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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Actually, I'm attracted to men and women for the simple reason that some of them are attractive. I don't need no definition of my type, and all that bs. I find someone attractive, I am attracted, I try to get closer to that person. Sometimes its physical, sometimes its psychological, sometimes its intellectual, but in all cases it has the commonality that it is attractive to me. I don't quite expect you to understand that, because apparently you need reasons to be attracted to someone beyond that person being attractive.
  2. We all know what is the real meaning of a birthday, you old fart.
  3. He finds them morally offending and icky, but for personal yet apparently very logical, reasons.
  4. A new feature has been added to my blog: book reviews. They will not be on a regular basis, but I don't plan on running low on material.
  5. Meiguoren is just the mandarin for American, it could be any american from OCR who moved to China because he liked the liquid shits...
  6. She broke the temporal prime directive twice. But then again, In the voyage home they did the same thing... I feel that prime directives (even the omega directive) are somewhat more flexible than the name indicates.
  7. She knew the borgs much better than anyone else ever did, its obvious that she would survive them easier. What I do like is that the first time she broke the temporal prime directive, it was for the doctor. He was a nothing for most ships, but he became central to that crew, and lead to some of the better episodes about ethics and definitions of humanity.
  8. Maybe one day the T-Bunz will have a postcount equal to his awesomeness... I mean, with enough squid rollbacks... it could be possible.
  9. Replicator credits and replicator rations. That's part of their "salary." Also, Jam Stunna, it is when someone has "no choice" but do do something against their principles that you see how strongly they do believe in these principles. To accept to break the very principles you are fighting for is hypocritical.
  10. With that smile, you can get my cookie any time honey.
  11. To be fair, in OoT, Hyrule had to go through some pretty tough times before being saved. It ain't Link's fault, it's just that even in videogames, it takes a while to make the world right again after a giant pig has been on a rampage for 7 or so years...
  12. I'd make a goatse credit card. No one would steal that.
  13. From the depths of my hard drive, I revive this:
  14. Hulk could. And Wolverine. Monet. X-23... Basically, mutant healing would be the best bet. Strictly DC, we all know Batman beats Superman any day. To survive the pummelling... Somehow I say Booster Gold could.
  15. Or Mongul... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongul
  16. Either that shirt is see-through and she has no nipples or she's wearing a beige bra with a white shirt... Dunno which I find most laughable.
  17. ... What is this shit? A "virus" ate your computer to a point where you had to physically replace it? That is some serious shit you had there...
  18. Actually, I have a spiffy Doulifée sig based on my blog's color scheme, can't really be greedy and ask for another sig...
  19. You could be describing yourself for all I remember from that time. We were post whores, we were flamers, we were trolls... We were unmoders. There, I said it, i dressed up as an owl and fought crime.... err... I logged on OCR and pretended to have a form of valid authority here...
  20. Well... you have to start by making good music... We'll talk again when you get there... I kid I kid... not
  21. I remember Alex Chiu, he had that FF4 rip right? Speaking of crazies: http://www.timecube.com/
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