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Everything posted by Sporknight

  1. Yea, they said something about "not wanting to make a game that'll work on all the possible system specs for computers", which is something video games have been doing for how long now? I mean, I understand the physics engine looks like something you cant really tone down, but isn't that what minimum system specs are for? They're probably just terrified of piracy, if you ask me.
  2. Pardon me while I try not to be bitter about how they cancelled the PC release for this game.... Oh well. I'm moving in to a place where someone owns a 360. I'll just mooch off of him.
  3. Haha, sounds like what happened to World of Warcraft when Blizz implemented Arenas. Fortunately, this game is all "PvP", so they can't make sweeping changes to class mechanics that cripple them in other areas to resolve minor balance issues. Or at least, so we hope.
  4. Yea I dug around and got it with GamersGate, but found a way to extract the install file for the game so I dont have to run the GamersGate service every time I want to install it somewhere else. Of course, it wont let me run it on multiple computers unless I uninstall it off of this one, but still works. And, although I missed out on the original BC, I must say that this game is challenging, entertaining, cheesey (just enough to be grand), and all around fun. Definitely dont regret getting it.
  5. On the TF2 blog when they were talking about the Heavy Pack, Valve was discussing a way they could make heavies less medic-dependent, without them being overpowered with a medic on their back. Sandvich - take cover, sit down, eat, regain health? And somehow make it a ranged damage alternative to the shotgun too? Maybe? Still, how else will heavies eat 100 "sandviches"? We'll know tomorrow I suppose.
  6. So apparently it wont be coming out on Steam for us PC gaming types...Somewhere in the negotiating with Capcom and Valve there was a disagreement, and it's available on the Capcom store website and using another digital download service called like Direct2Download or something. If it was available on Steam my wallet would be out already, but I'm a little hesitant about getting it otherwise from what I've heard people say about D2D. Any of you guys bought it yet for PC, and if so, how?
  7. I kinda like 'em, I think. All of them seem to be focused on doing what Heavies do best - eating damage, helping medics, killing things. It doesn't seem like you'd have to go as out of your way to get some achievements as with the Medic and Pyro ones.
  8. I'm waiting for the PC release for this one. Hopefully it comes out soon on Steam and the like. Anyone have any idea when? I haven't been able to find anything myself.
  9. Being stuck in the middle of Philadelphia with no car somewhat limits the chances of me seeing anything. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a group of people who are going out to see it though...
  10. So I dont know how many of you are Kotakuites (if that's even the right term), but you all should get a kick out of this: http://kotaku.com/5035253/meet-the-cow (PS I am a nub at embedding) Also, once my USB headset shows up I'll get a reserved spot and become much more regular. Should turn up around next Wednesday or so I hope.
  11. I'll probably tune in tonight. I've been in need of some new music, and always thought it would be cool to be a DJ. This might give me some insight into it. Something about the campus radio station doesn't "click" with me, I dunno. I look forwards to the unts unts unts.
  12. THAT'S who he reminds me of. I thought he looked strangely familiar...
  13. My guild just got Kael down last Sunday. T'was awsome, especially considering how many guilds these days skip him (and Vashj, whom we've also downed) for BT and MH. We have just started on MH and will probably begin BT by the end of the month. Exciting times. I'd love to get Illidan down before Wrath goes live.
  14. So I guess if I actually playing more often I should get a reserved slot, eh? I have a bad habit of reminding myself to log on for TF2 around 7:00 and forgetting by 9:00...
  15. I am most definitely planning on attending. I saw the message on Facebook pop up, parents OK'd it, and I didn't see the thread crop up until just now. I live in Burke VA, just a few miles out of DC, so technically I could drive up and back every day, but personally I think it'd be better to get and share a hotel room - more convenient, fun, etc. Haven't committed to anything so far, but feel free to PM me if you're looking for another guy to room with or whatever. EDIT: And feel free to pack me in with as many others to cut costs. I don't mind.
  16. Nickname - Sporknight Login - deterb I woulda been there last night, but the ethernet in my dorm room was down for no reason and the wireless is spotty at best in the dorms.
  17. So, Wrath of the Lich King. My mains are a tankadin (whom I crush heroics with) and an afflock (whom I raid with). Looking at the current state of talents and such, I'm actually really psyched for what they're offering paladins, on all 3 talent trees. Warlocks, on the other hand, I feel...lukewarm about. We're getting some neat toys, but I'd really like to see some more raid viability in the 51 point talents. Anyone else feel the same way? Oh, and in before "lolPvE".
  18. I'll gladly lend my voice to this one. I'll find some time to pop into the vent channel and see what I can do. I have a somewhat-ok mic I suppose, but no real way to record it I dont think. I'd need some help being talked through that. However, I do have some good acting experience, for what it's worth.
  19. Best of prayers for you and your family, man. I love your music, and I'm sure we're all hoping for a quick and safe recovery for you. For what it's worth, I'll put your name down in our chruch prayer bulletin. God bless.
  20. Watched the fireworks over the Art Museum in Philly. It was a pretty good show, despite the rain. The smoke from some of them got so thick it obscured parts of the show, but other then that it was a fun evening.
  21. I look forwards to joining you guys tonight - conveniently enough, my forum handle is my TF2 one. See ya'll there.
  22. Well I'm back and settled in my dorm safe and sound and all. The meetup was a load of fun, and I'm glad I could make it! I look forwards to the next one!
  23. Oh my god I'm crying this is beautiful.
  24. So does anyone else find those ads they're tacking onto the end of his reviews silly? Once or twice he put on some self-made thing (there was one with him dubbing over the Painkiller intro, quite a good laugh), but now ads? Is it him selling out, or does Escapist think this is a great idea for some good revenue? At least they're at the end of the review, though. I'll watch the first 5 seconds to see if it's not something he made then close it and move on.
  25. So it turns out I picked up a summer job...and I'm working Saturdays from 1-6. So seems I wont be able to make it to the meetup this time around. I'd get a sub, but I'm going to need one July 4th most likely (goin home that weekend), so I dont wanna ask for both weekends off. If something changes around then maybe I'll pull a miracle off and be able to show, but I wouldn't count on it. When are you guys planning on getting back to 30th st station? If it's after 6 or so I might be able to tag along for BBQ/sleepover, but if not no worries.
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