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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. How about we call it "Steam fantasy" and leave it at that.
  2. So... instead of Steam punk we have Steam fantasy? I can dig it.
  3. So, I just realized something: The idiot that I was back in 2002, you know, the dumbass that was a douche to everyone, couldn't spell half of his words correctly, and generally was in the low IQs of this website, well this reformed idiot is presenting a paper tomorrow at a conference where people from across Canada, and even one speaker from England, will be listening. If I could tell my 2002 self about where I was right now... I'd give him winning lottery numbers, and I'd tell him to get back with the girl, and I would also tell him that life is gonna lead you to strange places. I wish I could be that blissful idiot again... I was a jerk, but I had fun with it.
  4. I kinda prefer it animated... especially the second one. Shouldn't feel proud of such a crappy accomplishment however.
  5. No this is not a bump... well ok... Just posted the third part of a story, it seems like the posts could very well become chapters of a book some day. So go ahead and read before I become famous.
  6. I. Thou shalt not cheat. Emulator savestates, cheat codes and the konami codes, the 3 cardinal sins of cheating. I've been guilty. II. Thou shalt not use player's guides or walkthroughs except as a last resort. I tend to use them sparingly, however in an obscure game or a game that I want to destroy, I go for it. III. Thou shalt not disrespect the system of another while secretly desiring it. SEGA SUCKS (but I did like sonic...) IV. Thou shalt not play for someone who is taking a bathroom break. Not guilty V. Thou shalt not steal lives or items in a two-player game. Half the fun of the game. VI. Thou shalt finish each game that thee starteth. Hmmm I have about 3 or 4 exceptions to that, otherwise I do finish my games. VII. Thou shalt not fling thy controller across the room, no matter how frustratingly difficult thy game might be. Never gonna happen, I rarely lose my patience, even when playing Kaizo Mario. VIII. Thou shalt watch quietly as others attempt the most simple and mundane levels, battles, or puzzles and not shout out the obvious method of completing them. Fuck that, they need me, just hand me the controller, it's kinda obvious but I can't explain it.
  7. Fuck, I can't finish the scarlet devil on anything but the easiest difficulty...
  8. Sure, you guys do the wormhole dance... next time I log on I pretty much have to go to the front and fight off AAA. War is hell.
  9. I surprised myself, after watching the movie, practising using a Rorschach voice. It's fucking hard. Also, I did like the little change they made at the end, made a world of a difference for the Nite-Owl Rorschach relationship.
  10. Well, a fool and his isk are soon parted. I actually have better estimates right now. I mine for about 10-12 million per hour, 8 to 12 hours a week. I'd say a good average would be about 80 million per week. I was planning on clearing out inventory monday, but I might hold it just for a week or two, to see the direction T3 is going to take the market. And if I really want to, in one month, I can increase my income by at least 50%. And another month give me another 20% but it would slow down my other plans.I really want to hit the 15 million per hour mark because that's the estimated revenue of ratting prior to expenses. If I went nuts and invested 3 months, I could hit the 20-50 million ange, depending on the very volatile mercocite/morphite market.
  11. Heard some bad things... some very horrible things and some very good things about this.
  12. Would actually love to see Tim and Damien as the dynamic duo. (and well, with Stephanie, we might be due for a new Catwoman )
  13. Tim Drake as the new batman, Stephanie Brown as the new Robin, and Dick Grayson as the new Spoiler.
  14. Because the world is amazing, the webslinging is fun,and there is a lot of stuff to do. Plus there is that awesome boss fight with Mysterio.
  15. its scary thats what it is I tell ya

  16. Could you add to mine that it is usually updated on Wednesdays and Saturdays?
  17. Yes, but the gunblade was crafted out of quality materials such as: 2 M-Stone Pieces, 2 Screws 1 Steel Pipe, 4 Screws 1 Mesmerize Blade, 8 Screws 1 Betrayal Sword, 1 Turtle Shell, 4 Screws 1 Dino Bone, 1 Red Fang, 12 Screws 1 Chef's Knife, 2 Star Fragments, 1 Turtle Shell, 8 Screws or finally 1 Adamantine, 4 Dragon Fang, 12 Pulse Ammos With such quality materials, it had to be strong...
  18. What if the explosion added an extra push to the sword? (Kinda like Ido's rocket hammer in Gunnm.)
  19. Download everything, even pre 1000. It's good to see where this all started, and some of the early stuff is amazing.
  20. Not only that, but a detonating device well placed might actually work at increasing the damage potential of the sword.
  21. Well, it all doesn't really matter, we're all Eccles, who was actually Claire, who was in fact Mae, who was... well... insane really... Also, who's to say you're the real one?
  22. Mine is in my sig as well: http://shortstoriesjournal.blogspot.com/ A collection of creative writing, and experimentation with writing.
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