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Black Mage

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Posts posted by Black Mage

  1. Actually, there's a lot more involved on the hardware side than "tak(ing) a computer and hooking up a touch screen to it." Multi-touch systems are a lot more complicated to implement than a plain old single-touch touchscreen; this is cutting edge technology. Don't downplay the technical accomplishment here by saying they "slapped it together;" this is a big deal, and if it takes off, it will change the way people use computers.

    Watch the demo videos they have on the website; those are very good, real world examples of how intuitive the interface can be.

    Agreed. I mean, sure it's still early for this technology, at least in term of widespread marketing, but with time I'm certain that it'll improve and become more accepted and widely used. It just takes time for new (or "iterations of existing technology") to settle in and come into use. Like home PCs, even in the 80's when the PC was first really going into production and use, it was still a novelty for most people, and few could think to afford one.

    Take the IBM PC 8088, for example, in 1981. A new toy for the ages at the low cost of $3000 (over $7000 in todays money), but how many people did you know who had one sitting in their living rooms? Twenty six years later, we have three computers at home and I'm sure plenty of people here have more than that. And I'm sure that in less than a decade this technology could very well be as widespread as the LCD monitor or broadband is today (both of which also seemed out-of-reach just a few years ago).

  2. I know we've all seen concept videos of this kind of technology before, but it looks like Microsoft is pushing it to the next level by actually putting it into production this Winter.

    Microsoft Surface


    Probably going to cost a bundle, but it would still be the perfect system for use with Starcraft 2, Photoshop, or Illustrator.

  3. I like how that firebird logo seems to be made in Illustrator using the whirl tool on an orange shape *whahahahaha* T__T; Very official.

    Well they are from Hong Kong...so that explains a lot. Personally, I love the logo. :<

  4. For the Wii enthusiast who has everything and still wants more accessories to make that playing experience extra realistic.




    And the best part...they're compatible with the , and here I thought there were no accessories for the Wü.

  5. I do have fond memories of getting the monthly Nintendo Power when I was younger (I still have all of them in my closet, issues 21 on through 130-something). The old ones are still fun to look through, but when I got three free issues earlier this year (for registering three Nintendo products) I was disappointed with the whole thing.

    I guess such things are best enjoyed as nostalgia.

    If it is true, then NP...I salute you!


  6. Personally I like #17...

    #17- Law of Transient Romantic Unreliability- Minimei is a bimbo. (Note: The

    Minority Opposition in Ohio disagrees and thinks all men who like this stuff needs

    to get out more.)

    Shut the f*ck up, Minmei!

    And I have found #60 to ring true for me, personally...

    #60- Law of Active Female Attraction- In a comedy series, a male character’s

    attractiveness to women is inversely proportional to how active they pursue them.

    (Tenchi, Ranma, and Makoto [OVA] have a seemingly endless supply of willing

    girlfriends despite their lack of romantic skill while Happosai, Ataru, and Carrot

    couldn’t get a date despite [or because of] their constant attempts.)

    The harder I try, the more it seems like I get nowhere.

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