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Everything posted by Antelucan

  1. Wow. I just started a cyber nation today independently of this thread. Talk about a coincidence. Anyway, I just changed to the orange team. Right now I am looking for trade partners in gold, gems, or coal (trying to get jewelry). R: Cardinal Lustro N: Aldebrant T: Oil, Silver
  2. Less than six months is coming up pretty fast!
  3. The point of my post wasn't who composed the main theme so much as where it could be downloaded. Edit: You have no idea how much this excites me.
  4. Main Theme by Nobuo Uematsu
  5. I happened to listen to this mix before it had been posted here, and I distinctly remember how much it blew me away. It's simply THAT amazing.
  6. You know, I think it's funny how Person 1 loves track A but hates track B, Person 2 dislikes track A but loves track C, while Person 3 doesn't really care for track C but has a thing for track B. The great thing about Chrono Symphonic seems to be you are guaranteed to love something about it, even if you dislike something else. And then there are those of us who are simply in awe at the entire thing.
  7. GO FOR IT. Also, if you make a 1920×1200 version for my widescreen laptop, I'd most definitely use it. <3 Eon
  8. I think much of what was interpretted as whining was more actually an expression of frustration. When such a beloved project stumbles "for reasons beyond control," it creates a feeling of helplessness for many fans, myself included. It's hard watching something you care about falter and not being able to do anything about it. Frankly, I'm surprised more fans haven't voiced their enthusiasm for this project. I apologize on behalf of any comments that were perceived as threatening or seemed to question the decision to delay the project further, but hopefully the project team can see that many of these comments were born out of devoted affection, not selfishness, particularly from the many of us who have followed this project since its inception more than a year ago. The first and foremost priority is to release an outstanding project, and, if that means taking some extra time, that's fine with me. <3 Compy, Claado Shou, StarZander, each and every one of the track artists, all the mirrorers, and anyone else I missed.
  9. Crowley, Schizorat, Jaunty, Goten X, and piccskick06: Welcome to the forums!
  10. At this point, a gorgeous website is of secondary importance to getting the project released if everything else is finished.
  11. I'm intrigued by the cameo appearance of some Cross themes in this song.
  12. That was not the implication, but the analogy still stands as bizarrely accurate.
  13. Thanks for your cordiality, Vyse. You reminded me of the old lady that stands at the entrance to Wal-Mart and greets everyone...
  14. After a year-and-a-half-or-so of lurking, I finally registered in November, and I'm still only remotely active... Anyway, I am most impressed by PPR; the discussions there are riveting. My interests are bistromathematics and God. Well, there are a few other things too. I am fascinated by storms, particularly of the thunder variety. I like to read. I don't read much, I'm just saying that when I do, I enjoy it. As far as music goes, I am a sucker for sweeping orchestras and big choral chant power! I'm actually tired at the moment as it's kinda late. I am fond of The West Wing and House, MD. I play the trumpet (sort of--my chops are waning). I'm studying to become a chemical engineer (because I like playing with chemicals). My favorite posters from the Top Ten Poster list are probably Stan Tuna and The Coop. My favorite judges are ALL OF THEM. My favorite djp is djpretzel, the best djp ever invested with divine banning power (though I kinda miss Firedrake...). I gotta say, this site is a glistening marlin in a polluted internet sea of decrepit mudfish. Seriously. It's icy-chill like penguins. As you can see, I am very tired, and it is time for me to recover some brain cells.
  15. This has to be the most moving piece on this entire site. Seriously, I can't get over how beautiful this song is. That's exactly what I thought of too... you really outdid yourself in capturing the majesty and grandeur of such a spectacle.
  16. This is fantastic! I am particularly fond of the otherworldly vocal accompaniment. You have my gratitude, PriZm, for creating the first Xenosaga OC ReMix. Now, all I can say is I want more!
  17. Nope. Arris dome sounds waaay different than this. a midi I'm having so much trouble finding 'Forever' (the original) anywhere. I just said to heck with it and emailed Suzu myself. Hope he gets it... All in all, this is a genius song. I just want to hear the original. It's called "The Day the World Revived" on the OSV. The melody itself can be heard integrated into the Lavos Theme midi part-way through. By the way, this remix is great.
  18. Wow. I love that string motif in the background. Also, the string runs at 2:57 are superb. I personally like how it began with a soft piano, gradually increasing in tempo, and it all winds back down to the same. Way to interweave the electronic and orchestral elements. This is remixing at its finest.
  19. I definitely agree. I believe this would qualify as the first PC game I ever owned. I actually brought it back out a while ago to try out the multiplayer with my brother, and it was still excellent fun. So I must thank you sir for your wonderful take on the epic music from this game.
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