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Ab56 v2 aka Ash

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Everything posted by Ab56 v2 aka Ash

  1. You can buy R4s for $35 if you're willing to wait 3 weeks for shipping.
  2. You're supposed to look at the map in the top left corner to locate him, or the X-Ray visor.
  3. Ridley in Prime 1 made me lose more than 2 tanks. He was more fun. Using the wiimote to mess with levers and things didn't enhance the game in any particular way. It just created a few little extra things to do, which didn't cut it for me. It The only time I felt like they made those additional controls fun was when I had to speed-fix the broken wires on the emergency escape capsule. I feel like overall, the time spent on messing with gimmicks was supposed to make up for the puzzles being relatively pathetic. The MOST gimmicky, and worse feature for that matter, was Hyper Mode. LAME. I used this as little as possible because it made an easy game even easier. Hyper Mode should not have replaced super missiles and power bombs. I would rather have collected power bomb expansions than ship missile expansions because those were pretty much worthless. At least power bombs let me blow up big glass tubes. Metroid's supposed to be about getting cool items and seeing what you could do with them in the expansive world, not getting lame upgrades that you need to use once or twice to advance ahead. Being able to play the game like an proper FPS was great, but all the enemies were ridiculously easy to kill, and so were the bosses, even though I consider my aim to be pretty bad with a wiimote. The final showdown with Dark Samus was very disappointing as well. I think Prime 1 was moderately difficult, whereas Prime 2 upped the ante a bit. Prime 3 was just too easy. If I found Prime 2 harder than Prime 1, I don't think it's just me "getting used to" Prime games. And missiles? Totally worthless. What's the point in having around 250 of them if you barely need them for anything other than seeker missile doors? Ridley alone in Prime 1 justified collecting the majority of missile expansions. The upgrades were also very disappointing. In Prime 1, I felt pretty pumped every time I got a new upgrade. Varia Suit, Gravity Suit, Phazon suit, wave beam, ice beam, plasma beam, power bomb, super missiles, seeker missiles. In Prime 3, you get upgrades that you don't have much use for later. I had high hopes for beam stacking, but you only get 2 upgrades that are pretty similar to each other. I also thought there would be some cool suit upgrades, but after the PED, which you get at the very beginning of the game, you get the hazard shield which isn't is just a little mod to the PED suit. What gives? One more thing about Metroid being "isolated". I don't know about that criticism, but Metroid Fusion used Adam, and he was just fine to me. I doubt the federation would've bothered anybody if they weren't so involved with your missions. Usually, they just told you to go do your missions and figure it out yourself. At worst, Fusion told you the general area of where to pick up items. Prime 3 basically made you the Federation's soldier. This isn't Doom 3. Not cool. Pros: Neat FPS control, better graphics Cons: Gimmicky controls, low difficulty, not enough cool upgrades and not enough puzzles requiring them, weak music, worlds felt... dead
  4. I just beat this game yesterday, and I'm thoroughly unimpressed. The controls are all gimmicky, the music is generally FAR weaker than the previous games, the level design wasn't particularly good (and man, fuck Skytown and its overly-difficult-to-use map). The game was too easy too. Ridley at least gave a challenge in Metroid Prime, but the bosses in this game barely made me lose 2 tanks. Didn't feel like Metroid either, with all these NPCs. The upgrades were pretty lame too. Metroid Prime 1 was by far the best of the trilogy.
  5. I rip on everybody on irc (especially zircon), but man, this is the shit.
  6. iPod is a piece of shit for videos.
  7. There's a slot underneath the power button
  8. Today I have become a proud owner of a Wii.
  9. Whoa whoa, he said Luigi. Too bad without wavedash he'll suck
  10. This is hilarious. Let the Internet nerd army howl in despair as their precious video game exploits vanish. Those losers can whine all the want and continue to play Melee, classifying themselves as true gamers or whatever, but I'm gonna enjoy having a life, not being an overly competitive douche about a video game (maybe those two are the same point), and playing Smash the way it was intended.
  11. I'm not very far into the game, but I must say that the boomerand is hax. You can practically create a death matrix with it
  12. Obviously that's not all there is to the character. To balance her out, she'll probably move pretty damn fast.
  13. Harsh nothing. I defy you to explain how Golden Sun's good points overcome its obvious, enormous flaws.
  14. You ought to thank them for losing such crappy games. Don't you have any taste?
  15. I'm still trying to piece my life together
  16. Don't be a wuss, po! I bus and BART'd to Berkeley and back every day for 2 months. What's an hour and half to ya?
  17. I used that handle on dalnet but I maintained this handle on my AOL account, which I had since I was 8. Though back then there wasn't all that much to do on the net.
  18. I didn't ask for your opinion about it.
  19. Changing handles is overrated. I've been Ab for about 11 years.
  20. I just beat Phoenix Wright 2 today. While most of the cases were lacking in my view, the last one totally made up for it all. It was epic, and the conclusion was lovely.
  21. FLUDD Mario? He's not a separate character. It's just regular Mario except with FLUDD at down+b.
  22. No one banned placing appropriate music for each stage. It'll probably be the default.
  23. 3-4 screw attacks kills Emperor Ing in Prime 2.
  24. We were talking about this thread on IRC. There were mentions of phrases like "sucks ass" and "no kidding". Thread -> new direction, e.g. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Plasma beam, lolz
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