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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Why, you sang Lover Reef, of course. ^_~
  2. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! zircietricks / pixiecon here, and you know what time it is... VGDJ Episode 046: The Liontamer Roars has been released, and is now available at www.vgdj.net! We had an unexpected meetup @ pixie's place for my birthday, which made it on to this show, officially turning it into a Special Episode ! Guests included djpretzel, Liontamer, D-Lux, Benzo, Ninja-san, GeoffreyTaucer (who is still here as I type this), Moguta, TristorTrucido and MythrilNazgul. We hope you guys enjoy this one, as we sure had some fun making it
  3. "Yay Sega music"? How does that make sense? Awesome job, though. I roffled.
  4. ROFL. That's nothing. Brendan, afterwards, decided to walk around in his underwear. Lol, he's not the one I'm worried about. And what were YOU wearing? My pajamas, of course. Only guys are silly enough to sleep in clothes. Awwww, thanks, Ranael!
  5. ROFL. That's nothing. Brendan, afterwards, decided to walk around in his underwear.
  6. Hahaha, ouija DJ. And don't forget all the shnaboobula's. Indeed, it was a crazy show. When are we gonna "let" Larry guest host? All he has to do is ask! He never has, to my knowledge. But yeah, it would be a blast having him on the show. Perhaps if he makes it to zircon's birthday/my housewarming party this weekend, we could record with him in person. Eh eh? Oh boy... I know exactly what you mean about the ying and yang. It was extremely refreshing hanging out with those guys, and their music was seriously awesome. I'm glad you enjoyed the feature. Hehehehe, that was from q-pa's "zircoin" remix! We had been talking in IRC about calling zircon "zircoin" for fun, so he made that from my original recording singing "zircoin" with the pitches from Mario. roffle.
  7. You wouldn't by chance be on to pimp your new album, would you? OMG SGX SOLD OUT. *cough* From what I've heard of it though, it deserves all the pimping it gets. Excellent to see you as well, Mr. X. ^_~ Yes, he was on to talk about the new album, Chroma. We asked for the interview, so don't give him poo for it! Abadoss: yeah, that kid is apparently the little cousin of... Robert Reese? Hilarious. How'd he get ahold of the number? Um, from Robert, I presume... It's not that hard to find; we announce it on every show.
  8. You wouldn't by chance be on to pimp your new album, would you? OMG SGX SOLD OUT. *cough* From what I've heard of it though, it deserves all the pimping it gets. Excellent to see you as well, Mr. X. ^_~ Yes, he was on to talk about the new album, Chroma. We asked for the interview, so don't give him poo for it! Abadoss: yeah, that kid is apparently the little cousin of... Robert Reese? Hilarious.
  9. Really cool stuff. I don't really like DS skins in general, but this is still a cool design. Haha, the pretzels totally look like a holy symbol in that context!
  10. Swing your arms, from side to side, Come on it's time to go do the Mario, Take one step, and a then let's do the Mario altogether now! (It's all from memory but yes... would be great!) Hell yeah, now you're talkin'. I think you mean to say... YOU GOT IT! IT'S THE MARIO!! I kinda like the intro as is, only because of the SMW sound effects and it isn't a version we've heard a thousand times before. But it might be nice to switch it up at least once... If anyone has the file, email it to vgdjpodcast@gmail.com. (Less talk, more action!) Action! Mp3 sent! LAOS beat you to it. ^_~
  11. I wrote them out a page or two ago. They aaaarrrre: VGDJ podcast! ..................... It's not just old blips, bleeps, and bloops Video game music and Fruityloops We've got rock, jazz, orchestra too VGDJ is for you!
  12. Swing your arms, from side to side, Come on it's time to go do the Mario, Take one step, and a then let's do the Mario altogether now! (It's all from memory but yes... would be great!) Hell yeah, now you're talkin'. I think you mean to say... YOU GOT IT! IT'S THE MARIO!! I kinda like the intro as is, only because of the SMW sound effects and it isn't a version we've heard a thousand times before. But it might be nice to switch it up at least once... If anyone has the file, email it to vgdjpodcast@gmail.com. (Less talk, more action!)
  13. You're the best, José.
  14. And Merk: nooooooooooooooooooooooo! D:
  15. Oh hush, you.
  16. Never played it. I seriously didn't even consider the possibility of pronouncing it like Abraham. (That's scary... )
  17. Oh wow, didn't catch that before. Fixed! Thank you.
  18. Haha. You scurvy dog. (Yeah, that's right, pretzel. SCURVY. ) EDIT: 1up for pixie and zircon!
  19. Three cheers for Larry!
  20. Ditto. Tommy actually said it brings tears to their eyes. I should reiterate how absolutely wonderful all the composers were. Not only willing to be interviewed, but genuinely excited and friendly. What a great bunch of people!
  21. 666 times?! Are you crazy, boy?
  22. Hahaha... I can just hear it... "Jiggin' Jon Tay" over and over!
  23. Got it. Wow, how did you do it? I didn't know people outside of North America could reach our 1-800 number. We've played many international voicemails before, but those were actually mp3 recordings that people emailed to us. Care to explain for our other listeners?
  24. Hahaha! Did you know my parakeet's name is actually Noob?
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