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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Hmmm, he's not a sellout because he,s not making money off of it. Kinda like the nuance between a hooker and a slut.
  2. Funny thing: I'm a sellout writer. Used to write short stories and such, never tried to get them published. Right now I work as a professional writer. Frankly, I hate it, but sometimes you have to pay the bills. If I could be paid enough to live for writing short stories and novels, I'd do it. It takes effort and sacrifices to make it in the industry. It sucks that some fans that motivated you to reach for the stars then decided you don't deserve to be paid for what you do. Edit: Also, it's not signs of a lost argument. If you use your character to defend your point, I can attack your character as I would any argument. You don't want to make money off of your hobby, good for ya. People who decide otherwise should be allowed to pursue that goal without you imposing your flawed logic to them. You don't want to pay for music because you provide yours for free? Start charging money for your music and you'll be able to pay for other people's. Musicians provide a good, and to download it for free when they want money for it is to steal it. No way around it. You give it away, your distribution has nothing to do with the music BUSINESS. Also, I highly doubt you would refuse to sign a record deal should the opportunity arise. And at that point, when your music becomes a viable means of income, will you still want people to get it for free?
  3. Actually, the way I see it, you are proposing a model that is most convenient for people who don't want to pay. The fact that you do not see how a musician deserves money for their work tells me that you are not an artist, you are just a hobbyist with delusions of grandeur.
  4. I know musicians who did the same thing. I paid 5$ for their CD after a show. Then they got picked up by a recording label, and if my tastes in music had not changed I would have bought their CD. Just because you chose not to make money off of a hobby, it does not mean that musicians should not make money off of their careers.
  5. I remember reading you got free Capcom games. (Not a traditional means of remuneration but still it's more than nothing.) If I am wrong, I apologize. However it was within their rights to use the music without any form of compensation. On Downloaded music: Yes, it's available for free. But people who boast a collection of gigs of illegally downloaded music are thieves. It's that simple. The only "illegal" MP3s I have are CDs that are no longer in production or that are not readily available in North America. When I can find them, I purchase them. It's that simple. You cannot "really really really like" an artist and not want to help them in their careers.
  6. Art is not an industry. Mass producing media that includes art is an industry. While it is true that musicians can write music for free, the act of packaging it cannot be free. Also, the act of writing music specifically for a project cannot and should NEVER BE without any remuneration if the project is done to make money. Look at something like Blood on the Asphalt; that project was done for free and made available freely. But when it was included in an actual marketed product, the musicians were remunerated. Music is a product. I mean, people pay millions for paintings, why can't musicians be paid for what they do as well? If it was feasible to mass produce and then illegally reproduce paintings, do you think the original work should not be worth money? I doubt the people who developed MP3s did this to kill the industry. MP3s are a new format, but the music on them is still produced at the cost of labor and work by the artists. By paying for music you are compensating musicians for their work. Just like the dude at Starbucks that get paid for making your mocca. I sincerely hope you are a troll T-Rock, otherwise you would be an even worse person: someone who cannot show appreciation for musicians by paying them. What the industry needs to do is provide a new type of product. Maybe move away from the simple CD + Booklet form and provide music in a medium that people will want. The fact remains that even with the MP3 sharing, music is still lucrative through shows, and musicians can still sell their music to ads, movies and games. So get off your "entitled" high horses and realize that your selfish logic could be applied to anything else. I can grow my own coffee and make it at home. It would be free for me, so why should I pay for Starbuck coffee?
  7. I have penciled my first draft, but I think it's far too complex for my ability. I will retrace a part I really like sometime this week, and I will scan it to color it when it is to my liking. It will still suck, and y'all will know why I am not a graphic artist.
  8. Next year, we need a "Boss Month" remixing project...
  9. You should watch it entirely. The whole game seems to suck in major ways.
  10. On an unrelated topic, August is Bahamas Vacation for the Judges month...
  11. Shariq is a cool name, and I would totally give it to my kid.
  12. To me, Chrono Cross lost all of its appeal when a guy joined my team, followed by his rival, the original guy's daughter, and some random carrot wielding gal. Throw in the alien and what you have is a cast of nobodies that you cannot care for.
  13. I was kinda more interested in who the new Spoiler was. I can't wait for Batman RIP to pick up. Although I forgot my books at my friend's place so I won't be able to read them for a while.
  14. You people have gotten me drawing. For god's sake, I haven't done that in years. And I still suck. And I'll still submit an entry that will be less jokey this time.
  15. The music and singing do not beliong in the same song. Also: Celine Dion Soundalike.
  16. I request that you turn this thread in a remixing project. You will obey my commands. One of these songs will have a banjo solo.
  17. I'm a fan. I keep people cool in the summer.
  18. You do know you are allowed to not like games right? And you don't need to justify yourself. RPGs are a genre that appeales to specific people, it's perfectly natural for people to not enjoy them.
  19. Didn't people complain about D2's "open areas" and how Diablo was supposed to happen in a dark dungeon? I seem to remember something about that.
  20. In one ending, where Marle and Lucca are rating the male stars of the game, Crono says "What are you two doing?" That's his only line in the game.
  21. So, I feel like I'm the only one with the "lets wait and see" attitude. Basically, I have 3 categories of upcomming games: "Don'T care" "Lets see when it comes out." "Dear lord I have to buy this."
  22. I'm just saying that this game may surprise you in the end.
  23. It's just like if Nintendo did a fighting game with all of their characters.
  24. Latest fun creation:
  25. Mine is pure photoshop genius. And one of these words does not belong in that sentence.
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