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Everything posted by Sporknight

  1. And then, you take the rooftops to the other side of the map, drop down behind him and uppercut his jaw through the other side of his skull. :3
  2. In case some of you maggots haven't seen it yet, here is a picture with all the new hats (not counting the 'hatless' hats of course) I want Jayne's hat for the heavy. That is all.
  3. Went to a midnight showing last night (this morning?) with Prophet Orwell and some friends. Fantastic movie, really is. Very intense, but quite the rewarding payoff in the third act with the abounding ass-kickerey.
  4. I agree, I like the snow map for KotH. However, I would put in a vote for a time reduction on those maps, since 25-30 minutes feels kind of long. Maybe just knocking 10 minutes off of it? *shrug* Also, wanthatgetnao
  5. Additional goodies found buried in the update page: http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/enigmatical/ http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/advertisement/ http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/barbary/ So...maybe poisons? And maybe rewarding hats for killing people with hats? I'm betting if they do item trading, it'll be in this update too. There's a good chance we might see a new meet the class video, too. We shall see.
  6. Just for Turbine, and just for engineers. 2 max. Also, Orwell: You only really use dual screens for playing WoW and porn. Admit it.
  7. I have a desktop and a tablet. Tablet goes with me to class/work, for either taking notes or distracting myself when it gets boring (which is always). Desktop is for gaming. The tablet is theoretically capable of playing TF2, but it's really not worth the effort. As far as class limits are concerned...In general, with the size of our server, I see little need for more than 2 of any class, ever - provided we're playing 'serious' TF2, of course. Even then, when you're trying to push a cart and half your team is 2 snipers, 2 spies and 2 scouts...But that's for another rant. Despite what I just said about 'generally needing no more than 2 of a class', I tend to disagree with forced class limitations. It can be a fairly frustrating restriction, and I just don't feel comfortable making class limitations a regular part of the server. Like Rambo brought up, what if the 2 engies you have are total wankers? It reminds me of the spy/sniper update, where both spies or snipers would be terrible, bog down the team, and yet not want to switch out. Class restrictions tend to sound good in principle, but I find them bringing about other issues too.
  8. After playing the demo, I gotta say I like how it focuses on letting you plan out your course of action, rather than challenging you in the execution of that plan. They dont make grappling from A to B a challenge, or demand elaborate button-combos out of you for fights and finishers. It's more about choosing how you clean out that room of baddies, and stuff. I hope that made any sense at all right there...Either way, I plan on getting the PS3 version.
  9. I strongly recommend Defense Grid. It's just got such a high degree of balance and polish to it, it show's what the TD genre is really capable of at it's peak. Plus, the narrator is entertaining.
  10. I'll take a look, if you'd like. I'll hit you up on IRC sometime this week, or you can PM me what you've got.
  11. I'll talk with Orwell today about the possibility of staying at Brushfire's. YAY SLEEPOVERS!
  12. Kotaku's been keeping tabs on this: http://kotaku.com/5326858/details-on-the-epic-mickey-game I'm...excited? It certainly looks damn cool, at the least.
  13. Because the east coast has all the other 'cons.
  14. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast.
  15. Put me and Prophet Orwell down as very strong tentatives for this gig. Orwell lives in Baltimore, and my hometown is Burke, about 15 miles south of DC. We'll get a hotel room together too, and are also totally game for the LAN party at Brushfire's place. I'll even go UP to Baltimore and come back down to DC for it, if that's the case. Are there more details about it buried in the last 10 pages of the tread?
  16. Congratulations you two!
  17. I think I like the new rotation. Maybe a leetle bit more arena, but I know it's not the most popular game mode - I just like announcing, hehe. I am glad to see a reduction in 5cp maps, though, since those were getting pretty tiresome. The new customs (hallofdeath and Storm) look like fun, too - cant wait to try em out!
  18. I'm normally not much of a 'con-goer, but I'm going to school *in* Philly, so this is almost too close to look over. Depending on the OCR presence (and if I can get a ride), I might actually make it to this one.
  19. You can get it at http://ff4.ocremix.org/, in both torrent and single-track format.
  20. So it turns out that I've had plans crop up for both Thursday and Saturday next week. I'll also be starting show come this Wednesday, and I have no clue what the rehearsal schedule will look like. I'll post once I have a better idea, but I really can't commit to much of anything at this point, heh. I'll be sure to let you guys know, though.
  21. Weekend evenings I'm generally available.
  22. An inter-OCR scrim sounds like fun, if you ask me. I'll join in on that, at least.
  23. So I was scanning through the comments on a dead ringer post at Ubercharged.net, and I came across this interesting little fact: Can anyone confirm/deny that this works? Usually I'm a C&D kind of spy, but if this is the case then the dead ringer just got a whole new level of capabilities...
  24. That was probably the most fun I've had watching a game be played instead of getting in there myself, I must admit. Good times commentating tonight with Brush, and I hope you all enjoyed it too. Supposedly, someone (F4T4L I think) was recording, so we should see some videos coming up in the not too distant future. I wouldn't mind hearing how terrible I sound over my headset, haha.
  25. This. Sudden death makes for good stories - like the time I was engineer on Turbine and took out 2 of the 3 remaining team. Almost got the third guy, too. Some seriously intense moments, though. Straight to stalemate is just disappointing. I dont think SD is really worth taking out.
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