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Everything posted by Vig

  1. hmm...the strings are dumb, meaning, whole-note, simple harmony, no dynamics. on top of that, it's too short, the arrangement doesnt develop, and there are bad notes starting at 1:25. NO
  2. right off the bat the recording strikes me as quite sub-par. however the performance is pretty good. at 1:15 it's quite clear that it's a new recording. nice percussion, the solo guitar is decent. lots of bad rhythms, but not terrible playing. unfortunately the rhythm section isn't there at all. can barely hear the bass and rhythm guitar, and what i hear is awkward. 2:55 and another jump in the recording. these transitions sound really really awkward pretty rockin synth solo, but then at 3:55 there's a really awkward and poorly played guitar solo that just kills the momentum. The arrangement is epic and enjoyable, and those synth solos rock, but this mix is kept back by silly things like guitar recording quality, performance slips, and awkward transitions. NO
  3. the problem with this mix has to do with the instrument sounds/choice. the bass is too low, too muddy. the lead synths are weak and rather dizzying. the drumloop doesnt change, and there's never anything but bass and lead. it needs lots more as far as harmony and texture. NO
  4. i dont know what's left to say. it's too short, it's got lots of ugly bits, there are no dynamics. NO
  5. the low bass sounds good, the high bass sounds...eh...and the chorus sounds terrible. nice playing, but this mix is empty, and the good is overpowered by that chorus. NO
  6. the recording really hurts this one. it sounds flat. the arrangement isnt bad, but it's a bit too constant...there isnt personality, no dynamics, it's just all hard, loud. not quite there. NO
  7. the whole mix is muddy. the arrangement isnt bad, it's repetitive, but the premise is interesting. unfortunately the recording is really muddy. NO
  8. uh oh...top man...(any one remember that old mix.."there's a man...he goes by the name of megaman, he's got a cannon on his hand..etc) well..i cant hear the lyrics, so it doesnt matter that they suck. it suffers a bit from medlyitis, but the recording is good, the mix rocks, all three songs are done well. i think the transitions need work, but the mix is definately solid and enjoyable. YES
  9. well it isnt 11 minutes, so it's got that over triforce majeure. the styles are quite similar, and it sounds good. i'm at 2 minutes and i'm concerned that perhaps you have made the mix climax to early...it already sounds pretty big. Hoping for some dynamic variety. 2:45 there i have it. it's good all the way through. cant think of a reason not to say YES
  10. i believe the technical term is "fuzz." although i believe "hum" would also be acceptable.
  11. under the min encode rate. midi rips spliced with repetitive interlude things, plus occasional effects. shame on you for making me listen to 8:30 of it to make sure it deserves a NO OVERRIDE. it's about 2:30 of rip+delay and 6 minutes of an irritating interlude. No arrangement.
  12. this is pretty close, but i agree with analoq. the arrangement is unspectacular, although it's by no means bad. it sounds better than my first mix, but it doesnt take any risks, it's just too straightforward. sounds like something you'd hear on an airplane while you watched the video about how to buckle a seatbelt and use your cushion as a floatation device (Place the small metal flap into the buckle, pulling the end of the belt until it is snug/remove the cushion from the seat and hug against your body, putting both arms through the loops, respectively). NO
  13. "that was absolutely horrible. You're the worst singer i've ever heard." okay, so it's not that bad. not by a long shot. but the singing is definately off-key in many places. on top of that the vocals are need....different reverb. the guitar is both played and recorded unimpressively. the synths sound okay, the arrangement is fine in my book, but the recording is amateurish. you could probably polish it up a bit and make it much better. NO
  14. i like what's here, the vibe, the groove, it's all good. the sound effects add nice body, unfortunately it never goes anywhere. it just repeats. needs more creative arrangement. also, the elec. piano part is a little too repetitive. NO
  15. I'm not the pianist, but it seems to me like you would need more than 2 hands to play this live. i really really like the chord alteration at :50 sec. it does get crowded at points, perhaps sticking to two hands wouldn't have been a bad idea. also there's some distortion just before 3:20. It's not the best piano mix on the site, but the arrangement is engaging and well-done. here son, have a YES
  16. right off the bat the GM is killing me. the low strings also seem to be in the wrong key. the arrangement gets more...well...complicated. in that the lead instrument/s are all over the place. but it really just sounds jumbled and random. in the middle there's a pretty cool interlude that is a nice change of pace, but most of the time the mix is just head-throbbing in its pace and density. NO
  17. First thing, this mix is 7 megs. Musically, the guitars are cool, but they sometimes grate and are out of tune. the mix is awfully repetitive, and awfully long. and while the lyrics are cool, the rapping isnt quite there rhythmically, i hear lots of slips, and it certainly isnt interesting enough to keep my attention for 5 and a half minutes. it just sounds like five straight minutes of cool but sometimes sloppy rapping, and the musical aspect doesnt really go anywhere. It's NO Niggaz 4 Life.
  18. something is wrong with the sounds...they are all a bit grainy. think of what this mix would sound like without the drums. the pads are oversimplified, the melody is exactly the same as the original, and the bassline is dumbed-down rhythmically. in fact, the mix is nearly exactly the same as the original. now realize that the drums are one loop played pretty much for the whole song. NO
  19. this mix has been here since the middle of may. can someone please close it out?
  20. MIT...i wonder if i know the guy. I really enjoy the rhythm section, which is good, because that's pretty much the most creative part of the remix. It remains chill all the way through, but nothing ever repeats exactly. the melody gets more interesting, the rhythm section undergoes some significant transitions. All-around a very slick and well-produced piece, if not the most over-the-top arrangement. YES
  21. hmm....since this damn mix is still up here for some reason, with teh mad question marx, i'll say that it sounds very grainy, and the instrument quality does hurt it. the strings are a little dull, the horn is lifeless, and the flute is shrill. the oboe is also bathed in verb until my ears bleed. the arrangement is interesting in some spots, dull in others. i think the inconsistent arrangement plus the fairly bad sounds lead to a NO, but it could easily be fixed up, i think.
  22. the guitar is ugly, perhaps too much reverb as well. it could use some quantization. i agree with analoq's complaint about the hard velocities...it could use some humanization. the piano is a bit too harsh at 1:30. not sure how i like the tempo increase. the arrangement is kind of epic, but the sound quality falls flat. there are also some harmonic omissions or poor choices, like the dominant seventh on the piano in the first section. it's not wrong, but it's ugly as hell. also, the mix doesn't really build like it should...it just dies early. i think that's enough, don't you? NO
  23. okay so...the playing is pretty nice...the arrangement isnt terrible. but there's some serious mud dripping from this recording. the violin sounds way too dry. The guitar is too muddy to be heard the way it is supposed to... arrangement-wise...the string interlude on is really rockin. but the mastering and recording is really really bad. i want a re-recording. NO
  24. maybe it's because i'm on Prot's setup, but i thought most of the samples sounded alright. except the kick, which apparently is suffering from a serious case of ugly. what bothers me is that this mix has lots and lots of dumbed-down ugly harmonies. the strings play notes long past they are due for a change. also, there is no dynamic progession. it just kind of sits around wondering where it's supposed to go for awhile then it dies. meh NO
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