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Everything posted by Sporknight

  1. Malvolius: Lvl 30 (but steadily rising) Warlock on Staghelm Guild: Forever Knights
  2. Thanks for all the pointers Xyco. I was just looking for general tips, etc. I appreciate it!
  3. Speaking of BG, I was thinking about getting involved in those for my lvl 24 lock. Any tips/advice/pointers/reccomendations/etc?
  4. I love how when I click on this thread, all the ads at the bottom are for gold farming and powerleveling services...
  5. Just hit lvl 20 today on my gnome warlock. Anyone play on Staghelm, by any chance? I'm mostly focusing on Destruction and Affliction, I think. At least at this point, most of what I pour into Demonology wouldnt make that significant of a difference, being that I love my Voidwalker and how he keeps most all the aggro off of me, so I can nuke shit with DoT's and shadow bolts. Times are good...
  6. Finally got this game a few days ago. I wanted to wait until school was practically done and over with. My level 13 gnome warlock Malvolius is...well...humbly slaughtering and getting slaughtered in Westfall at the moment. Is it wrong to be dying to get a mount so soon?
  7. When I first saw this baby up on the site, I was like "cool, another Mario Paint mix. I should check it out sometime." Just tonight I listened to it, and the first 15 seconds or so is "Ahh...classic MP goodness. Delicous!" And then the cello kicked in, and it started screaming hardcore at me, and I fell in love. The whole thing is just fun to listen to. I give it my approval, and another home in my personal favorites!
  8. I'm a real big fan of most of Star's work, and what you guys need to understand is that that's really his style, to vary and blend techno, orchestral, etc. elements into his mixes. Now, at first, the way he bounced around kinda turned me off, especially when it went to about 80% electronica, but I learned to like it. I really enjoy the nice, "crunchy" guitars growling under the main theme, and I was a little upset when I didn't get more of that, but this mix has really grown on me. Magus's theme has been mixed a good deal lately, and it shouldnt be too hard to find a concentrated mix of it with just one style, anyways. A few more comments on the mix itself, though: The beginning, especially before the 1:00 marker, sounds a lot like something from The Matrix (especially with the chorus), but it works for me. I also really enjoy the bit of synth around 3:30 that goes off and does its own thing - a little bit of deviation from the source theme is nice, and this handles it well. The acoustic guitar busting outa nowhere at 3:01 is also very nicely handled. This mix seems to jump around a lot more than Star's other works, but I really enjoy the overall impression it leaves, though the ending feels kinda abrupt - I'm no music major, but maybe bringing it back to what was going on in the very beginning woulda been a good way to bring the song to conclusion. I think, overall I like the way my girlfriend (who is also an OCR listener) put it: A lot of mixes go places, and then keep coming back to the same place. This mix just goes places, and keeps going. I give it a solid , and a permanent home on my playlist (and stuck in my head, in a good way).
  9. I was seriously giddy after listening to this the first time. I would've burst out laughing with joy had my dad not been right across from me in the room. Just...wow. Wow. Nice work man, very nice.
  10. Testing: Why does this hate me??
  11. Very impressive mix. Some of the techno-ey parts get on my nerves (the very beginning, for example), but all of the instrumental parts are excellent! The way everything fits together so neatly is the beauty of this remix. The only other weakpoint I found was the very end, where it just sorta fades off suddenly and awkwardly... Still, great job!
  12. I gotta admit, I'm not a big fan of this one. Then again, I haven't played FFX-2; the "random prelude" mentioned above and the break to FFVI for a few seconds were my favorite parts. Industrial isn't my big thing anyways, so personally, I just didnt enjoy it that much. Overall, it is very well put together and props to Mithril for getting his first mix up!
  13. I enjoyed this mix alot. At first, it didnt seem like anything special, but if i need somethin to just chill to, this one is very relaxing and soothing. Although its been a while since I've played OoT, this mix sounds like something that could be used in place of the original theme. Although that may annoy some people (it dosent deviate far enough from the original, etc), it dosen't stop me from liking it!
  14. This is pretty good stuff. I love Elfman's style and all, I like the ending, but the one part of Kefka's theme that I love the most (that one part isolated in The Atomizer) dosent seem to show up... Either way, nice job on the mix, very well put together, and keep up the good work!
  15. I have to agree with most everyone else here: this song rocks! I especially like the effect around 2:22. Overall, the song gets kinda repetitive, I guess, but its still a fun listen.
  16. Wow. Just wow. Very cool, very well done. Right when I heard the cello come in around 0:57 (hate to be unoriginal in commentary) I knew this song was gonna be amazing. Was anyone else reminded of Crouching Tiger/Hero by this? I dunno, it just sorta rang bells in the back of my head. Once again, an excellent piece, and highly reccomended.
  17. Hey all! Ive been reading the forums for about three months and have finally gotten around to registering. Although I dont know the first thing about remixing, i jus wanna say the music here is awsome and to keep up the good work all you musically inclined people!
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