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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Phill, bill The Coop and it'll work out. Coop, contact smoke, I thing he was the one with the archive.
  2. I really don't care about his crusade anymore, I'm just glad to see the bar association trying to remove bad apples.
  3. I suffered from Tank burnout. Always had to log on before raid time, then I waited around in Stormwind, then we started the raid late, and well, I'm all covered in purples, why the hell am I still here? Get another tank in and gear him up, I have a mage or a rogue that could use some purple goodness.
  4. The "as of late" thing comes from the Golden forum I think, from the thread that started the exodus. At least that's what I remember. I dunno if there is something left of it online. I may be wrong though.
  5. Well, I go in the WIP once in a while, mostly because I don,t feel I can comment on the production and composition in details. The best I can do is use my ears, and try to see if I like something or not. Sometimes my comments come out wrong too. I listen to music for what it "feels" and not what the production behind is. So sometimes I will listen to a WIP and not comment just because I don't know how to state my "evaluation."
  6. Oh please. I cringe when I see the painted special effects. I laugh when I see the rocks and boulders bounce like rubber balls. At this point, it's fairly obvious you went to the movies with the intention of hating IJ4.
  7. Thank you for keeping the mixes to their standards of excellence, and for tipping the scales how I wished once in a while... Now, my last monthly "unrelated to your judging" gift is in the mail, please don't cash it, that account will be closed soon...
  8. The games belong to them, the music, it belongs to them as well. They basically were nice enough to not only use the music and reward the artists, they also somewhat showed that they accepted this type of art. I think two games and the knowledge that your music made it into a game is nice. In fact, it will look nice on a resume when you thin about it.
  9. Well, you see, it's because these guys are liked in gen disc... ... Who said that?
  10. Chobits. It's a bit weird, but I really loved it, and I wanna watch it again actually...
  11. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00432/ One of my favourite remixes here. Muzak wasn't intended to be an insult. Making a song sound good in a niche genre is a bigger challenge. This was a unique sound, and just as I believe there can be good country western, I believe there is good "muzak",
  12. I like the idea, I see what you were going for, and you seriously have two choices here: #1 Keep the "sound" you have there, and embrace the actual result, which is not very R&B but more elevator music like. Not a bad thing really. It's a musac feel that is quite unique, and when using Zelda and Chrono Trigger, you have to go for a unique feel. The piano at first is too dry, you need to find a way to give it more presence, but everything else in there somewhat fits. I love it's cheesy vacation resort / musac feel. If you can embrace the cheese, this could be a very unique thing. 2# Keep the idea, start from scratch. As an R&B type song, I'm gonna say you somewhat missed the mark. Strings for this type of sound seems wrong, or maybe just used wrong. The piano, in this case is not only wrong, but prohibitive for the R&B thing. My honest opinion: Embrace the cheese, please do, you may have stumbled upon something that is gonna become very memorable.
  13. I like it. However, I feel the melody is lost, and if you cannot shut out the rest of the song, you're gonna miss it, which is a shame because of what you did with it.
  14. True, it was a scam, however, it was a legal one.
  15. Actually, she gave the specs of the product in the picture she was selling. If you buy a painting of a café in Paris, and you are told that this café is located at 123 French Street, you ain't gonna own the café.
  16. Judge Judy and similar shows, they kinda don,t respect the laws they wanna enforce...
  17. No no, this sounds... familiar... Valkyrie Profile?
  18. It uses something called "glyphs". You have a right arm glyph, left arm glyph, and a back glyph. Every attack uses mana, but mana regen is about the same as the sisters in PoR. And if you combine some of them, you get some bigger attacks, I think.
  19. I gave him a bucket of chicken to paint my fence and he never did it.
  20. John Hurt's character should have been Sean Connery's. That aspect bugged me a lot more than the other complaints really. At the end of the movie, it was like: I wish they had gotten Connery for that one.
  21. Stand still? That posture is when they are ready to leave, that was more unbelievable than the fridge. The should not have stayed still.
  22. Giant, non existing killer ants? I got some of those in a backroom somewhere, with my swift and silent invisible elves that only come out at night you cannot disprove.
  23. Villains in Indiana Jones always die by what they desire. That simple. And we never knew what was in the ark, however, we pretty much knew, with the "painful" special effects, that the guys faces melted away. I'm telling you, you need to all go back and watch the original trilogy, you forget how "bad" the first three were.
  24. Actually, you failed it. Movies provide you with something you have to "believe" and your job is to ignore your "disbelief" and enjoy the ride.
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