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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. 25 eh? Old fogey. Happy birthday. for some reason, this gives me the idea...some time, Rayza and/or Aurora should do a portion of the show drunk, just for amusement's sake. Hm...
  2. Well, it seems like you've got a decent grasp of grammar and general...communication skills. It's a nice change from a lot of the people we get here. Word of advice, stick around GenDisc for awhile before trying to tread into Unmod. In fact, if you're planning on becoming an Unmodder, LURK, for the love of god, LURK before you start posting. This is for your benefit, trust me. Anyways, welcome.
  3. ^ Nice. Though YOUR style is totally more work than mine. ^^
  4. ... Yeah, I like yours better. Still, here's mine, should you feel like...not..using Joyzilla's for some reason.
  5. I take this request with enthusiasm cause Usagi Yojimbo rocks! I'll probly make one too, 'cause...he really does. Don't be surprised if Joyzilla's is better though.
  6. ...have you checked recently?
  7. And I had a 1/11 chance in winning too? Ah man. edit: Nice pixie guest-spot. edit2: hm...better stinger this week, but still not worth a save. *hmph*
  8. That's my name! Rory Rightmyer says Planet3 FTW!!! Goddammit.
  9. It's past 6 on thursday now. A winner am me? *hopeful*
  10. Good times were had on this night, they were. An excellent Bumper Hogs game featuring me, Cyanide, Deimos, Lazy, and Shmop. Good times...good times.
  11. I'm actually on a brief intermission ATM. Finished a few matches with shmop, but he left to watch FMA...gonna play a few matches with Deimos now. Well, soon. I'm disappointed though...I was hoping, based on the comment, to play a few with Deej too. And maybe even Cyanide. Ands..Lazy. Guess I got on pretty late though.
  12. Alrighty chil'uns, enough of that. I'm going to be on later, as is Deimos. I warn you now, I'll do HORRIBLE. I haven't played since that drunken night at Mr B's. Expect me on around 10:30 or so CST. This is going to hurt.
  13. ... That stinger was so slack. *doesn't save*
  14. I won't be on for awhile though, I'm afraid. I'm house-sitting at my mom's, and her internet connection is not suitable for XBL. I'm here 'til Monday night. Plus, I broke the little clip thinger on my second headset. Rather than buying yet another one, this one gets taped. Taped a lot.
  15. *Tear* We need to get together again, Wes. Oh god, Cyanide... *cries* The memories!
  16. Yeah, I still call him Wingles. I'm thinking whenever I do it, people think it's a typo. Bleh. And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs* And yeah, due to his vast inactivity, Wingles has been demoted to a regular member from his staff position, and Lazy has been promoted to take his place. And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together? My GOD. Time flies.
  17. This thread shall never die! Unless I get banned or something...but..that's not very likely?
  18. Hey, I TRY to suck on them for awhile...
  19. Yeh about that.. We had no time, so we hacked the original.. Solly! Aurora and I weren't around until just today (Sunday really).. We recorded and I edited in 1 day, such a pain.. Ah well, hopefully for 021 theres a new intro.. Ahh, at least you explained yourself for the seemingly simalar intro, that taco thing was funny though, keep that taco thing! Seems to me like that should be an April Fools kinda deal..or...something like that. edit: I think I'm going to start saving the "stingers" from now on. Good times.
  20. I need to start going to more baseball games.
  21. It's called a stinger.. ...'kay.
  22. I'd say I'm going down for canned cheese. 'Cause I would be. Oh, and cheap Southern Comfort on the way back. Anyways, good show. Another interesting post-show clip..thinger. I actually used Nero to gank the one from 018, so now I have a little mp3 of the What It's Like to be A Girl on OCR. <3
  23. Hooray! *will listen to it soon*
  24. Less Rayzahate, More Judgehate?
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