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Everything posted by WesPip

  3. Fine, fine, nobody mention the amusingness of our Saturday games. No no, it's FINE. REALLY.
  4. Did you happen to record the match with the lvl50 guy?
  5. Yep, they posted it at some point..in the WIP stage, I believe. Or something. Anyways, here it is. http://www.mooload.com/new/file.php?file=files/270506/1148711426/Sonic+%26+Knuckles+-+Lover+Reef+%5Binstrumental%5D.mp3
  6. ^ Doulifée and Chizniz, mostly. I've made some decent stuff, but I've been slacking off a lot lately, and Dew's made some awesome shit, but he's addicted to EQ2 and hasn't made anything in months.
  7. Awesome.
  8. I always knew I never mattered. :( :( :( Well you weren't in the clan at the start of the night. So...you didn't count or something.
  9. It was kinda a clan night last night! That is, Me, MrB [as my guest] and Jeff [it's like..kiLrjFri or something to that effect] were on. 'Course, we all live within a 20 minute walk of one-another. Still, good times were had, even though none of you were on. SO THERE.
  10. As a brief prologue, I'll state that I like on a fairly heavily treed street, and I work fairly late. So anyways... I'd just gotten off the bus on my way home today, and this song came up in my mp3 player. It's a nice night, but quite dark aside from the occasional streetlight. Also, there happened to be a light rain tonight. As I was walking home, this song just fit the mood perfectly. Only shortly after it ended did I remember that this also happens to be quite akin to the mood in the Forest Temple itself [only with more ghosts and hands falling from ceilings]. I think when a song can either provide perfect background music for a situation like that or make you recall moments like those, it's succeeded in what it's trying to do. So..good job Jill.
  11. Ah, excellent. Thank you very much.
  12. Do you like...ever sleep? 5 hours/night is enough for me You make like every request here man. Go take a break you crazy kid. i did once, it didn't turn well. -__- Bed time. Heh, thanks. Might I ask that you tweak the text a little? It's probably the font itself, but it looks a little rough to me. P'raps a different anti-alias? *shrug*
  13. because it's Naruto? ok give me a few minutes The frenchie never ceases to amaze. hi five Arigato Gosaimas Arek Arigatou Gozaimasu. WAY TO SPELL, NO SPELL. Heh. Anyhoo, some feel like making me a sig? I was thinking Dokuro-chan [from the horrid, horrid series "Club-to-Death Angel Dokuro-Chan"]. Other than that, I don't have any specifics. edit: actually, scratch that. use this pic I just found in the Angel/Catgirl thread. thanks.
  14. *whips it out*? I tried to find some people on Sunday nite, but...I was at my friend's place, and he's not in the clan yet..and..I couldnt sign in under MY tag, and...there's no way to join a clan without an invite...so...we were screwed. We were hoping to randomly run into a clan member via matchmaking, but that didn't happen. :'(
  15. Uhoh. THIS IS HOW IT STARTS. The curse continues! There is no curse. Andy's grandpa passed away. Have a little faith in us, ya? Wakka much?
  16. Uhoh. THIS IS HOW IT STARTS. The curse continues! SHADDUP IT'LL BE BACK ... Is it still outsourcing if the US sends it BACK to Canada?
  18. I thought we were like...10 or 11?
  19. I think that's why we beat them. They've already killed themselves in a desperate plea for attention. Go VGDJ!
  20. *erhem* TAMPONS! CONDOMS!
  21. ... I..haven't been on since I renewed my account back in mid-March, come to think of it. Christ.
  22. Not that it matters, but I'm pretty sure it's spelled "Service", intended as a horrid, horrid pun.
  23. You're the one to talk! Both of you, pics, nows! We better watch out, Rexy. I think pixie is gonna bust out the whip here soon. ...oh my, oh my.
  24. On that note, I'm curious, did you pull my name from the thread, or actually remember it from, like, the voicemails or something?
  25. "WesPip? More like...uh...yeah, I got nothing." SNAP.
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