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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I guess if you are more weak willed and living on Apokolips, reliving at different time periods would suck badly.
  2. If you look at the cohesion in some of the albums OCR has released, you know this is feasible.
  3. Well, I'm kinda disappointed in the 6 issue mini series... It could have lasted a while.
  4. I was hoping it would stick for a year at least...
  5. Yup, and you guys can't do worse, it would be awesomer.
  6. My first logged in post is in this thread. Before that it was all guest posting baby.
  7. Well, like I said before, Sega should redo Sonic 1 using that nifty new engine. This is where OCR could step in. And maybe they will release OCR alternate tracks for the episodes, DLC is big now.
  8. Hey, if they decide to release Sonic 1 using that engine they may come knocking... might as well show an interest.
  9. Well, maybe it could be something rarely remixed, like Schala's theme...
  10. Hmmm I expect it to be Uematsu's fabled remix.
  11. First rule: Be a critic of popular culture and it's ever encroaching presence in the human psyche. Second rule: Do the same thing as popular culture while pretending to be edgy.
  12. Well, at least someone believed it for like 5 minutes... thanks The Coop.
  13. Penis goes in vagina, make some hip motions, voila, sex! Or: Mouth goes on genitals, make lip and tongue motions, voila: oral sex.
  14. Pikachu Nuke-Evolves into: Radiationchu! Radiationchu is trying to learn a new attack, erase a move to make room for the new attack? You've erased Quick attack. Radiationchu has learned: Non-Hodgkinian lymphoma!
  15. I could kiss this guy. With everything I saw in this thread, I was getting all "LETS DO THIS THING YEAHHHHHH!" but I don't have time for this. Come on Liontamer, make this project live again.
  16. http://www.misadigital.com/ Because it looks pretty damned cool...
  17. Anthro art, in my case anyway, is still okay. What I can't stand is Furry art. And I see a big distinction. Anthro is art that is made because the artist felt like creating a character that had animalistic characteristics. Furry art is pornographic, and most of the time hyper-sexualized. I can also somewhat accept furry fetishism, however, the use of the furry identity to supplant the human identity is what bugs me. People roleplay in sexual encounters, and that's fine. I'd hate to have a partner have her identity supplanted by her sexy nurse persona. And I think what's even worse is the fake spirituality aspect. I've looked at many kinds of spirituality, and animal shamanism is interesting, but the idea is to show traits of the animal, not assume you are not human. And plus, on the intarwebs, the line between furry and anthro is blurred like japanese scat porn. So I'll stand by my afuikng furiras, but I have to add a: "I don't mind anthro"
  18. The one question about furries is: Why do they pick badass noble animals, or ones that have a trait imposed by society (IE: deers are cute, cows are motherly)? Usually, there are more herbivores around than carnivore, so in the "animal spirit world" there shouldn't be a disproportionate number of wolves and lions compared to cows, rabbits and so on. Considering the overabundance of rodents, there should be at least 100 rats for every cow, and 20 cows for every wolf. Also, are there any non-emo animals? All furries are also fucking emos. afukicn furrays!
  19. hmmm I can picture it: Voices muffled by the fur suit: "Hey DarkStalkerWolfEdge,what's happening in sports?" "Well, SharpLupineShadowTracker, the cougars lost to the braves" "Booooooo!" "I concur, however our spiritual brothers will grow better with the addition of a new player, who sadly, I must admit, is not an animal spirit, he is an otherkin... believes he's some guy called Tidus from FF12" "Well, at least he's not a 'norm'"
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