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Everything posted by Vig

  1. there is a lot of clashing in this remix, there is little effective harmony, and the instruments all seem to hate each other. there's no texture, no blend, and mostly no subtlety. i think the bass isnt strong enough. in fact, many of the instruments suffer from anemia. i think if a lot of it sounded fatter, it would be alright, but this is a sure NO
  2. Binnie is just trying hopelessly to get a mix posted. While I havent listened to the remix in question, I'll give it a NO because I don't like brown people. I like my indians red and distrustful of the concept of land ownership.
  3. it would seem the consensus is to replace SID of rage with this mix. unless djp has objections, lets do it.
  4. Not only is this mix bad, it's ridiculously bad, and it's also just ridiculous.
  5. If you're going to NO OVERRIDE you probably should listen to the whole song. the first minute is more or less a rip, and the rest is nothing to call home about, but by far most of the actual arrangement happens after the 3 minute mark. lets not be to hasty.
  6. this one is even easier. The spastic piano, the frantic half-note chord changes that remind me of those casios that would run a groove and change the chord by pressing one key, and the clipped screams of "ICECAAAAAAAAVE!" "CAAAAN YOUUUU ESSSCAAAAAPPEEE?" all contributed to me wanting to have a siezure. NO i would believe that the entire rhythm and harmony sections were done live on a casio.
  7. this one's easy. it's nice, and the guitar is cool, but it's repetitive, straightforward, and has lots of emptiness where there should be expansion. NO
  8. i agree that it's much better than SID of rage. objectively it's good clean fun, as djp put it two years ago, but it sticks perhaps a bit close to the original. thusly i'm gonna reccommend that YES, i think it's an improvement upon SID of rage, but perhaps it ought to replace the latter. The main difference is cleaned-up instruments, and if he wanted to, protricity could submit eleven different versions of neighburgers each with different leads and each would be good enough to get on. so i say replace.
  9. hmm..sounds alright. there is something strange going on with the attack of the lead horns. it's alright, but it's not great. it doesnt really expand very much on the original, it doesnt develop dynamically, and it's a bit repetitive. NO
  10. it's got some interesting things going for it, but mainly the arrangement doesnt go anywhere, the strings riff those 4 bars thru most of the song. the lead instruments all fall short, the live string thing is played without strength and is out of tune. other instruments could use some quantization. NO
  11. Wow...this is how to do trance. the first 2:45 is just fantastic gradual buildup in my opinion. The original sample of the melody is superimposed on a really well laid trance soundscape. In fact, i believe the entire original song is in here. Rather than changing the original or rearranging the structure of the melody, the mixer has left the melody (and instrument) intact and has instead extrapolated and brought in layers of harmony and atmosphere that didnt exist in the NSF. Leaving the melody as it was might be taboo, and more importantly difficult to pull off well, but this mix does a fine job of adding to the original. Definately a keeper. YES
  12. i think there's not enough going on arrangmenet-wise. there are some poor note choices made in the bass and harmony parts. every once in a while there is something cool going on like at 3:00 and 4:00 but these points are too few and far between. there is too much time when it just sounds bare. Melody+drums+weak bass does not good techno make. NO
  13. I'm (kinda) in the process of remixing this song, so i'm quite familiar with the original The instrumentation and most of the notation is exactly the same as the origina in the first 2 minutes. at 2 min some interesting percussion comes in, but the rest is still the same as the original. the strings dont sound good enough to be a solo instrument so much. neither does the piano in the second half. NO This needs serious arrangement. the original sounded fantastic, and this is a downgrade in both instrument quality and harmonic texture. it really needs arrangement.
  14. it still seems to me like the mmx1 & 3 themes sound like they are just shoved in there for some reason. they are crammed in all next to each other, however the layering at 2:20 is cool. i'd get rid of the x3 theme entirely and work more on giving the x1 and x2 segments more distinct feels, and play around with the layering more. clearly some potential but i dont think it's ther eyet. NO
  15. i'm hearing the original at :27-41, in those back strings. again at 1:00 in a big way at 1:12-2:00 I understand djp's concern in that there is a lot of unrelated original material, mainly the beat and bassline. However, the chord progression on the bridge is definately from the original, as is the pianoeyness that goes on thru the mix. On top of that, the mix is clearly well done, the lyrics are funny as hell and are specifically about space harrier. I think it's got plenty going for it, including the original. An easy YES in my book.
  16. Yeah. what's here is really rocking. the guitar sounds thick, the grooves are great. I would have liked to hear the song have a more defined dynamic direction. I like the strong beginning, but i would also have liked to hear more buildup. Certainly a mix to be kept. As Dan might say, "This remix does not make me want to poop."
  17. it definately has some things going for it, but the main thing that takes away is not just the drumloop, but the fact that the drums are the most prominent instrument. in the second half of the song i hear some vox pads and strings that should definately be more prominent. a great way to make this mix more dynamic would be to bring up the strings and stuff. almost there, but needs a little more work. NO
  18. I dont see why people refuse to remix other, better tracks from this game. sound quality is really killing this song. the strings sound flat, and when they are the only instrument playing, it really sticks out. The guitar is really really ugly. it's also played too low. could use some eq and verb. as it goes on, the parts seem to get simpler and simpler...the strings dont hit all the changes, the synth leads sound akward, and the lead often plays the exact same thing as the bass. this just needs lots of work. NO
  19. THXTHXTHXTHX!!!~ i did my best. i actually listened to this one before voting on it!
  20. I agree with prot. The mix certainly sounds fine, the soundquality, etc. all sounds alright, but this mix is too close to the original. drums and literally 10 seconds of a piano solo is not enough in my book. on top of that, the mix doesnt go anywhere, it never escalates, and there's a lame fade-out ending after two and a half minutes. were it on the panel, i would have given it a NO
  21. a bit bland. many of gray's mixes dance on the line between ambient and undeveloped. there's just nothing strong about this mix, nothing pops out at me. everything about the mix is fairly consistent thoroughout, and while i know gray often goes for subtlety in his songs, this is a little too melodic, too musical to get away with its lack of dynamics and different ideas. NO
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