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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. My pants are sticky and I can't feel my legs.
  2. Terra / Kefka Or Sabin / Kefka (Sabin is just a much better fighter...) FF1 would be Warrior / Garland FF2 would be... meh who the hell played that game anyway? FF3 would be Onion Knight / Who was the villain again? FF5 Butz / Gilgamesh (not he final villain, but come on a TREE?)
  3. I think we already know who will be the joke character: Cait Sith And the OP gay character: Tidus... Or Edward...
  4. The real question is: Will it make Megaman a transvestite? Also, Splash Woman: Does this mean Wily is into watersports? And well, I hope that Nintendo makes a NES / SNES development kit available like free online. I think there would be a market for homebrew NES / SNES games.
  5. Hmmm... New Megaman Game 8-Bit style Inti Creates is making it Classic style story Splash WOMAN We need a 6th awesome... or an official list.
  6. Saw it in french 2 weeks ago. Still a great comedy.
  7. Anyway, my opinion on the "next format" is an odd one. I feel that since USB Flash Drives are dirt cheap (18 bucks for a 2 gig drive) they could conceivably be used to store read only data. You've got a compact item that can replace any aspect of the CDs. It's portable, you can have a portable player, and while the data rate is not the best, it will improve over time. Then you can also buy a bunch of "blanks", download music and boom you can have "physical copies" of downloaded material.
  8. I totally want that song remixed. Fuck, it's pretty catchy as it is.
  9. It ain't bout no luck, it's about skillz and thrillz. Okay, I got nothing. All I want is one vote, that is all, then I'll beat my 6th grade class president election result.
  10. Hurray for use proud north americans who have defeated the russian capitalist pigs who tried to make money off of people. ... Somewhere, the irony fairy is laughing.
  11. He seems to raise valid complaints that have kept me from enjoying MGS games.
  12. Hmmm, that a bigass block of text to say "we're gonna screw you."
  13. No, you don't get it, this is the time to brag. (At least for me, when they unveil it, it'll be harder to brag.)
  14. Meh, it's your mind that can't take in the glorious art pieces we sent you.
  15. A good example of games with passive storytelling with engaging gameplay are Tactical RPGs. Those I played had the story happen in cutscenes between battles, but battles were the main part, and well, I think the genre allows it more. 3 minutes of plot followed by a 15-30 minute battle. Even a simplistic game like FFTA is deceptively complex and the plot includes many elements that add to the story without detracting from the gameplay.
  16. Hmmm, I just hope you are not mixing up a complicated story and a complex story. Complicated is just confusing, complex makes sense.
  17. Go mac if you can afford it and don't need too much PC exclusive software.
  18. I'd call him borderline retarded but I think he'd see is as a compliment.
  19. Could have been stranger... A black jew with a german buddhist for example. (I never got why some people seem to judge "mixed race" relationships, but then again some people are just weird...)
  20. I disagree Actually, since I studied literature and tried my hand at writing more than once, I tend to see plot more than most people I know. I guess when you spend months analyzing lines of text, you eventually see everything as text and intertextuality.
  21. I haven't seen a movie that was good despite of the plot.
  22. Right about now, Blueray does mean nothing. Around 2012, it will become a more important medium. That's what this format war was about.
  23. Well, the thing is, it's fairly obvious. Whereas games can skip the plot and rely on gameplay, movies cannot simply rely on visuals. It's impossible. In Death Race 2000, in addition to the main plot, you have sub plots about revolution, personal involvement in the race, and betrayal. There is plot in that movie. And when you can get big name actors, you have a budget to make more frequent action scenes. It seems to me that you cannot understand the basic difference between a game and a movie. In the game, you can blow up a guy and have him show up at the next race and not question it. In a movie, unless you throw in some pseudo-science about how they survive the explosions, it does not work. So after one race, most of the antagonists would be dead. In a game, you have an instruction manual where you can write the backstory for all characters. In a movie, you can't do that. Videogames are an active experience, you take part in the action, so you can't sit around and wait for the action to happen. Movies are passive. And for everything to work together, you need a plot. You can, just have 5 races, with lots of explosions,and call it a movie. It does not work like that. Also, it's an independent project. You can't compare one of these to a hollywood production, they are not on the same level. Do you compare flash games to multi-milion productions? Would you review a 4th grade play like you would review something from a big budget company? Also, I'll stop being condescending when you stop exhibiting so much contempt for a fairly cool project to do. Just like people here don't piss all over some new remixer's WIPs, you should not piss all over his project.
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