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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. It's quite simple, all your "random brain impulses" are in fact dictated by a reaction between quarks caused by a neutrino bombardment about 205 000 years ago. This bombardment caused a chain reaction that led to your birth, and therfore to every one of your brain patterns. In addition, I believe you had sex with Halt's mother is due to the quantum entropy that lead to her body aging at a rate that satisfied your senses. Basically you had sex with his mother because a neutrino ran into a quark eons ago. All of your life was in fact determined by that incident.
  2. Dear god... What is it with the romhack world and stunts? Also, I suspect the work was nowhere near complete, and instead of failing, he decided to kill his baby in a deceitful fashion.
  3. Actually, you'd only need to donate like 10$.
  4. Ok, that's it. I don't want to live in a world where DNF is not in development. Do you think we could start some sort of fund raising effort online? I want this game to exist in some fashion, it just feels wrong that after all these years, us fans who actually want to see it released just for the fact that no one believes it would be. I mean, not like I would play it... well, maybe. But I don't want this game to die like this. It doesn't take much, just a small effort, but I know the money could be found somewhere...
  5. If 500 000 gamers were to donate 40$, They would have more than enough money to operate, and then the game would come out and... ... WHERE'S THE FREAKING BAILOUT MONEY?
  6. First post in a while, decided to take on a new genre with a multiparter format as well. I'll try and update the two stories in parallel. I realized I couldn't avoid the serials without sticking to too small a canvas. Anyway, the first part of "Under a Crimson Moon" is up. This one is a bit closer to rated R than my usual fare, but I think it should be liked. Again, please leave comments. And enjoy the story.
  7. One space is quite enough. The 2 space thing dates from fixed width fonts.
  8. Ok, silly questions from someone who's never played: the custom maps should be downloaded before I even tried to join your server right?
  9. Wow, this thread is LONG. Bought the Orange Box and felt like seeing if I could end up playing with you guys, but it seems the whole thing is full. Oh well...
  10. As for targeted trolling as a result, well lets just say that when you go and pretty much gloat about the deletion of unmod, and how we are supposed to fade away... Anyway,lets not stir settled issues.
  11. There never was an Unmod, it was always Offtopic. Such is the Digital Justice Project and the Just and United Diligent Givers of Excellence Service.
  12. I know, I was looking at the weaknesses... Its not my favourite order (I tend to start with Metal Man and then kill everything I can kill with his weapon, which is a lot.)
  13. Funny thing, I went to a show, and I heard the guy play what I felt should have been the sound I went for... I should revisit this... but alas time is short these days.
  14. You fired his weapon lately? Goes 2 blocks ahead and then dissipates.
  15. Playing some Megaman X2, I started noticing a fun pattern. Lets see if you agree or if I'm an idiot seeing this now: Metal Man to Bubble Man to Heat Man to Wood Man to Air Man to Crash Man to Flash Man to Quick Man Wheel Gator to Bubble Crap to Flame Stag to Morph Moth to Magna Centipede to Crystal Snail to Overdrive Ostrich to Wire Sponge Not that these are the best starting point, however: metal blade kills a water boss who kills a fire boss. (Plus Stag's charged weapon is a bit of a heat man like dash). Crystal Snail to Overdrive Ostrich is also interesting, since the charged snail shot slows down time. And Magnet Mines are similar to Crash Bombs. It's not perfect, but this, to me, seems like an intentional homage.
  16. In that pic, Sonic has Attitude, Shadow has Badidude. Tails has the geek worry face, whereas Eggman has the Geek excitement face. K.N.U.C.K.L.E.S. has the "gangsta" gonna fuck you up face, Rouge has the slutty I'm gonna fuck you face... The comp is actually quite interesting.
  17. The Star Trek cannon is bloated, and was built upon limited special effect technology. A reboot is not a bad idea. (Plus I can't wait to hear the Kirk vs Kirk debates...)
  18. Yeah, this would have been in my post whore phase, it stopped around the middle of 03 when I became more of an enforcer, and gained the title of "Pimp God of Sex." Hmmm, it says I recently came out as Bi, that puts the whole thing around march of 03, since I came out on OCR between January and April of 03, but I do believe it was around February.
  19. The Coop, you made a sig for your own birthday? That's... well... somewhere between sad and fucking awesome!
  20. Message preserved by the Society for Historical Preservation of Posts. Also, Flare, I don't expect you to understand because I have met a grand total of one person who understood what I meant by that.
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