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Black Mage

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Posts posted by Black Mage

  1. some pokemon that may be of interest that I have up trade include: Banette L.53, a couple of Drifloons ~L22, Happiny L.18, Mime Jr. L18, Volbeat L50. We both have Pearl, so I don't think that I would have a whole lot that you wouldn't already have.

    Would any of those be of interest?

    I have top work today, so I'd be limited to trading between maybe 7:30pm and 9:30pm mountain time. I could also do it any time tomorrow.

  2. I purchased my DS lite maybe about a week or two ago and am very much satisfied with what I have. Now that I hear news of another DS variant, I'm wondering the true purpose in this?


    If Nintendo releases a new DS, then a lot of people who already bought the DS and subsequently the DS Lite, would go out and buy the new new DS.

    Marketing at its best...and most annoying.

  3. Hmm. You know what's annoying as hell?

    Grinding the levels of my Pokemans so that I can actually put a dent in the Elite Four. What's the easiest way to level your dudes up so that you can beat the Elite Four and get to the parts of the game that are actually fun? (Such as being able to use the Pokemon I caught in Leaf Green.)

    EDIT: Or does someone want to trade me a high level Pokemon they don't care about so I can breeze through it myself? ;-D

    What are your general levels? I managed to beat the Elite Four at about Lv. 55. Of course, I did use quite a few hyper potions, revives, and such.

    As for the easiest grind...you can either go with Victory Road or maybe go with Routes 222 or 223, and use your Vs. Seeker, battling trainers generally yields more exp.


    I think I just found the real Hoothoot.


    Edit #2:

    Another random thought, here. I gotta say that one thing that really pleases me about P/D is the fact that you can go through, catch the 150 indicative pokemon to this game, then after you beat the E4 and get the National Dex it opens up a whole second game. Catching more pokemon, visiting new places, going on new side quests, it all adds up to make D/P a solid game, I think.

  4. I'm looking about for some video editing software, something that is not horribly hard to use, but also something that will allow me to go it alone once I get the hand of the process.

    How is Adobe Premier? I've heard people both fawn over and curse the software, so I'm uncertain about it. I do have a good track record with Adobe, though, and do use Photoshop almost daily, so it's one of my more serious options.

    Any suggestions?

  5. I know, I've seen some fucking stupid trade offers on the GTS.

    One thing I have seen though, is that Japanese players are offering incredibly good pokes for anything with an English name. Our players across the Pacific see no problem with trading their Moon-language named legendaries for regular crap with full English names (nicknames or otherwise), because they think English names are cool enough to warrant it.

    Hmm. Your information intrigues me.

  6. I've been doing a bit of trading via GTS and cannot help but laugh hysterically over the sheer number of ludicrous trade requests. People offering a level 20 Abra in exchange for a level 50+ Palkia? A Starley for a Lucario? Level 1 Meowth for a level 100 Cresselia? Who are these people trying to kid!? My only theory is that a lot of these trades must be put up by ignorant 3rd graders who have no concept of what a good trade offer is.

  7. Yeah, they know about the Wii, though the just call it "that new Nintendo." Maybe the DS thing has to do with so many people still calling it a GameBoy. So when I mention a DS, they don't quite comprehend that the DS is not technically in the GameBoy line (for some reason).

  8. I was talking with some co-workers yesterday, all of whom are about my age (mid-20's) and was astounded that none of them had ever heard of the DS. Is it just the people I know, or is there a general lack of knowledge about the DS?

  9. When they said that staring at your monitor for too long could ruin your eyes, I wonder if they had this site in mind.

    Pong, Asteroids, Pac Man...a whole assortment of games confined to a mere 18 x 18 pixel screen.

    My eyes are already killing me. I wonder if it was made by an optometrist as a way of boosting business?

  10. I thought about going into music when I started college, as I had played viola for about eight years, up to that point. But then I started to question that idea and decided to go with a Bachelor of Science in Art. Also, with Weber's music program, most of the classes are 1 - 2 credit hours. So to be full time you end up taking 6, 7, or more classes per semester, each of which require plenty of time and work, so it can be exhausting, according to some friends who are in music.

  11. The only problems I find are

    1. Whenever I click the link to the store, it says there are no products matching the description of "ocremix," so you have to research for "overclocked." Not a big problem, at all, but could be easily fixed.

    2. The perpetual lack of medium hoodies.

  12. how can they be "near-infrared"? It's either infrared, or its not.

    The thought processing behind that could make one's brain explode, or at least damage it.

    The boundary between visible and infrared light is not precisely defined.


    Astronomers typically divide the infrared spectrum as follows:

    * near: (0.7-1) to 5 µm

    * mid: 5 to (25-40) µm

    * long: (25-40) to (200-350) µm


    So it seems there is a variety of infrared.

  13. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070530-what-lurks-below-microsofts-surface-a-qa-with-microsoft.html

    Whoa, some interesting information there:

    -It's *NOT* a touch sceeen, it uses 5 "near-infrared" CAMERAS.

    -Most of the hardware is consumer-grade by today's standards


    I suppose that fact would make the current system not very good as a replacement for a Wacom when using Photoshop, as it would likely not be sensitive to the variable force of a touch.

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