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Black Mage

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Posts posted by Black Mage

  1. So I'm enjoying Advance Wars:DoR pretty well. I am especially liking the WiFi battles, except for every time I'm about to win, the punks I'm battling against either disconnect or surrender. Granted, in either scenario I am counted as the winner, but sill...there's nothing like delivering that final death blow to your opponent. I'm left feeling a distinct sense of loss. :whatevaa:

  2. YES!!! For long years have I awaited BFD remixes, my prayers have finally been answered! I love the game and still play it from time to time, though some parts (like the final alien-boss-thing battle) seem so easy in theory, but caused some of the loudest, longest fits of swearing I've ever spewed.

    I love the Russian-esqu tango take on the song and feel that it fits well. It takes the Great Mighty Poo from the opera house and *plops* him onto the dance floor.

  3. More CO's, more unlockables, more variety in the gameplay. And I ain't too happy the CO powers got totally nerfed.

    That doesn't bother me much, really. I didn't even notice that the CO powers were gone till last night. It feels like they're allowing you to do more with less. not letting you rely on the magics of anime inspired CO poses to win the battle.

  4. Picked up AW:DoR yesterday and am impressed with it. I've played AW before and have always found it a solid game experience, though at times the cutesy graphics got old. The newer, darker, grittier feel of DoR is a welcome change to the game.

    I am loving the WiFi battle mode, a game function that was a given, considering the capability of the system. Which is not to say I'm any good at it, but I still enjoy it. I'm just glad that they didn't hold your hand and limit you to playing against friends only, like PokéMon. I like the random, world wide battles.

  5. ive been trying to get a DS since christmas. can anyone explain why noone has gotten a shipment in the US (at least in NJ) since christmas?

    I went through the same trials last January, when I tried to find a DS. Took me forever, but I eventually found one. Seems January is a time of DS drought.

  6. My new years eve? Got myself drunk while playing WoW.

    Sounds like my night, just replace WoW with Puzzle Quest. There are a couple of positives though, I discovered that Spaten Optimator Dopplebock ranks among the best beers ever brewed (and at 7.2% ABV does the job well), and I discovered that I ouzo is a very good thing.

  7. Province of Quebec

    I have a friend who is studying for a year à l'Université de Sherbrooke. I guess she really likes the school. She says it's something of a hub for international students. Sounds amazing, though I guess the campus is sometimes bland and "prison-like" in its appearance.

  8. Want to know something funny?

    I work in a credit card collections department, and I got really friggin' bored at work...

    I looked up Phoenix Wright, just to see if his name was in our system.


    Well, Utah is #1 in the nation for people filing bankruptcies, so it makes perfect sense.

  9. We will all actually have even more reason to celebrate the day, next year, it being the 75th anniversary of Repeal Day. So all those too young to drink (I really think they should lower the legal drinking age to 19), you will have all the more reson to make up for it next year!

  10. Happy Repeal Day, to one and all!

    It was on this day in 1933 that Utah (yes, Utah of all places) became the final state needed to ratify the 21st Amendment, abolishing the 18th Amendment and slaying the demon of Prohibition.

    Drink, drink, and be merry!


  11. I love Antikythera Mechanism.

    A year or so ago, in my studio photo class, I had an idea for a series, the working title of which was Project: Stolen Child. I tried and tried, but just couldn't get any good results. I had this notion of what I wanted, and what I saw, but couldn't form any visual interpretations of the haze in my mind. Fast-forward nine months, and I see TBU, and Antikythera Mechanism. It wasn't exactly what I had envisioned, but it really came close to the vague images and notions of images I was trying to convey at the time. The lone girl, alone in the wastes, being followed. Bleak, lonely, but later hopeful.

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