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Everything posted by Vig

  1. SHHHHH! I'm sure he would understand that candy's love song wasnt as...easy to work with and required a bit more creativity on my part.
  2. Thanks for all the feedback; it is always appreciated. I guess i'll fill you in on some of the details. i think an unbalanced portion of the comments have been about the ending, so i'll clear that up and maybe people will focus on the non-vox non-chrono trigger aspects of the mix. The vocals are me whispering that "i'm about to die" psalm you hear in movies. It's not there to endorse any particular religion, only because i thought the whispering sounded really cool with the stereo delay and stuff. an earlier version of htis mix was called "eulogy at sea" and that explains the morbid themes. other vocal clips featured are from the movies "gladiator" and "teenage mutant ninja turtles." as for the guitar that plays behind the vocals in the end...what can i say. i was improvising. i didnt plan it like that; they just came out, and i thought it sounded alright. they are (obviously) frog's theme, kraid, and intro from Ocarina of Time. someone cited something from megaman 3 or something during the guitar solo. i listened again, didnt hear anything, so if it's in there, it was unintentional. SRRY. Sax is live, played by me. guitars are pirated gigasamplez, OK?!?!
  3. i'm not quite as offended by the conservative interpretation as protricity, but i'm not quite as charmed as analoq. I think i could live with it, it COULD be passable if it were fleshed out a bit more. i feel like it soudns thin in some areas, and conservative interpretation or not, it needs at least another minute in lengh to give it more time to develop, build up, etc. AND ADD AN ENDING PLZ< OK??! right now it sounds like the themesong to an early 90's sitcom. Needs more development, as well as an intepretation that more reflects "recording artist on a major label with a future" than the original source. NO
  4. so in the beginning the piano is too low for the sample. it sounds really bad. I really like the vocal work, but there are lots of mastering and arrangement things that arent really terrible, but they add up. the vocals should be louder in my opinion, and perhaps they should have more reverb. i think the drums are terrible. i dont really think the song needs drums at all. or if any, perhaps jsut bass, hihatclose, bass, hihatclose. i think in some spaces the organ-ish thing playing the busy line could sub out, maybe for some soft pads playing more intricate harmonies. the mix would benefit from more of a crescendo. as it is the tempo is just too low for the drum groove, it gives the song the feeling like it's just plodding along in the mud. it needs either more movement, or it needs to be a legitimate ballad sans-drums. i really want to hear a resubmit, because i think this could be really good. NO
  5. mastered terribly. the piano ought to be much louder. i dont think it's the reverb i have a problem with. performance-wise, the piano comping under the horn is really too simple. traid whole notes NEVER add to a mix. at best they are tolerable. why oh WHY do people so often forget that there are rhythms other than whole notes and notes other than the one three and five? grrrrrr! furthermore there are lots of really bad notes in the pads, and it ends too quickly. NO
  6. everything is just very simple the bass plays nothing but quarter notes, shifting pitch only after every two bars. the lead guitar part adds nothing as it is so simple and akward. I have heard not a single interesting rhythm in the whole song. i guess this guy's quantize function only goes up to 1/8th note resolution. bah. NO
  7. the vocal clip is all this mix has. the rest is completely generic and bland. it doesnt go anywhere dynamically, it's really just very mediocre. the ending is very bad. the mix relies on the overused vocal clip. NO
  8. what we have here is apretty good intro. trim a little bit of the fat, say thirty to sixty seconds, add 5 or 6 minutes in which the song goes somewhere, anywhere, and you'll have a complete song. NO
  9. ...hmm..in trying to decide where to draw the line on this replacement/addition crud, i really dont think this is different or better enough to be added. so like analoq said NO/NO
  10. i agree with ari. the piano sequencing is strong, the arrangement is good, but it's not a remix. Call it an original and sell it for lots of $$ NO
  11. Azar brought this up at the OUS board, i'll more or less copy and paste my response: at any rate, my vote goes for "protoman is just retarded," cause i thought the humor in that track was glaring and the idea was obviously tounge-in-cheek.
  12. if i recall, the UT original was already fairly complex, with pretty good sound quality. i think a few things that stand out are the perc sfx, the vox was also good. unfortunately the arrangement was not particularly directed, leaving the piece forgettable. just doesnt have anything over the original NO
  13. ugh. NO I'm not familiar with the original, and i'm not gonna bother checking it out here's why: The guitars are WAY too loud. WAY. WAY. LOUD> Not only can't i hear the other instruments, but there's incredibly noticeable clipping throughout the whole song. fix this. positive note: i'm pleased by the guitars in and of themselves. nice fat sound, well recorded. just master it before you submit next time.
  14. probably not, but i'll tell you what i AM going to do i'm going to sooner or later update the entire song, better patches, better recording, smoother edges, and i'm gonna trim the fat so i can include the segment that the OCR version is missing. shooting for early 2005.
  15. Larry said it, too reliant on the original, i thought the beginning was abrupt, not so much development, lots of repetition. NO
  16. This is a remix of revenge of shinobi...and DDR. Okay. I dont think it's the recording that hurts this mix, but the mastering and mixing. vocals need to be louder, need reverb. the bass ought to be louder. everything could use some effects, chorus, reverb, stuff to fill out the sound. there's also lots of clipping. REMASTER. "Fuck you!!! R U TEH PRFECT!?!?!!~" apparently not yet. NO
  17. The sound quality is the main thing hurting this remix. the arrangement could use more escalation, but the biggest thing is the recording quality. NO
  18. well produced, but the arrangmenet has no variation, no forethought. it seems awfully lazy. the bassline is too simple for the song being remixed, and it shows. if you cant make the techno bass work with the song, dont remix the song as techno. lazy arrangement exemplified by lazy ending. NO
  19. an improvement, but what prot says is true, there's overcompression and clutter. the drums are too loud, the lead and piano are too quiet. could be an easy yes, but i want the sound fixed. NO
  20. I dunno...who says that? anyway. it's nicely done, sound quality is good. the idea is cute. YES, or sumcrud.
  21. reverb makes it sounds like a bad recording job. bad clipping, bad mess of notes at 2:06. on the whole sounds muddy, and there's no arrangement. NO
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