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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. ... Random, entirely off-topic comment: Are you the same CyanIde as in the OCReMix Halo2 clan? If not, your voice sounds quite similar.
  2. Well, I started really appreciating good music about 5 years ago, as OverCoat said [and apparently he's about my age too], but techno stuff, particularly remixes, only about two years ago, even though my older sister was a raver and listened to a lot of jungle and whatnot. Up until recently [well, within the last year and half], everything she listened to seemed really repetitive to me. Luckily, I've since come to my sense [though I still prefer a good rock (or derivite thereof) song to about 95% of techno].
  3. Working a lot, out most nights I don't. So..uh..yeah, not on much lately. But I'm still alive, as far as I know.
  4. Whoa, edited for lack of plasma-tv-glow. MADNESS.
  5. Aye, where are those action shots, peoples?! Yeah, you should all BE MORE LIKE ME.
  6. Looks like your either under UV light or at da club Very good, I must say!
  7. Was that you who was inspired by the drunk dialing? I thought I heard "WesPip". HAH THAT DRUNK MESSAGE GUY IN EP35 WAS ME! had to say it. Yessir it was.
  8. Said I'd post pics, so here we are. We being me.
  9. Bump, 'cause at least one clan member thought the thread got purged.
  10. Already voted. Also, got my tshirt today. Expect pics..probably by Sunday. Also..yay for zircon.
  11. ...shit, well I've got long arms...but..an XXL would probly be way the hell too baggy around the midsection. XL...WILL IT DO? *dun dun dunnn* Eh, well, I'll probly order one in not-too-long and find out, I guess.
  12. Shit, I remember that game. It was awesome.
  13. I was randomly browsing some OCR stuff just now when I noticed, the VGDJ Podcast description under Links>Radio says something like "The official Podcast of OCR, Hosted by Rayza and Aurora". I suggest that, once you find a second host of more permanence, you [ie: pixie] PM DJP and get him to change that. Just a little something I noticed. Also, haven't got my tshirt yet, but it's only been a little over a week since I ordered it.
  14. On that note, are you planning on restocking the larges before the prices go up? 'Cause that'd be nice. edit: Come to think of it...would an XL be WAY THE HELL too big for me? I'm about 6'1", but a pretty thin build, as I weigh slightly under 160lbs. So...if anyone had anecdotal evidence to help me decide if an XL would be way too big, that'd be nice.
  15. Mine...shipped today, apparently. I'll post a pic too, once I get one [my webcam was borrowed, and I lack a digital camera].
  16. Been playing Subsistence lately, p'raps?
  17. Called in again. Ordered a VGDJ tshirt. What a productive night.
  18. Ha, cute.
  19. Got my credit card, so I don't NEED to know anymore, but I AM still curious. [augh, large are out of stock.]
  20. I like that one, actually. Seems like a good avatar/idea to me, and the picture seems pretty high quality, so far as I can tell.
  21. Amen, brother. Could not have said it better.
  22. One thing that bothered me in the WIP stages and still does now, and I suppose this would be directed towards Shonen, is "unthaw". I know it's a small thing and I'm being anal, but I cringe a little every time I hear it. Aside from that, as has been said, the vocals aren't perfect, but the thing is, that also lends a certain human quality to the song and shows that you guys actually had fun making the mix. Chances are, if vocals are perfect, they were done in many takes, and were, as such, not any fun to do whatsoever. For an upbeat, kinda "poppy" song like this, it's good to know the people making it enjoyed themselves. Oh, and as has been said, if you were being serious pixie, chill out a little. I understand why you'd get upset, but that's no reason to punish the large part of the community, the ones that offer constructive criticisms actually based on something, and those that ENJOY your music.
  23. That makes me want to call and swear profusely for 90 seconds just to see if it gets on the air.
  24. Heh, I sounded less retarded than I figured I would. Also, I'm just curious, you guys screen the voicemail before you put it on the show, right?
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