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Black Mage

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Posts posted by Black Mage

  1. DJP did Booster Tarantino for the record.

    Ah, so he did. My bad.

    More the chill type, perhaps spacey - Aphrodite Oceanus by The Wingless is the best example that I can give of this sort of thing. Something you'd listen to if you're lying on the beach looking at the stars.


    Ailsean's Final Ecstacy

    McVaffe's Yoshi's Lullaby

    mp's Time Preserved~April Showers

    mv's Time Chill

    mv's Aquamarine (beautiful, chill-tastic, contemplative, and a little remorseful, one of my all-time faves)

    Neil Banjamin's Far Away Memories

    pixietricks' Prayer

    spacepony's A Rose for Zelda

    Vigilante's Liquid Metal

    I have a few others from VGMix, but those would be unavailable at the moment.

  2. DJP's Booster Tarantino

    McVaffe's Dancehall Ragga

    Mustin's La Samba de Agua

    Noppz' Hawaii Shopp'n

    Tyler Heath's Pirates of Dragon Roost Isle

    bLiNd's Areofunknamics

    Hale-Bopp's Summertime (FTW!)

    DJP's dubnofantasyaloneman

    K. Weston Phelan, The Fat Man, Team Fat's Wing Theme Surf

    Lau's Aeris Summer Samba

    McVaffe's DeeJay's Caribbean Rave

    Xtormrage's Salsa Snake

    José the Bronx Rican's Thank you, Dee Jay

    The OneUps' Isle de Kirby

    There's one more that's on the tip of my tung, it's perfect for summer beach lounging music, but I just can't recall what it was!

  3. Most game review sites have a bad habit of judging games (particularly Nintendo games) too harshly, especially as of recently.

    I think there's an expectation anymore that every new game is supposed to break all new ground in the realm of gaming, somehow. I've heard it dozens of times, "if a new game doesn't display some revolution in the world of gaming, then it is sub-standard."

  4. Barret's Privateers, by Stan Rogers.

    Oh, the year was 1778, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    A letter of marque come from the king,

    To the scummiest vessel I'd ever seen,


    God damn them all!

    I was told we'd cruise the seas for American gold

    We'd fire no guns-shed no tears

    Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier

    The last of Barrett's Privateers.

    Oh, Elcid Barrett cried the town, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    For twenty brave men all fishermen who

    would make for him the Antelope's crew


    The Antelope sloop was a sickening sight, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    She'd a list to the port and and her sails in rags

    And the cook in scuppers with the staggers and the jags


    On the King's birthday we put to sea, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    We were 91 days to Montego Bay

    Pumping like madmen all the way


    On the 96th day we sailed again, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    When a bloody great Yankee hove in sight

    With our cracked four pounders we made to fight


    The Yankee lay low down with gold, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    She was broad and fat and loose in the stays

    But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days


    Then at length we stood two cables away, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    Our cracked four pounders made an awful din

    But with one fat ball the Yank stove us in


    The Antelope shook and pitched on her side, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs

    And the Maintruck carried off both me legs


    So here I lay in my 23rd year, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!

    It's been 6 years since we sailed away

    And I just made Halifax yesterday


    Capitan Kidd, by Great Big Sea

    My name is Captain Kidd

    As I sailed, as I sailed,

    Oh my name is Captain Kidd as I sailed,

    My name is Captain Kidd

    And God's laws I did forbid,

    And most wickedly I did as I sailed.

    My father taught me well

    To shun the gates of hell,

    But against him I rebelled as I sailed,

    He shoved a bible in my hand

    But I left it in the sand

    And I pulled away from land,

    As I sailed


    I murdered William Moore

    And I left him in his gore

    Twenty leagues away from shore

    As I sailed,

    And being crueler still, the gunner I did kill

    All his precious blood did spill,

    As I sailed,


    I was sick and nigh to death,

    And I vowed at every breath,

    Oh to walk in wisdom's path,

    As I sailed

    But my repentance lasted not,

    My vows I soon forgot,

    Oh damnation is my lot,

    As I sailed.


    To the execution dock

    Lay my head upon the block,

    Laws no more I'll mock as I sail,

    So take warning here and heed

    To shun bad company

    Or you'll wind up just like me

    As I sailed.

    The Worst Pirate Song, by Ceann

    If you’re a pirate I don’t believe it

    I don’t believe that you are capable of such deeds

    If you’re a pirate let’s see your wallet

    and we will see if you are licensed for the seas

    Are you capable of swinging from the riggings of a ship

    Or wearing a black do-rag when it really ain’t that hip

    I don’t think so,

    I don’t think so, at all


    So where’s your eye patch

    Where’s your peg leg

    If you’re a pirate

    Where’s your gun

    Where’s your booty

    Your sassy parrot

    I can’t picture you on a bottle of cheap rum

    ‘Cause You’re the worst pirate,

    the worst pirate in the world

    You’re the worst pirate,

    the worst pirate in the world

    ‘Cause you’re a girl

    So all you females just put your swords down

    I’m not a fool and I’m not amused

    You’ve got no hook hand, no secret island

    And pirates never go to the bathroom in twos

    So if this isn’t some sort of cheap prank

    Then tell me who exactly walks your plank

    Not me, not me

    No, nay, never, not me


    A pirate vessel is not a bedroom

    No walk-in closet, there’s no bidet

    There’s no pink loofah hanging in the shower and

    pirates don’t worry about what shoes they wear today

    Because everyone knows that pirates just wear black

    They raise a flag of skull and bones when they attack

    Not birds and flowers, not birds and flowers, no way!


  5. Personally, I probably wouldn't, then again, I am a zealot against all things DRM, and the very second a song hit the Zune (DRM encoded or not) it gets stuck DRM. But, if you're really wanting a high capacity mp3 player for cheap, then it is an option. Me? I'd just save up more money and get something else.

  6. Looks good at first, right?

    Read closer...

    Ruckus uses Microsoft’s Windows media technology, so songs can be played only on a user’s personal computer. For $4.99 a month, users can buy the right to transfer the songs to portable devices compatible with the Microsoft format, including those made by SanDisk and Creative.

    But the music will not play on Microsoft’s Zune player or, more important, on the Apple iPod.

    So first I have to download their program, then it already comes heavily laden with more of the same DRM crap we've seen a million times.

    I wonder if one could re-encode the files?

  7. Hey,

    I just bought Trauma Center the other day and it's pretty fun. There's a lot of text that adds to the whole character development which is great since the writing is quality. But you could just as easily skip it all if you wanted to by pressing 'select' and go straight to the operations where most of them talk you through it (in the beginning at least).

    But I have a little problem, I don't know if other people have trouble with this game or if it's my DS lite. Does anyone have any particular trouble with using the top 0.5 - 1 cm of their touch screen? It makes this one operation almost impossible. Usually, most games don't use the uppermost portion of the touchpad and I'm only now encountering it. =\

    I haven't noticed any such problems with my DS. It does stand to reason, though, that sensitivity might be a bit less along the edges, as it would be naturally harder to depress the screen film as you got closer to the sides.

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