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Everything posted by BlueMage

  1. Love this mix.... especially good when what sounds like game SFX come in to complement it at about 1:55 onwards. That part just kicks arse. It just has a feel to it. A feel that screams AWESOMES!
  2. From about 2:17 is where this baby really shines...it gets an even darker tone to it, that also sounds vaguely cinematic. Y'know, it sounds like the leadup to something big. And it does leadup to something big. goat knows his shit. And I just wish he'd do more Castlevania stuff, because the soul of the original music seems to suit his style.
  3. So freakin good, it made me want to download the original to compare it against. Meh, either way, this sounds fscking awesome. To not like this, is to truly lack good taste.
  4. The drums as it fades out....that's what really got me. I mean, the guitar is great and all, but the drums.....damn, the drums! Either way, it's still damn good!
  5. I won't say this mix is as moving as, say, Zeal Love, because quite honestly, it's not. But damned if it doesn't come close. It has a very peaceful feel to it, but also a melencholy one. If I were to make an AMV using this song, it'd show lovers being seperated and eventually reunited. That's the sort of feeling I get from this mix.
  6. I'm surprised I haven't reviewed this sooner. Like all Star Salzman remixes, this thing just oozes, nay, reeks quality. The drums are awesome, but the opening is what really gets me. It sounds so synthetic, yet so right at the same time. And then it gets reintroduced later on. Awesome stuff. Star Salzman >> j00
  7. This mix == ass-threateningly good. I mean that. I think I can pick the boss theme (note, I never actually played the game, so I'm assuming) and it sounds awesome. AmIEvil == knows his shit. And there's no problems with the bass - sometimes a little less bass isn't a bad thing....'sides, a subwoofer can remedy that if need be.
  8. Nah, that's pretty good. Just minus the goatee if possible please. Also, would it be possible for his cloak to be hooded, but not have the hood up? That would be excellent As for a quote..... "Just hit me bitch". Sounds appropriate for a BlueMage But otherwise, awesomes, and thanks for doing it.
  9. I was hoping I could request a sig image.... If possible, I was thinking something that looks like RedMage but without the hat-n-feather, and instead of all red, blue (naturally). Blue eyes too (ie, no pupils, but rather just all blue where eyes would be). Hair I don't mind. Thanks in advance to any who can assist.
  10. Whoa....nice. It's just got a feeling to it....hard to describe. A certain vibe that just makes it sound good. Yeah, that sums it up best, methinks.
  11. This is quite cool. Sounds almost like it was done live (to my non-technically-inclinded ear) and done well. Can't pick a fave spot, it's all good.
  12. No you can't. They'll rag anyways....but this mix is cool, 'cause it's not serious - I mean really, Bonzaibuddy doing voiceovers for you? Gotta be a sillymix. That said, it DOES include the Weapon Acquisition theme, and any mix that does that is awesome for me, because that was the best theme after the opening one. And yes, I went back and played a ROM to confirm this for myself.
  13. Can't say I was really liking this mix the first time I listened to it....but then I listened to it again, and again, and once more for good measure. And lo, I discovered I did actually like it. And so now, whenever it pops up in my now playing section, I just up the volume. Kudos to a fellow Australian.
  14. So....yeah, this mix....not too many tracks of any description that inspire emotion in me like this one....I think Zeal Love is the only other one to do so thus far... This track is moving - I downloaded the original RSN after hearing this to compare them....and there is no comparison. This Heart >> Delecate Affection. As with Zeal Love, if you're the emotional type, keep some tissues handy.
  15. I like this mix. But maybe that's because I like Frog's Theme. As in, I would just leave the game for a while when it was playing so I could listen to it. Anyways, I let a few people I know listen to it - the one description that really stuck in my mind was "It sounds like it's on a pogostick....I want a pogostick now!" and honestly, I agree - the beat makes you want to jump.
  16. Probably one of the saddest, angstiest songs I've heard in a game soundtrack (and even more impressive, given the hardware it originally ran on) and yet, something like this came out of it....I got this sudden urge to play ToP again after hearing this. And given the sort of criticisms being leveled at this remix, I'm now very glad I have no aptitude whatsoever for making remixes, because it means I can appreciate the music without picking it apart. I think that's something the judges ocassionally forget too.
  17. Check the MM3 manual - it says right there in the intro "Get to those mining worlds on the double MegaMan, and stop whoever's in charge!" or something similar. Hence, lyrics are justified. MWUHA. Awesome song by the way. This gets the very special last place on any CD I burn that doesn't include A World Awaits Chrono (otherwise it goes 2nd last)
  18. Never heard the original...and now I regret that fact, 'cause this is great. There are two special spaces on any music CD I create for myself - the first, for something that'll get me motivated to walk (I walk to public transport - takes a good 15 minutes so need something good to get me going) and the last, for my personal favourite. This track goes first. Everytime. EDIT: Just heard the original - wtf are most of you on about saying it sounds out of tune?
  19. Let's not forget to add the fact that said n00b was trying to type 'losers' (note that there is only ONE o - just one!) but instead typed something that implies we're all loose... See, this is why no-one likes n00bs.
  20. Awesome. I heard this after I heard Cataclysmic Clash, so I wasn't sure whether to expect something more hardcore or less, given that it's earlier than Cataclysmic Clash. Well, whatever - THIS IS GOOD! They clearly followed the same formula for their MegaMan3 remix.
  21. You'll only recognise the tune if you've beaten Guardian Legend, as it's based largely on the closing credits' theme. Very nice though, love it. It goes on my easy listening cd, along with Rosenthorne. Anyday.
  22. This is great! Lyrics made me laugh for a while, but it just sounds good. I can pick most things apart, but I can't pick music apart. I can pick good stuff though. And this is definitely good.
  23. This sounds bloody awesome....though, I swear, I can hear something almost StreetFighterish in there somewhere....almost Ken's Theme. Of course, that just makes it sound even better!
  24. I think I requested something along these lines. Thanks Unknown! Killer track!
  25. When I feel the urge to listen to this piece, I love it. But, one thing I've noticed is...I swear, I've heard some of it before, in one of the Zelda games...I think it would be on the N64....ending music or something. Anyways, this is a great mix when you're in the mood for it.
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