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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. *slaps The Pezman* Hmmm, that felt good. *Slaps The Pezman again* Almost there. *Slaps The Pezman strong enough to prevent his past self for writing Dragon Ball fanfics that actually use the "cleaned up" language about "other dimensions" instead of saying "kill."* Much better.
  2. So... Who was dating who in your pokemon fanfics?
  3. So the matrix screwed ya. I got the most original name for you ever: Another Soundscape Hmmm that sounds familiar... Maybe Liontamer would be better...
  4. Some real life things popped up, and well, my entry wasn't what I wanted it to be. Also, sorry to hear about you leaving. Ya gotta hate it when life gets in the way of... well... life...
  5. So I started from scratch, and I actually have a collection of melodies, no real transitions, some are stronger than others, and some are closer to the source material than others. I'm gonna have to do some clean up, and major tweaking, but I am liking the introduction part so far. The disjointed feel is... kinda good, I think, but it may bite me in the ass one day. It's a very early WIP, but I figure some problems will have to be fixed sooner than later.
  6. I shall cherish this moment as my first ever album contribution.
  7. I counted 30 shots from 2 guns, 7 from the third and 7 from the fourth.
  8. Congratulation, may your marriage be happy and joyous and filled with other synonyms.
  9. So, a sequel to a fairly entertaining if a little flawed Sonic game. How surprising.
  10. Same thing. Worse part is: I like well tagged songs and I have spent some time retagging songs in the past.
  11. Starfire should be in. She is the best character for a game about violence, blood, gore. She'd provide the titties.
  12. Grab the mini boss / pre boss theme. My interpretation is not so good.
  13. Okay, here is my plan for the next couple of days. Obviously, I will make changes to have something somewhat acceptable for the album. After that, and a couple days of distance from the song, I'll try to get what I have now, shake it up a bit and step into my long term plan. Short term: Making the album deadline: More depth to the solo oboe and to the introduction Check attack on trumpets Adjust the brass notes and basoon backs Is that a clarinet sqweaking? Long term: BREATH NEW LIFE INTO THIS, the instruments feel somewhat... anemic... Stop being afraid of creating new patterns. Step out of your comfort zone. Delete the playlist, focus on making good patterns. Add to the melody, maybe something a bit higher, and different note pattern. The same 6 notes can be changed to create a different mood. Maybe use a different instrument for the different melodies. Get new melodic elements, something to change from the 6 notes. Revisit the drum patterns, adjust them a bit to a more rigid structure. (maybe split each instrument into a different pattern, stack them in the playlist instead of the step sequencer) Create drum patterns for each melodic elements, or drum patterns that adapt well to them. Revisit the brass hits, see if I can make them fit more with the new melodies. Guitar? Yes/no? Get inspired: Arrange the elements in a different pattern Slower introduction. Slowly add to the melodic instruments, building strength and momentum. Listen to Master of Puppets from Metallica's S&M album. Yes, I picked an odd source of inspiration, but this album kinda has similar leit motives, somwhat up beat music, modern interpretation, classical instruments. I'm not saying its gonna sound like that, but I'll try and see what they did with all the musical aspect and use that as a cornerstone.
  14. Latest version is in my sig, I changed the name around to something I felt was more appropriate.
  15. I cleaned it up a lot, and spent a long time on #OCRwip to work things out. I feel it was for the best. To me it sounds cleaner, it may still be lacking, especially intro and ending wise... Link's in my sig, don't be afraid to give it a listen, it won't turn your brain to a puddle, I promise.
  16. Well, some remixers actually make music professionally ya know. You could ask them to work on your soundtrack (provided that you pay them, seeing as you plan to make money off of the game.) Do not use remixes for a game made with the intent of being sold. It would be illegal for you to do so and it may draw attention to the gray area this site is comfortably located in.
  17. Guys, the deadline for the album is coming fast, I only have 2 nights to work on it, so if you have any comments, any suggestion, I will greatly appreciate them.
  18. So I know that by slightly changing the velocity, I can give a more human feel to the whole song by letting in some variety in every note. However, if you have a pattern heavy song and not a piano roll one, how can you give that feeling? I mean, I know how to adjust velocity in the step sequencer, but instead of having one instrument being used perfectly every time, I'd get a constant and repeated variation. Still doesn't sound very human. (People would not "miss" the same note the same way every time.) So would I have to basically clone one pattern a couple of times, change the settings in the patterns in different fashion, and then simply alternate between the 4 or 5 patterns? Of is there a way to "randomize" something easily?
  19. Even if he didn't, he says he did the videos, and most of them are just a still with a remix. It's kinda hard to figure out what he actually did.
  20. Hmm, depending on the final result of my Super Metroid mix, I may submit it to thasauce.
  21. I'm kinda glad no one took the preboss / mini boss themes. I may not have the best remix on the album, but at least it will be the best one of these songs. I jinxed myself right?
  22. I tried the new bass pattern last night, I liked it. No updated versions for now, but it's sounded better. Couldn't drop it lower without it becoming distorted though. I'll try and find a new sample / soundfont tonight. As for the filler notes, well, I can't think of an instrument that would work well. And it's annoying. I've tried strings a while ago, and well, I don't like how they sound, I like the brass / wood sound I have so far. The fact is, I'm trying to figure out what type of instrument would flow well, and I got nothing. So far, the ideas I have is a tuba and a trombone. But I fear adding another brass would be one too many. Also, I am starting to like the 1:30-1:40 changes I made (playing a bit longer with the brass hits and pre boss theme). The idea was there originally, so I think tonight I'll go through it and try to hear for these thing with untapped potential. It might make it longer, it will make it sound better, and with the added filler, I'll be able to try new things. So, the plan for tonight: 1: Finish fixing the bass. 2: Make a filler pattern or two, with an appropriate low instrument. (Suggestions are welcomed) 3: Find transitions that might benefit from being revisited. Stretch them a bit to lessen the "lets fit as many things in as little time as possible" feeling. (If there is something you heard you liked, tell me about it, I'll try to use that.) Finally, I've been told the song sounds too videogamey by a friend. I know being a VG remix, it's natural, but still, I'd like to address that. It was also described as "creepy" but I think I appreciate that label. If all goes well, tomorrow all that I would have to do would be make an ending, revise my reverb and other effects, adjust volumes and I would be done (for now anyway, the past week has been rather fun with me working on this, so I think I might keep working on it to see if I could bring it to OCR standards (I doubt I could but hey, it's a goal.))
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