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Meteo Xavier

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Everything posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Why is ANYONE in this thread? It's just a goofy marketing thing like how corporations are making levels in Mario Maker for airplane companies and Coca-cola or whatever.. Kraftwerk was doing this kinda shit more than 30 years ago, c'mon now.
  2. Yep, the music's already done, but we appreciate the want to help this late all the same. Roz sent me some website material today. I'll have a look at it later and see if it's what I need to get started on the damn website already.
  3. Yeah, but like I said, there's knowing how to use them and knowing when the job requires something else. It's why I alternate between FL Studio's MB Compressor and... that... other free one whose name escapes me right now. I suspect there are just some sounds PEQ2 can't help me with, so I'd like to try a different one and see if that gives me more pleasing results. This is good stuff, gents. Lot of meat in this content. Thanks much!
  4. So that's basically two votes for "nah, there really isn't a big difference"?
  5. I've gotten a lot better at mixing music over the last few years, but I still have a lot of issues finding a good balance in equalization. Lately I've been wondering if it might be because I've only ever really used the native FL studio parametric EQ plugins for it. Occasionally I'll need to use the ones in Kontakt, Omnisphere, z3ta, etc. but I've been wondering if I should get a new, higher quality EQ plugin that some of the fancier mixing companies make, like iZotope or something. I've not seen a lot of threads on this topic and it feels somewhat juvenile to ask because I already know that it's not what you buy but how much skill you have in using it. All the same, if all these plugins and VSTs had the same quality and functions, people wouldn't keep making them. Thoughts? Insight?
  6. In before the feminism/sexism/Gamergate backlash.
  7. Can we put the 80's revival fad to rest now and relive another era that isn't worn to bloody death right now? Mid-later 90s maybe?
  8. I won't thumb my nose at the idea of not getting paid for work like all the other composers you meet these days, but I would like to question why you have such a short deadline for music AND reviewing submissions. If you're in that great a need for free music, you need to be working with an artist and giving them some good leeway as far as time and effort goes. You only really get to call those shots when you're paying for music or doing it for a project that has some pretty good clout about it already established.
  9. I think someone was supposed to contact me vis-a-vis the website too. Not been the greatest of holidays for me so do forgive me if there's some stuff I'm forgetting or out of the loop on. I don't really have a starting place right now until whoever it was does contact me.
  10. **sus, how long did it take some to finally cover these tracks? Better late than never, but damn I wanted to hear this a decade ago at least.
  11. Hmm, Harmor's interesting. I wonder if I could get away with saving stuff I make in demo mode...
  12. I've already been using Synth1, but yeah, I keep forgetting that I even have it. Well, I think I'm edging closer to Omnisphere 2 upgrading. Anyone using that and could tell me if O2 is a huge resource hog for modern machines? I'm on 1.5 now and it works like a miracle, and I'd hate to plunk down $230 to upgrade and find out I need to stick with 1.5.
  13. I'm only focusing on software for now. I can't justify buying a bunch of hardware stuff unless/until I get a foothold of success starting out to begin with. Iris 2 looks kickass, but I'm reading that thing is so CPU intensive that it's borderline prohibitive. I think Omnisphere 2 would be better there and I want that fucker so bad I can taste it, but it's out of my current budget right now.
  14. In expanding my skill set, I've been trying to get into designing my own sounds from scratch and public domain samples and I feel like I'm grasping onto it much quicker than I expected. I'm looking into whether I can take this to some sort of useful level beyond just compositions. Those of you who have made commercial-quality sounds, what programs did you use to generate them? I'm not to the point where I have a studio or hardware or mics to record stuff, I'm only going to synthesize them from scratch or from public domain samples. I have Omnisphere 1.5, Zebra 2, z3ta+ and all the major Native Instrument synths and Arturia Minimoog free. Are there any other synths or programs you would recommend for building usable synth sounds and atmosphere and all that from?
  15. Up yours, weinerman! I'm playing that game these days right now and it's probably the best Sa*Ga game I've played since the first one for Chrust's sakes. Speak only of your experiences, lest ye but for the grace of God go the way of Unllimited Sa*Ga yourself! (Part of this is based on my pastor's sermon of Advent)
  16. Chalk it up to me getting the wrong idea as always. Oh well, communication issues here are just annoying, nothing really gets lost here except the translation. How do I get in to the website then?
  17. Oh for the love of God, I'll just do the damn website myself. If I thought it was going to take this long, I'd have hand-coded the fucking thing by now. Not to come across negative and aggressive but holy shit, its still not even started yet? The fuck, guys? Ok, here's how this is going to work. I've got some pull at the office so I'm going to build it in a premiere Wordpress theme, with help from my co-workers if needed. I can create the website copy, arrange the elements as needed and plug SEO into it so that it will help get some web traffic. I'd like to be able to generate each remix track as posts so as to keep SEO going on it and because I'm used to doing that now anyway. Remixer bio and such info will be in the post as well. If you don't have a bio or something ready for me to use then I'm probably going to generate one for you (don't worry, it will be tasteful). Remixer pictures I'd like to avoid if possible. The complicated part will come from the artwork. Keiiii and such have delivered us a bunch to use and I've seen exactly jack squat of it. I'll need whoever from Ocremix to help with banners and background art and get it arranged so I can plug it in to the website. If worse comes to worse, I can probably get my co-workers to help me in on that too, though that much at least really should come from someone here at Ocremix. I expect I can start in about a month due to my current schedule. Sound good? Well, doesn't matter, I'm doing it anyway because apparently no one else is going to. >
  18. Yeah, I've been wanting to get into the whole slave machine computing thing for a while but I can't seem to get a grasp on how to start on that. I keep seeing things back and forth on it. How does one start there?
  19. You need you some Vitamin D and Riboflavin, son. If your skin gets any thinner, your skeleton's just going to fall right out! Oh well, better than January Jones, amirite fellas?
  20. I have a pretty good idea how to do the soundtracks, I'm looking to study more the game aspects of the niche and what makes gamers like it.
  21. Hi there. I've recently been attached to an indie developer to do music, writing and game design work to start up a horror visual novel/point-and-click adventure game - and seeing as how I've never really gotten into those genres before (I took the job because, hey, why not, sounds fun) I'm looking for recommendations in those genres. I'm already going to look at 5 Nights at Freddies, Snatcher and... I forget what the third one was. What do you recommend?
  22. Hmm, JRR Shop is taking a discount on Orchestral Essentials - About $290 instead of $350. Tempting...
  23. You people are pigs. It's thread derailments like this that make it so no one will miss humanity when we're gone forever. >:S
  24. Getting off topic, but I'm 31, married and own a home. $12,000 ain't chump change no matter what the passion is.
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