shut up and we can continue working on it in peace. >:D I'm just kidding. We're still trying to work on it as we can, I'm just trying to make light of the infinite delays and help keep the mood comical instead of tense as the universe makes us earn every inch we crawl towards completion. It's coming, we promise. If it dies or gets cancelled for whatever reason, we'll tell you so. If you're not sure, assume we're working on it (because we are).
  8. We're still moving forward. There were some problems along the way on the mastering table and naturally using a real commercial studio with a $150,000 mastering setup for free is going to sacrifice something in the way of time, but nothing's cancelled or stalled, just eternally moving a lot slower than we expected due to real life always getting in the way. I myself broke one of my vertebrae last month.
  9. I accidentally read this as "Are PMS limited to 5 people?" and I was thinking "Dude, Brad, work on your syntax." And we laughed... because it's Monday...
  10. I think it's funny you chose a video game parallel angle for a video game Kontakt library that happens to be named after a very famous video game. I'm sure that was not a coincidence.
  11. Yes, of course they did. It's their IP and they can protect however they want. Nintendo fandom is way behind on understanding that just because you're a huge fan of something doesn't automatically grant you permission to do derivative works of theirs. The excellent argument against this says, "If you're that good at this stuff, do something original". Yes, original works get lost in the sea of everyone else, but that's how this line of work goes.
  12. Well, you're not going to be able to recreate a female soprano operatic vocalist with a synthesizer. This is a sound I'd also been trying to hunt for years. There are lots of Soprano solo libraries out for Kontakt now that could do the job, but the closest I get to having this sound is from Omnisphere, which has the vibrato and such built in. That is definitely not a cheap place to get that instrument from, but it's the closest I've heard to what you're going for here yet (and if you're not already loaded up on instruments or are saving up for something, I recommend Omnisphere anyway).
  13. YAY! Gloria Van... I mean USA's back and out for revenge!
  14. No one ever wants to stalk me, I'm the one who usually has to do the stalking. :S
  15. That's wild. It only seems recent from everything I've seen on it.
  16. How long? The Kingdom Hearts keyblade one was the first I saw and that was quite a while ago, but I've only been seeing them do this somewhere in the (vague) ballpark of 6-9 months or so.
  17. So... has anyone been paying attention to Arby's Facebook page lately? They've been making increasingly surprising references to video games, horror and now anime in pictures they post with their food. Just now, they posted a picture of their new gyros... with Gyro Zepelli from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The one from Steel Ball Run too I think. It's like... what do I even do with this information? Who the hell is running their social media page that has a hard-on for reaching out to us? I certainly did not expect to live so long as to see Arby's advertised with Kingdom Hearts, Donnie Darko and fucking JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! Behold!
  18. So does that mean you guys have things for sale? >:D
  19. I'm confused here. Why would Gamecube games use chiptunes? Many of its library titles use actual orchestrated music, rock music and more that differentiates itself from the Roland, Korg M1 stuff the N64 used. Surely you didn't think those were chiptunes.
  20. Don't you love when people pull this website out just to be asinine and smug in the laziest way possible? It's kinda hard to relate and agree that PLAY engine is horrible if you've never had the experience of it being horrible to you personally in a topic that asks for your opinions and experience with cinematic samples. This has also been my experience - I've had Play (well, an archaic version of it by now) for quite a long time and I've had pretty minimal fuss with it. Even now as I have newer and better things with everyone's favorite child Kontakt 5, I still end up using EWQLSO for a lot of my orchestral needs. PLAY could be a lot better, but in my experience, so could Kontakt. I stagger to think East West would've become such an industry player in the virtual sample world if their flagship engine really is as bad as all the elite hivemind composers say it is, but I'm sure that's a different logical fallacy on it's own since everything that disagree with the hivemind is...
  21. It's probably more a case of inept self-marketing. I'm often called to do such types of marketing for clients at work and I guarantee you marketing is simply a completely different skill than business acumen all the same. You can make an awesome, legit product or service or excellently run a hotel or rental company and still want to make sure BUY IT TODAY is flashing in bright colors and point 144 text all across the page.
  22. Sorry - got busy, got sick and forgot. http://zandro.freeunixhost.com/ed2k/S_/[ZSF] Zandro/SoundFonts/TheSoundSite/
  23. Ehh... trying to not come up with a negative answer here but I may not be able to get around it. I have 80% of a decade in experience with the indie book publishing world and with that, I would highly doubt a venture like that would be worth your time to do. The fact of the matter is that books are poetry are very likely the hardest to sell and find interest for and (I don't mean this to sound sardonic or cutting, but I also don't any better way to phrase it) there is not a hungry audience out there right now going, "Man, I'd really like to pay money to read some poetry about videogames." It's true that video games have been hot on the publishing trail in the last little while, but they've mostly banked on celebrating and archiving nostalgia (to the point of getting cease and desist orders). However, I can present an idea that may get around it. If you were to venture towards a publishing project that was much more serious and of interest to the hardcore gaming group - like if you were able to compile together indepth interviews with developers on the series they worked on or something, you could have your poems preface the sections as sort of a fun little "garnish" to them. That way the poetry doesn't go to waste and you have something people may have more paying interest for.
  24. If you add in some gentle wind blowing SFX in the background and give the song title something that suggests it's winter, that's most of the sonic imagery right there. Then just add the bells, flute and harp and you're ready to go. Edit: Also, let me post here tomorrow and I can link you to a place I found that has more soundfonts than you can fucking count. It's on my laptop and I'm going to bed right now.
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