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Everything posted by Vig

  1. the bad notes are fixed, as are the audio glitches. these problems remain: Guitar performance/sound/tuning issues. String part still cheap and stupid-simple. Maybe i'm just not a sucker for live guitars, but the thin lead sound is a turn-off, as are segments where it sounds like he's playing with one finger like 1:18 and 1:23. there are no legato notes in the performance. Tuning is still an issue, most noticeably at :58 and 1:14. i was on the line on this one until the lead guitar came in at 4:00. exclusively playing staccato 8th notes does not a stylish solo make. Giving it a NO cause i can't get past the weak strings and guitar. however i expect to be a minority vote and will be content regardless of which way the decision goes.
  2. nice groove, nice sound, but the song barely develops at all. two minutes without melody, two and a half with. there's just not enough going on at any time. repetitive, underdeveloped. NO
  3. Sounds completely mono except the timpani. the instruments are all mushed together, and rather than progressing, the arrangement repeats. NO
  4. this mix sounds crunchy as hell. the noise is just so dense. there's really no flow to it at all. it will play one melody once then jump straight to another without transition. none of the instruments sound "good", and some of them are quite out of place, namely the vox. the piano is also particularly dry. lots of sound/recording/mastering quality issues with this. NO Oh yeah, one more thing: the melodies have little or nothing to do with the droning 1/8th note guitar chugging that never stops or changes. ugly.
  5. to the mix's credit, the acoustic guitar is better-recorded and more cleanly played than most of the guitar stuff we get here. unfortunately, the problem is pretty evident. hate to throw the term around during the current debate, but this is a straight cover. it doesnt get any straighter than this. it's a medly of three songs that stick exactly to the original, save some sfx. i'd like to hear what you can do, but this is not a remix. NO
  6. so leik, can we vote on this, or somecrud?
  7. a few things. first, i agree with djp that this could be an easy resubmit. however, if he feels so strongly that he would post it regardless of our votes, he should not have put it on the panel in the first place. now my issues with the song: there are bad notes. not just in the third minute as DS said, but more or less throughout. the most egregious example in my mind is at 2:02. this is a result of another problem thru the mix, that is really bad strings. the strings are harmonically too straightforward and they are rhythmically uninteresting. more or less whole notes throughout, even when the chord progression changes before or after the whole bar. (resulting in that ugly ugly thing at 2:02). the arrangement is passable in my mind. i don't think it's a straight cover. the guitar sounds weak for a number of reasons: 1. it's live, and it's dry. slap some verb on it. actually, what would probably do the trick is playing down an octave. could just be the way you miked it, but it sounds like you're too high up on the fretboard for that acoustic guitar. 2. small performance flubs like at 1:18 detract from the feel. the solo at the end is terribly uninteresting and rhythmically...well...it's exclusively staccato eighth notes. not cool. 3. the rhythm guitar is WAY, and let me repeat that; WAY out of tune. it's flatter than an 8 year old girl. aside from that, i hear lots and lots and lots of little audio glitches. Prot mentions one at 2:05, but i also hear glitches at 1:48, 2:17, and i may have missed some others. this is clearly a NO.
  8. the drums are too loud, there are lots of questionable notes, and the entire mix sounds dry and crunchy. I'm not familiar with this so-called "breakbeat" genre, so i cant tell whether or not this is a shining specimen of the genre. however, i'm willing to bet that there's a lot of "breakbeat" out there that sounds better than this. NO
  9. It has come to my attention that the file is 6.7 megs. so, like....dave dont post it until we get a diff. encoding.
  10. No bass+no structure+no direction=NO vote. There are lots of cool ideas going on, but they arent finished. this could be passible if there were low end, and if the ideas were completed in a cohesive way.
