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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. A bit of an out there question, but working on a song yesterday made me wonder how different people perceive music and if the way we perceive it affects how we work and how well we do it. Personally, I think my synaesthesia affects the way I see music. I am completely unable to read music off a score. Notes do not make sense. I see music as patterns and these patterns are in block. However individual notes are still a mystery to me. With great effort, I can read a score, and try to reassemble these blocks, but even then, I cannot bring the song I hear in my head to coincide with the song I'm working on. I cannot get the different blocks of music to fit, because hey are like legos, some are 2 by 2 blocks, others 3 by 1, and well, they just don't fit. This got me wondering: do you see music as patterns that are used to build a song like you would use legos, or do you see music as something else?
  2. The only problem I've had with the Wiimote was in some levels of Boom Blox. And basically its because here is a lot to input quickly, which is something that would be hard in general, but is made trickier with the control scheme of aiming with the Wiimote then throwing by flinging it. (These poor kittens are getting devoured by nasty ghouls... so tragic.)
  3. It's Zircon minus all the Cs in his music.
  4. This sounds like Little Kuriboh of the 5 minute Yu Gi Oh episodes.
  5. I suck at songs, but I can name them, I shall edit this post with a suitable title. List of suggestions: Rainy Brinstar Night Flowing through the motion Autumn in Brinstar (Autumn Underground is a viable option) Lonely Petals (I love this one, but don't let that affect your choice.) Alien Pollination
  6. Hmmm, I decided to listen to the advice I had given someone, and I tried to go back to the drawing board. The result is not quite what I had wished, but I am proud of the technical aspects I managed to get a hang of today. I will probably try to improve it again tomorrow, the original material can get pretty repetitive, and well, can induce headaches. Again, I'm sorry if it offends your ears, I'm trying my best.
  7. Needs trumpet or sax instead of strings. I dig though I dig.
  8. I'm gonna try the mini boss theme again tonight. I think I can see what I want to do, but I still fear it will be horrible. So yeah, I don't mind if someone else does it.
  9. Bad, I think I might not be able to submit anything worth it.
  10. From my brother's progression with this condition I learned a bit about it. The dangerous aspect is the rapid weight loss. In my brother's case, he was lucky to have more to lose in a sense. That probably saved him a lot of issues. Once he is back on normal food, he will need some time to adjust his diet, but otherwise he will be on the way to recovery.
  11. It's gonna be a classic megaman game. They decided to work within the limits of the system, and go with it. It's kinda like making a silent black and white movie and deciding halfway through that there should be some dialogs and color in it.
  12. Look at the trailer for Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe. It looks... good...
  13. Arek, I am insulted. I recommend you try to work around words you don't know, google translation is not really good.
  14. While I doubt mine is painful to listen to, I don't think it is appropriate to send it.
  15. Actually, what I did was give up on changing the actual tune. I went back to a straight note for note instrument change using my settings. The actual composition I made was.. well, tragic. EDIT: I actually sped up the song a little bit.
  16. 16 downloads, no comments, I feel we can safely assume I killed 16 listeners. I'm sorry.
  17. I decided to put my instruments on the actual song, tweak the tempo a bit and tweak some instruments as well. It turned out not half bad, but nowhere near good or even acceptable. Now imagine you try to build a song using the pieces I have in there... I can tweak instruments, but I suck at writing or rewriting music. It's the Miniboss music, with the plant boss specifically in mind. AGAIN: I WANT TO SAY I AM SORRY AND THIS SONG IS ONLY PROVIDED BECAUSE SOMEONE WANTED TO HEAR IT. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE IT ON THE GET WELL CD, I wouldn't want to break his heart with that horrible attempt at music.
  18. Well, it's a bunch of good ideas that don't fit together. It's like having lego blocks, constructs, duplo blocks and a puzzle of a cat and try to build a pirate ship out of it. I didn't even find a way to fit all the pieces together because the way I see it, they were not meant to fit together. I will try something however.
  19. My first attempt resulted in a catastrophic failure. I think it is an insult to all the music that was ever made. I failed.
  20. I guess it's a good reason to try my best. I may have an idea, but then again, I think trying says a lot.
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