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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Gay-ER? When was it gay in the first place? Well, you have to touch it. And touching is something gay people do. If this is gay then sign me up. I wasn't aware that there were homosexuality sign-up sheets. All part of the new: "We accept homosexuals, now give us your name and address" policy of the Vatican.
  2. ... The more I think about it, the more I see Nintendo having two choice: Include as many characters as possible. Include specific characters that represent an archetypal view of a game/series.
  3. It's speculation time: To the Maybemobile!
  4. ... Now I want to play Castlvania 64 again...
  5. I am 90% certain the eggplant will be an item. However, death would be a far more interesting foe. ... Ya know, with Kid Icarus being a fairly small game, they could probably fit it in entirely using the game's prexisting textures.
  6. How about a huge "hyrule castle" like level? From the burning hell at the bottom to the tall tower on top. Something enormous. (I always secretly wished a smaller version of the Link adventure stage would be available for fights...)
  7. For Belmonts, the only place I could see it is the throne room. It has been constant in every game.
  8. The teddy bear, Excalibur the sword in the rock, and the laser rifle. And I'd give him the succubus, great bat, and flame demon souls.
  9. I'm a big fan of scrolling stages. Pokefloat, Mute city, Rainbow Ride, Big Blue and well... ice climbers a bit less but I still kinda like it. Obviously, I stoped playing with Ganondorf because of those levels, but I still love them.
  10. If I remember correctly, the tier system is established in Final Destination, without any items. So, basically, how the game is not meant to be played. All the items, all the arenas, that is how SSB are supposed to be played. So what if a pokeball can change the course of a game, anyone can pick it up. Luck and randomness are what make SSB and SSBM great. If you think a character is advantaged by a stage, find ways to counter it. If a character is too powerful with one item (mewtwo + lightsaber for example) react accordingly. A true great player does not turn off item, he learns to react to them.
  11. Are you talking about the dead girl or the girl he almost got killed/almost killed?
  12. Link was the main character in LoZ LoZ LA LoZ LttP LoZ LAwakening LoZ OoT LoZ MM LoZ OoA LoZ OoS LoZ 4S LoZ 4SA LoZ WW and one of the 3 CD-I zeldas. And even time wise, Link has existed for over 20 years. He has gained a ton of abilities, and he has participated in countless adventures. Cloud was the main character in one game, and a plot device/accessory in some others. And he only existed for what? 10 years tops?
  13. Can't you just do a will of the forsaken rotation or some shit?
  14. I don't even know what happened to my old guild... Anyway, with my friends starting to play again, WoW has gotten pretty tempting, but my computer being crappy is kinda saving me from falling back into the addiction. I'm sad to hear about your guilds, but I guess it's all part of online gaming.
  15. There is also Ninja, Berserker, Samurai, Dragoon, Archer, Bard, Chemist, Geomancer, Dancer, Blue Mage, Time Mage, Ranger, Summoner, and Mimic... Now there is a good fighter idea: All the classes of FF5.
  16. However, I keebringing some old unmod fire every once in a while. FIRE!
  17. Now see, Castlevania has the same problem: Simon, Trevor, Justin, Julius, and whatnot Belmonts. Then there is Alucard (playable in 3 games.) Soma (playable in 2) All valid additions. (I would personally say Simon, since he started it all) Megaman... Or X? Maybe even Zero, or the Zero games.... What about Bass... Protoman... Lots of choices... I would go with Megaman simply because the slide is better than the dash, but it's an opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. (Ok, Cloud would work... Except Squall/Leon has been in as many games... Vincent too... Slippery slope my friend, slippery slope...)
  18. Why Square-Enix should not put a character in SSBB: When you think square, you think what? Final Fantasy. Each final fantasy, starting from 4, has had a cast of very unique characters. Each character had personalities, moves, and unique traits that made them be loved by everyone (well almost...). From FF4's cast of 10-12 characters to FF6 cast of 18 characters, you already have an issue. The smallest cast was FF5 with 5 characters. So far, with only the snes generation, we are over 35 potential characters. FF7 had 7 characters, FF8 had 9, FF9 had 8, FF10 had at least 6, FFX2 as well. Without including FF11 or 12, we are up to 71 characters. Now, throw in the 1 character from FFMQ, we are up to 72. But wait, 6 people in CT: 78. A conservative estimate would say there were 15 people in CC. 93. Might as well throw in Secret of Mana 96, Secret of Evermore 97 (the dog does not count.) Seiken detsentsu 3, 103. Now for villains: At least 2 from each game I named have some form of fan base: 14 games, 28 villains (it's an average, I know). 131. Oh, I forgot Geno and Mallow: 133. Hmmm... 133 potential characters. From 15 games... Do you really want 133 new characters? Can you chose just one. And one that will not piss off fans in one way or another? Oh and it's Square Enix...Enix also has some good characters. The truth is that any one of these 133 characters would make a great addition to SSBB. It's rather easy actually, any videogame character can make one. Mr. Game and Watch proved it. So what can they do? Whatever they do they will piss off some of their fans. SSBB works a lot better if you take specific characters from reoccuring games. (I know, Pit... but still)... Can you name me one character from Square Enix that has been part of a successful series of games and that has remained the same all through it? Is there one character from any Final Fantasies that has the same portfolio as Link? Snake has been in about 6 games. He has been around for 20 years. He is still being used now. Find me one character by Square-Enix like that and we will see if he is a valid addition. Disclaimer: I know that some characters, namely Pit, Ness, or Dr. Mario, have had a smaller exposure. For a Nintendo character to be on this game is not as complicated as getting Snake or Crono involved. I say that the characters from nintendo can avoid the game series limitation simply because of the specific fan demands. Nintendo does not own a great deal of ongoing series. In a game like SSBB, they include characters from various sources simply because it is a nostalgic throwback. And I guess a one shot character that has gotten a great fan response should be, in all logic, concidered as well. I just think that there aren't that many "Pit"s that still have fans asking for a sequel 20 years after the original.
  19. Now you go ahead and try that. You won't get past level 1. (Plus you could claim the same thing about Mario,s 2-d games.)
  20. There has been official talk about maybe getting sonic in. I guess it's up to sega.
  21. I just put SSBM back in my cube and I realised I was missing the last set of trophies from All-Star mode. It's been a while though and I put it on very easy. So much fun.
  22. not if your a twink! Homosexual young boys dating older men have nothing to do with it.
  23. Haha, they've got to put the red exclamation point in the game somehow. Look at the video: Then pay attention to the front of the box.
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