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Everything posted by Vig

  1. man you werent kidding about the violas...yech! the strings are seriously hurting the mix. i think the piano ought to play a bigger role if this is to be a tango. the guitar solo is pretty akward, doesnt add much, tone isnt good, a number of bad notes. meh. NO
  2. the lead is way too faint. take off some verb, drop an octave, mix louder. any of the preceding would help. the bass needs to be bassier. boost the low, plz. the leadish thing at 2:00...again, weak...really just needs more punch, or barring that, more volume. mastering is probably the biggest problem here. only one worth mentioning for now. NO
  3. 56kbps. 22khz. NO OVERRIDE. reencode. sounds worthy of feedback at least, if not posting.
  4. very consistent and solid guitar playing, the the female and male vox are pretty good. everything else is laughable. percussion, harmonica...ick. NO Gotta fix that harp. seriously. it blows. (pun)
  5. fraid percussion and mallets just arent enough. it's a decent idea, but it needs some bass, needs some horn lead or something. just needs more. and it needs to be longer. NO
  6. hmm...the problem here is it sounds the same more orless the whole time. there's no buildup, no dramatic changes. one break. a decent ending. In the end it just doesnt bring anything new to the table. too straightforward. NO
  7. very impressive piano junk. not much to say. well played, well done. YES
  8. the instruments and the arrangement sound flat. the vibrato on the strings and the flutey thing sound wierd. moreover, it just doesnt develop enough, and it's not long enough. NO
  9. it sounds awfully rough around the edges. the banjo sounds harsh and not banjo-like. i really like the piano section before 2:00. excellent dynamic build. the transition to plucked strings would work if the delay werent so overbearing. Why are the strings panned right at 3:40? wtf. nice percussion. not sure exactly what the hell is going on at 4:50. wish it were a little quieter. Okay. so. um... yeah. I think the arrangement is great. fantastic even. banjo lines, great. piano contrast, great. dynamics, superb. but..there are some...seriously bizzare mastering choices made..as well as generally poor mastering. I'd like to hear asound quality upgrade and abetter mastering job. NO, plz resubmit.
  10. the sounds are haunting, but there are lots of technical issues, and some arrangement problems. the strings come in way too loud. there is serious clipping around 1:15. there are occasional bad notes (1:33, 2:06) and i wish the strings wouldnt jump around so much, and i wish they didnt exclusively play whole-notes. on top of that, it repeats without really building. NO
  11. not the most polished piece...in the beginning the strings seem to be playing too fast, they sound unnatural. also, in some places the percussion, techno and hip-hop, sound at best unnecessary and at worst, inappropriate. If it were me, i would rethink the percussion entirely. that said, aside form the percussion, this mix has lots going for it. the beginning is moody and there is lots done with the source material. Lots of tension, lots of extrapolation and exploration. i'd say a very borderline YES. The percussion is definitely holding the mix back. i would ditch the drums entirely in favor of a pulsing electric bass keeping time.
  12. there is a show being done. the cchat is only on irc, #vgf in enterthegame
  13. this song could be a yes if any one of a number of things were fixed. 1. Sound quality. speaks for itself, it just sounds terrible. brass MUST be GM, no velocity work on anything, snare is dry, unconvincing. 2. okay so once the melody comes in, the song becomes much less interesting. and much less good. the song would be better if he just chopped out the second half and called it an original. not that it would be great, just better. arrange more, tool more. whole-note strings do not impress me. there's another thing that bothers me, the whole note strings that go on thru the whole song. Can you imagine if this song were recorded live, what the cello player's part would look like? at the end of three or four takes he'd be ready to shoot himself in the face. give that poor shmuck something to do. a different rhythm, a harmony line, anything. think of the poor cello player. NO
  14. 1. diecrud: YES omg too close to the original 2. "beat off terror" YESrip/cover/verbatim/etc 9. Final summrnig NO look if this is a rip you might as well take off May fortune smile upon you for the same reasons. the vocal clip was all there was to the original, i have no problem with him building a song around it, especially considering the song he builds has a chord progression analogous to the vox line i'll get around to all of them the next time i'm out of bed.
  15. i'll say this is borderline YES never too repettive, mixes it up, could use more layering and polish in some places. good not great. would have liked to hear more harmonies in some spots. i'm bored of writing this review.
  16. i wouldnt say atmopsheric remixes arent popular, there are jsut few artists who do it well. theres CotMM, and...okay so there's only one guy who does it well. HAHAHA that's great i know the EXACT roland JV patch you used for the bass thing and the flute. its a split patch. dont like the flute. it sounds ridiculous. i dont htink the reptetiveness is so bad, in the context of the remix. it doesnt repeat, there is subtle change. anyway, if you're not gonna tell me whether this is a good mix ro not, then i'm not gonna tell you whether i voted yes or not. so stick that in your oven and cook it. ... (NO)
  17. i can attest that i am white folk, and i do, in fact, know this aint jazz. yo. and while i'll admit the only kenny G i've heard has been in the supermarket, to his credit, i think kenny has better soundfonts. pretty straight arrangement, only thing changed is instrumentation, and the instruments dont sound particularly good. NO
  18. I'll admit i'm doped up on all kinds of wonderful painkillers, and every time i swallow my ears become more clogged, but it doesnt require my sharpest ear to name a few things wrong with this. first off...piano intro...bland. lots of clipping on the vibraphones, low piano is barely audible. i'm sure there are problems with the line itself, but i'm not gonna turn my volume way up so i can hear it. drums sound like you're dragging the trashcans down the driveway to the curb. underwater. three blocks away. this song has more clipping than a british girl has ugly. as for the arrangement, there's no development, just the melody repeated with alternating accompanyment instruemnts. NO
  19. Say it, brotha! Defend yo groove! giving, of course, all due consideration to the raised point that starky's voice would have sounded much better on a better mic.
  20. the patch isnt quite good enough to be a solo piano. the release times are off too...it sounds like you recorded this slow and doubled the speed. which i'm willing to bet is exactly what you did. unrefined and undeveloped. NO
  21. the screaming aspect of this mix is great, the sounds are sweet, etc. but the arrangement is unrefined. the low string inthe beginning needs faster attack. the verses are chopped up, although the last one is definately the best. i say keeep the feel, the background noise etc. and make the arrangement a little more cohesive and interesting. NO
  22. that sure is...off tha hook...? gimmicky, fun, but no substance. NO
  23. Hmm..yeah so this is the original with drums. not exactly, but close enough. no thought has gone into the arrangement. the drums NEVER change, and they are generic to begin with. there's no development at all. it's a medly. both songs in the medly sound exactly the same. NO
  24. sounds very raw. the synths are all very hard, and the mastering is quite off. the first two minutes is more or less the orignal slowed way down. when the bass comes in, it's too loud and too grating. there needs to be more texture. the pads in the third minute should have been there sooner. the problem is you dont have any release on any of your synths. even the pad. sounds very inorganic. the pads are oversimplified anyway. aside from the mastering and instrument problems the arrangement is really no more than the original slowed down. NO
  25. I got a response from David Wise, and I'm posting it at Binnie's request.
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