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Everything posted by BlueMage

  1. Awesome...just incredible. I could hear the Terminator theme almost...and given how many times I've listened to that (because it kicks so much arse) that has to be a good thing, though it does tend to lend the remix a forlorn feel, if you know what I mean. Still, excellent, and a great piece just before sleeping.
  2. There's actually nothing inherently wrong with hypocrisy. And this mix is funny, PROVIDED that you a) don't take it seriously, put on hold your respect for video game music and good taste in general and c) have a broad sense of humour that finds humour in all its forms, including lowbrow.
  3. I think I actually requested this Remix or something like it (Frog's Theme, done orchestrated) a couple of months back, so I'm especially grateful. The fact that it's an awesome mix is just the icing on the cake. My thanks Gray Lightning, for fulfilling my ReQuest, and for doing a good job of it too.
  4. This is just....fscking awesome. I always enjoyed the MM3 intro tune, but this is just great. I know it says it's only 96kbps....but dammit, it doesn't sound it! This proves that just because a track is low quality doesn't mean it's low quality....gotta get myself the higher bitrate version though....I mean, if this is awesome, the other one will probably leave me speechless (it has happened before).
  5. Dude, this rocks hard! I want more from this game.
  6. The trancy nature of this remix rocks - I love it! And really, how often do you hear a stage-select theme worth remembering? Stroke of brilliance on the remixer's part! Actually, one of the main reasons I like this one so much is because it's repetitive - it just keeps sounding great, and letting you bask in said greatness over and over.
  7. The first time I heard this one, I just thought "WTF?! Where's the Ganon theme? Actually, where are any of the themes?!" Then I read what djp actually wrote, and suddenly I could pick them out distinctly. This track has a somber, dark mood to it, but the woodwind-ish Zelda's Lullaby somehow adds a feeling of hope to it. All in all, it combines to make one friggin KICKARSE remix. And I'm a big fan of the original Zelda themes, moreso than of the remixes. So that's saying something.
  8. Great remix of Guile....and I know that bit it merges into about midway through from SOMEWHERE...I just can't remember where....eh, awesome track regardless.
  9. This thing's got a sort of fast-tempo jazz feel to it, and that's what makes it great. Great BGM, shame about the character who uses it...well, he is a mere boxer after all Seriously, great remix.
  10. Personally, I don't like a lot of the Zeal remixes....not sure why, but they just don't grab me. This one on the otherhand....what can I say but superb? This remix conveys the emotion and grandeur most people seem to associate with Time Circuits, and, like When All Hope Has Faded, it does so by combining traditional and electronic instrument manipulation. Can't go past this one. *WARNING* more emotional individuals may need a tissue or two at hand when listening to this one - I kid you not. This track moved me, almost to tears when I let my imagination start running about what it could pair up with visually.
  11. I love electric guitar, and this thing just oozes it! Actually, I believe that this remix would be perfect for the Guitarmania and Beatmania games when they're synchronised. Great tempo, perfect for walking to.
  12. Accoustics convey feeling through simplicity, and if anything was able to make me want to learn how to play an acoustic guitar, it'd be this remix. It's one remix staying on my CD for a long time.
  13. I personally felt this piece lacked the feeling and conviction of Town Life in Piano. But otherwise, a fine piano solo piece.
  14. Typically, orchestrated pieces can sound all-encompassing/grand/etc but will often lack the 'oomph' offered by electronic manipulation, the converse being that electronica can sound too removed from reality/'normal' instruments to evoke the same sort of feeling. Common sense says "Fine, throw both together, and you'll get the best of both worlds." and for once, this held true. The blending of two very different musical types, while sounding as though it were the most natural thing possible, makes this one remix I'll be listening to for a long time. Also, while it sounds pretty kickarse throughout, 4:25-4:30 is where it really picks up, and sounds to my ear like the two styles merge into a single composite, rather than playing off the other.
  15. Utterly superb. If John Williams (or whoever it was that did the score for the Star Wars films) ever did a rendition of the Corridor Victory and Naju Approach themes with a full orchestra, I imagine it would sound very much like this. That said, it also wouldn't sound too out of place in Robotech or Macross.
  16. There's only one way I can think of to describe this remix - bloody incredible. Someone who hasn't played the game can listen to this, and immediately get a feel of the epic nature of it, while someone who has played will probably feel like the story's being retold without words. Of all the Chrono Trigger remixes I've heard, this is probably the best.
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