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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. We're all busy. All of us. Unless you say you aren't. I'm not asking for a year's worth of work. I'm just hoping for a great track by next year. I wanna hear Malcos Vs. Dale North. Boosh.
  2. Kunal, you ass. You type faster than me. Oy... I'm so sleepy... That said, we still need more people chiming in with track picks. Go.
  3. Walan for the win. Also, I disagree with the whole middle finger thing. The themes are very different, despite sharing sources. I think you'll see that, in the end, it won't matter. The Bad Dudes project "Thai Guy" was critically acclaimed and well-received and it was 10 arrangements of the exact same source. I'm definitely feeling that there's always room for one more.
  4. The list is current. And any overlap of tracks isn't anything to be worried about. Why would it matter? Really?
  5. Let's say it's more the merrier.
  6. I have a crystal ball and am working on it.
  7. JUST SO YOU KNOW... We do not mean for this to be an actual "battle" with cruel intentions. This is fun. I mean, look at the tracklist so far! zyko vs. The Bronx Rican! Mustin vs. McVaffe! Joshua Morse and posu yan vs. Zircon! I think Geneson said it best: "Holy shit is this really happening or am I dreaming?" So let's not take things too seriously. And don't freak out if you see the one mixer guesting on the other's track. Also, we're still hoping to hear from: Darkesword Geoffrey Taucer A_Rival (maybe please?) priZm Scott Peeples (we can dream?) goat kLuTz Star Salzman Gecko Yamori Vigilante The Wingless GrayLightning Harmony Go.
  8. I don't get it. Is this cool? Can't you just 1.) download ACID 2.) download accapellas 3.) put them together in ACID 4.) put drum beat under ?
  9. Link up some YouTubes of the themes.
  10. Alright, but you're missing out on a killer game - pun intended.
  11. oh shit, yeah! where is DARKESWORD
  12. aw man really? You couldn't find the theme? Here it is. Here's a great version (don't click if you don't want to spoil it): Here's the official metal version (don't click if you don't want to spoil it): If you're still not interested, let's see if a Bad Dude will do a Metal Gear.
  13. Now that we've upgraded the forums, I'm starting to blog on 'em. It's pretty neat. http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/blog.php?5-Mustin
  14. Yeah, I would say regulars. No offense to Demonstray, but we want to get people that can be associated to OCR. so I say... FISHY! NUTRITIOUS! Join forces and take on Kunal as your powers combined can form "KRATOS ALPHA" !!!
  15. Damn, now I wish Mazedude hadn't called so soon so he could Vs. djpretzel... And who all is Vs. Diggi Dis for Guybrush now?
  16. Yes, and encouraged, so that more OCR folks can be involved.
  17. Your question is answered in this week's video. Sorry I couldn't remember your name. I'll get names next time.
  18. I'm kinda waiting to see if McVaffe answers the call. But if he doesn't, it'll go to you - that cool?
  19. If you chane your claim, someone has to fill the void. It's good vs. bad, hero vs. villain. It's hard to arrange, but it can be done. The OneUps did it and they're "just a jazz band." Think about it! You can make it rock! Plus you have like almost a year!
  20. Man, gon' take some real work on that one! And who to match with the legendary Kratos theme?
  21. There are 2 (3) God of War games. You can do Zeus from the first one. That'd be "Zeus' Wrath Devine" - Right?
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