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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Well, for the last 5 months, Raocow has been giving the goods, even doing a Super Metroid hack. But right now my favourite LPer is HCBailly. He obsessively knows his stuff.
  2. ProtonJonSA did a good job, too bad about the quitting part. Raocow (http://www.youtube.com/user/raocow) is extremely entertaining in both his playing and absurd commentary.
  3. Maybe, just maybe, my prayers have been answered and I will finally get a dragon shrine remix... A man can dream...
  4. And producing questionable ripoffs of movies such as: Little Cars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tJsAuG2TR8 Tiny Robots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k06cpG0r9eo&feature=channel The Little Panda Fighter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeNOupmGN5g&feature=channel Little Bee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp7lJ0hTc1I&feature=channel Gladiformers 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDX42lfRzjQ&feature=channel And my personal favorite: Ratatoing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2c1ptxw3uU&feature=channel Basically, from what I understand, Brazil is filled with piracy and imitation, meaning business ventures are far from profitable. This isn't Sony being a dick as much as trying to cut a profit in a region that is woefully unprofitable. Same thing with China, moving production to China means that when you are not using the plant, then the plan till be used to produce ripoffs of what you were producing. Capitalism is a harsh mistress.
  5. Thank you, that's a start. I tried downloading one I had and it added it no problem, which indicates that there has been some changes that make it not seem like a duplicate... Which means I should probably update my whole library to make it match...
  6. So I use iTunes to manage my music library. I don't want a discussion explaining every way possible in which I am wrong in doing so, it's not gonna change. It's been a while since I downloaded stuff from OCRemix, mainly because I tend to wait for torrents. Here are the issues right now with updating the music: 1: I have up to what apparently was remix 1500, and the current torrents seem to go from 1001 to 1900, which means there would be duplicates. Is there a way to update MP3s in iTunes where duplicates are not an issue? 2: I believe there has been an update in the remix file info convention since I last downloaded, will that screw up with point 1 to a point where I would just be better off deleting all OCR related songs and starting from scratch? 3: Specific albums, I want to have them in my collection, but I end up with the same issue of duplicates, this time with different album info, with the remixes that have been added to the main site. So, any iTunes wizards can help me with this? (that is to say, if you have a time saving suggestion, I'm all ears, but if not, then I will have to do some repetitive work solving all these issues manually)
  7. The bagelwang's love is many things, but gentle it has never been. It gives pleasure and pain at the same time. Much like Goatse, it repulses and fascinates. Much like tubgirl, it induces nausea as much as it arouses. The wang is a symbol, it represents the internet, sick, twisted, natural, beautiful, and smaller than you would expect, but big enough to please.
  8. On the whole Sister thing, I have a distinct memory of djp also taking part in the thread, but I can't quite trust my memories from back then due to drugs and how messed up I actually was. Did I hallucinate that, can we confirm or deny?
  9. My brain hurts... please tell me that wasn't supposed to be English... Maybe I had an aneurysm... Please let his be a weird dream.
  10. I have to say, I am digging Batman Reborn. I was kinda afraid that when he would die, it would be a cheap cop out temporary death, but the way they are setting things up makes me think it will last a wee bit longer. (I hope, really... because well.. this new approach just rocks.) I love the Damian / Dick interactions, the way the city is adjusting to a new batman, the new batgirl... I just completely missed out on the new Red Robin, which probably keeps me happy in the "Burce ain't comming back" world. Not sure I like Batwoman so far, but I'm ready to give her a chance, the series has been... well not to my liking so far. All of this is coming during a lull in Green Arrow / Black Canary, but I'm keeping interested. I am, however, staying the hell away from Blackest night because I need to limit what I purchase... I already have a long box full of comics and it is a fairly recent interest of mine...
  11. Killer Instinct, The Wolf of the Opera, Uboichi. Which I apparently listened to 143 times. Making it the most listened to song of my 5 stars playlist. Edit: Forget playlist, it is my number one most listened to song in all of my MP3 in this pc's existence.
  12. Monobrow doesn't care for users with names that start with S.
  13. By the way, I hate everyone who gets a birthday thread until the day I get one. You missed your chance this year OCRemix, and now my hatred is a lot stronger.
  14. FYI: There has been confirmed cases of H1N1 Influenza (Swine flu) at PAX. On Penny-Arcade's website they list the flights and trains where confirmed cases may have travelled. So you all might to be extra careful if you feel a bit of a flu coming in or if you exhibit the symptoms. Go on PA's website for the full information.
  15. Sonic 1 was about speed until you hit Marble Zone. For Sonic 2, I'd say somewhere in Chemical Plant you had to slow down, and the following levels had a smaller emphasis on speed and was a straight forwards amazing platformer. Speed is a tool in classic Sonic games, it is not the core of the gameplay. If it was it would suck balls.
  16. I'm gonna start posting in the near future, I've just been trying to get some things in order and well, I don't have the inspiration right now to start just yet.

  17. Still kinda sad no one took Wily Machines...
  18. Nostalgia made me search for this, I was greatly happy to see this thread still exists. Also: Shadow Link from Link's Adventure was hard.
  19. Here's a tip on how to get through marriage: 1: She's always right. 2: When she's wrong, have a drink and pretend she's right. That's how I managed in my first 4 marriages...
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