  11. the layering is a cool idea, but ultimately the mix doesnt go anywhere; it's just a collection of allusions, and not all the themes used fit the three-chord progression used thru the whole song. the bass is an octave too high, i think. NO
  12. this is just offensive. Melody+LFO thing...not a very good intro. the drums? ridiculous in their garish entrance. it's nearly 5 minutes long and there's no harmony to speak of. In fact, there's no arrangement at all. It's hidden by the abominable instrumentation, but the arrangement is exactly the same as the original. NO OVERRIDE.
  13. this mix takes some interesting risks as far as rhythm and harmony, but most of them fall flat. chord alterations that could be cool are too simple and never resolve, so they sound like mistakes, which maybe they are. Whole-note string triads are not enough for effective harmony. the guitar used is cool. as are the sound effects. risks just not expanded upon, fall flat. oversimplified, etcetc NO
  14. Dry ugly guitars. the mix is ridiculously repetitive up to 2 minutes. the guitars sound better after that, but what doesnt change is the oversimplified harmony. the strings add little or nothing to the remix. sound quality problems, arrangement is too simple. NO
  15. 2:42 eh? the drumloop is killing me. there isnt enough harmony in the mix. it's just bass drums melody. not enough. NO
  16. I'm torn on this one, it's got some nice sounds, and it's a good progression, but two problems first, it meanders, it doesnt really have form or direction. second, there are clearly two separate guitar parts, but they are both played on the same patch, same level, etc. just doesnt work. the patch isnt even good. the accompanying guitar should be quieter, on a different patch. NO
  17. Blue Angel=NO Blue Angel-3:00=YES The many ideas in this mix arent all good enough or different enough to justify nearly 7 minutes.
  18. NO for not mentioning me in your little asskissing session. that and there are numerous little arrangement flubs. The note at 1:57 is a really poor choice. Starting at 2:50 there are way too many repeated notes in the piano part. Instruments will occasionally be too exposed when everything drops out. small things. the big thing is that the mix starts epic and stays that way, more or less. there's no climax because the dynamic is the same at :45 as it is at 3:00. it tries to be epic, but to me that suggests an ascent from very small to very large. i don't think <4:00 is enough time to do such a thing successfully.
  19. This remix sounds cool, there are some nice effects going on, and i think it's a decent remix overall, but i think it relies too much on the beat and the effects. i dont think the arrangement is strong enough. again, just on the line. NO
  20. i like that Winamp says "(epic)" in case there was any confusion as to dynamic direction of this mix. seems fairly average...1:30 the drums sound pretty crunchy to me. the arrangement is kinda repetitive, and the sound quality aint great. i think this could go either way, but i'm gonna give it a NO it's supposedly "epic", but it's only 3:29 and it's repetitive.
  21. beautiful piano, the violin doesnt work so well for me, but i really like the dark and original take on the chord progression. NICE WORK OSHIT where did this come from? All of a sudden it's rock. it's done well, but that came out of nowhere. and now it's techno. okay. Well, the sound quality is excellent, the individual segments are well arranged, but i'm kind of borderline on this because it doesnt seem so much like a cohesive piece as a tech demo of different styles of music. Like Team Gato sans the humor. despite my arrangement gripes, it's still above the bar. YES Prot convinced me to change my evil ways. while i'd like to see it passed, It could and should be much better. i'm gonna contact the artist, etcetc. NO for now
  22. Mastering issues...the lead is generally too loud. The spastic harmony thing is too quiet, and too dry. the lead is also dry. the cymbals sound seriously crunchy. The piano sounds very artificial and the delay doesnt work. i wont even get into the akward transitions and other small arrangement problems because this mix has serious sound quality issues. NO
  23. the instruments are dry and mechanical. i want to hear more rhythmic variation...too many whole notes in the...uh...strings?...maybe? okay so i dont know what they are supposed to be. I hear som serious fuzz on the lead at around 1:20. it's ugly. and it's too loud. it get's repetitive, and nothing cuts thru other than the lead, which, as i already stated, is ugly. NO
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