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Everything posted by Vig

  1. really interesting, it goes all over the place, the sounds are great, the beat is great. Solid YES
  2. there are lots of bad notes. sometimes it sounds like the guitar is going off its intended line in order to hit a note that ought to be played by another instrument. as grey said, this needs more layers. NO
  3. Much love for the booty. YES not terribly exciting, but it gets the job done pretty well. very few complaints.
  4. some slight out-of-tunage in the guitar, and i wish he would have slid a bit less, but it's good to listen to none the less. not a fan of the percussion, perhaps this mix would have been better without, or just with a timpani or something. seems a bit repetitive, but the guitar does a lot for this mix. not spectacular, arrangement could use some variation, but it's solid, and the guitar works well. YES
  5. First...i dont recall the original well enough to know if this is too close to it. my instinct is that it's fine. i found the intro quite emotive, and the short vocal clip was very nice.. the segments in this mix are very sad and captivating..my main concern is that there isnt great continuity. for segments nearly everything will drop out. it's borderline, but i'm going to lean towards the YES direction, because i found it personally enjoyable. i wish the vocals were used more.
  6. perhaps a bit simple as far as instrumentation goes, but the harmonies are very creative and effective, giving the mix a unique cinematic sound. There's really nothing to hate here. YES
  7. firmly dry and without effect...too long a buildup with too small a payoff. samples are poor. instruments polarize because of lack of reverb. too dry, too short, too underdeveloped. NO
  8. Let's stick to what we have in front of us and not make any filthy deals regarding future mixes, no matter how much we want to see the mixer reach his potential What's here is pleasing to the ear, it's just not quite cooked yet. a song in this style may warrant repetition, but such repetition would require subtle variety that occurs just too slowly in this mix. a song like this needs to build and descend. i feel there's no climax and the ending is too abrupt, leading to an amateurish sound overall. NO needs some refinement.
  9. Way way too short. There's absolutely no arrangement (i dont think drums and altered instrumentation counts.) It's a nice demo for an upcoming remix, but if this is the finished product, we should not be encouraging this type of laziness. NO There's plenty of precedent for us rejecting decent-sounding remixes because they are too short to have a decent arrangement. 1:20 is far too short. C'mon, let's get with the program.
  10. This sounds like it was recorded on windows audio player with a computer mic. this is just inexcusable. the acoustic guitar sounds terribly flat. dont get me wrong, it is very difficult and generally expensive to record acoustic guitars live and make it sound good. but if you cant do it well, dont do it at all. The electric is simply run in directly probably via 1/8th inch cable, with echos added on. oh yeah, and there's buzz throughout the whole mix! thank you, crappy computer mic. second issue, the arrangement. what arrangement you say? I dont know either. I certainly dont know what you guys were listening to, but this thing is two minutes long, is exactly the same as the original, save a few spotty solos. Some styles of music sound good with a minimum amount of instruments; sometimes a mix can be little more than two guitars and still sound good. however, this is essentially a rock remix by style, and it sounds like a demo that was dropped out in a half an hour. If you do a remix of "satisfaction" with just two guitars, it doesnt become "raw," it becomes "crap." moreover, if one DOES pull off a successful arrangement with nothing but two guitars, the minimalism itself demands that the instruments sound good, which in this case, as we have discussed, they do not. This mix isnt raw or minimalist, it just takes the same style as the original, subtracts everything integral to that particular style, and replays the original in a half-assed, skeletal form. third issue: performance. Like sound quality, the importance of a strong performance is amplified when all you have is two guitars. the performance is sloppy. there are lots of choked notes, bad notes, ugly rhythms, and other flubs. sorry to the remixer, i dont mean for my comments to sound overly negative, but I know that this remix couldnt have taken more than an hour or two to complete, so i doubt you will take them too personally, and they arent intended as such. my frustration is more directed at the judges. Because the mix is completely live doesnt make it a good remix. we shouldnt be so incredibly lenient just because it's live. it's obvious that if the instruments were synthesized, and the quality and performance issues were gone, this mix would get solid nos for length and poor arrangement. It's like that mix with the horribly out of tune violins. Just because it's live doesnt mean it's good. This isnt even a good live recording. NO
  11. Not much development, the guitar is out of tune and otherwise sounds weak and thin. give us more. NO
  12. my main complaint until the bass came in was that the mix is too empty. Then the bass comes in and plays some very very very bad ugly notes. the mix stays pretty empty. i like the minimalism for a little while, but it should develop as well. NO
  13. hmm..sounds to me very similar to the original with a guitar lead and drums...streched out to 4/4 time. I feel like this is trying to do a different, more rocking style, but the only steps red omen took to achieve that were changing the lead, the time and the drums. it seems like he didnt quite finish the rock conversion, the flute and the strings just dont fit. this mix is having an identity crisis, and it needs some help. NO
  14. okay....uh. so there arent that many changes to the original. the main changes are to the melody, and i think they are bad. the rest of the mix is completely run-of-the-mill techno. drums, bass...nothing special....yeah I like special things. NO
  15. Hmm...this mix suffers from poor samples and a somewhat underexplored arrangement. i feel like it could be good enough if either of the problems were fixed, but they add up to a NO. The samples just ruin the dynamics that are necessary for an orchestral remix like this. the feel is heavy throughout and it doesnt really let up, in some places it gets quite repetitive. it has an interesting feel, but it's underdeveloped and unpolished.
  16. okay, well that makes it 5y to 2n. any news from zoltan?
  17. This sounds something like Wingless might do...it's just not there yet. The rhythmic oddities seem intentional to me...arrangement-wise i have nothing against what's here, but i have a couple points against it -The samples really detract. The busy chaos approach to remixing has to be very delicately balanced in order to work. this is not. the sounds are unpleasant, and they make the mix sound like a mistake, rather than an avant-garde exploration -There is no flow. The ideas jump around and there is no interlude, no repose, no connection. I think that adding a bass would be a great start-adding some strings might help as well. Not cooked all the way through. NO
  18. :25 seconds in and i have already formed the opinion that this will be another cookie-cutter techno piece. painfully dry samples and repetitive boring intro led me to this conclusion, but will it hold up? Sigh....i'm of the believe that nearly all the time, bass+drums+melody is not enough to make a listenable techno song. the samples are dry, causing all the instruments to polarize and generally not cooperate with one another. lots of work needed on making this a more sophisticated piece. NO
  19. This lacks the harmonic and general musical sophistication to be posted. it screams "cookie-cutter techno". It's straightforward, repetitive, and contains absolutely no subtlety. It needs more beneath the surface. add interesting rhythms, harmonies....anything. NO
  20. The drums are akward in general. i'd say get rid of them, then the piece would at least make sense. apart from that, around the 1 minute mark there are some serious harmonic and rhythmical flubbs in the piano part. the mix is too sparse. drop the drums, add something else, and add a few more minutes. NO
  21. really quite enjoyable. and moody. there's very little to complain about, the drums get a bit crunchy at times. strong work. YES
  22. lots of wierd harmonic flubs. the lead is interesting, but on the whole, the mix is inferior to the original. dont get me wrong, i hear some good stuff in here, and there are some interesting ideas, but it needs a little more substance. NO
  23. this seriously lacks development. it's not complete. add more. NO
  24. Um, This isnt from ninja gaiden, this is the love theme from "romeo and Juliet." NO OVERRIDE. sorry. Er, what i meant was, the samples are really bland and the sequencing is robotic, it needs better samples. NO
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