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Black Mage

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Posts posted by Black Mage

  1. I can't say I was impressed with 300...at all. It's was okay, but I think there could have been better character development. I'll need to check out that 300 Spartans, sometime.

    As for my recommendations, I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Judge Dred, Demolition Man, and the best of 'em...

    Fifth Element

  2. Here's an interesting experiment in interactive sequencing, The ReactOgon.

    The creators of the ReactOgon call it a “chain reactive performance arpeggiator”, which dynamically shifts its patterns and sequences based on coded discs placed on the flat-panel interface.

    The ReactOgon

    It has something of a retro 70's Star Trek vibe about it.

  3. I sometimes wish Nintendo would have made a franchise out of the Doki Doki games with all is Arabic influences. That would have been surreal.

    That would certainly make for some interesting press these days, "Nintendo using Arabic video game to teach TERRORISM!"


  4. An obvious clone of AVGN, but no less good I think.

    Personally I think Angry Nerd has hit a point (long ago) where his show just isn't funny. It has fallen into a repetitive, irrelevant spewing of curses and fecal jokes. Yes, we get it, the game sucks. You don't have to keep saying it over and over and over and over and over again all the while utilizing the works "shit" and "fuck" for every other word in your review. It's just old and redundant and I've stopped listening for the most part. Oh, and the AVGN intro song is annoying as hell and should be done away with.

  5. I won't say that the idea of a realistic pokedex doesn't interest me, but I think you'd have a hard time drumming up support for it and others to help you. I've thought of what a pokemon might look like in the flesh, on and off, but have never really gone past envisioning a select few.

    It's like cosplayers, an anime character might look perfectly acceptable and reasonable in his/her hyperbole (Saiyan hair, funky armor, massive swords, etc), but when you make the jump to reality it is very hard, if not often impossible) to maintain even the most basic elements that make that character without also making them look ridiculous.

    Also, I'd suggest modeling Pikachu on a guinea pig, they're pudgier.

    Also: http://www.avians.net/rkc/fan/gallery-fan.html

    (I guess some would work)

  6. Depends of if you are wanting like Irish Traditional Music (ITM), or something more contemporary. For trad, The Chieftains are always a great choice. Sligo Rags likes to mix ITM with American Bluegrass, so you have elements from both sides of the Pond.

    If you're looking for something more contemporary, I'd suggest groups like MacTalla Mo'r, Needfire, Loreena McKennitt, The Elders, Runrig or Altan.

    Want Celtic Punk? Flogging Molly is okay, but I preferred Amadan.

  7. As Jedi said, the effectiveness of a swamp cooler varies depending on factors like humidity. As the water runs through the filters, it cools the air and in doing so is evaporated into the air that is being blown into the room. It works well in low humidity environments (like here in Utah) but on humid days, the cooling capacity drops noticeably. In my house on a hot, dry day (30%) we get about 25 - 30F cooling capacity. So when it's 100 outside, it stays 71-ish inside. But if it 95F and 75% humidity, we're lucky to get 75, plus the added moisture from the filters ramps up the humidity inside.

    It all just depends on the relative humidity in PA, which is generally pretty high, if I recall correctly from my last visit there. So I'm skeptical as to how effective it would work back east.

  8. I just read about this show in Wikipedia. I had never heard of it and by what I've read it sounds really interesting. Gotta find a way to see this.

    It's on SciFi Channel pretty much daily.

    From the Wiki, it sounds like it would be a good movie, especially with George reconnecting with Reggie.

  9. This is certainly a beautiful song, Pixie and Reuben. The lyrics are great and I love the very "end credits" feel of the song. My only real criticism is over the Japanese lyrics. I wonder if it was really necessary to repeat the lyrics in Japanese? I just feel that they don't really add to the song, they feel like they're just there to fill in the song.

    Other than that, I love the song!

  10. Finally got around to finishing the ELite Four on Diamond and loaded up LeafGreen and went onto Pal Park and caught myself a Deoxys, Mewtwo and my trusty Bulbasaur. Working on trying to find my damn Ruby and get my Regice, Regirock and Registeel.

    PS: Magmotar is an evil evil bitch.

    I'm probably going to get fire or leaft, myself. They're only $20, after all, so why not?

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