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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. I might go to the GameX one.
  2. A smell a delay, too. We're taking some extra time to make sure it's the best it can be.
  3. Emunator - turns out it's All Ages! Check it out!
  4. Do this again in October! http://www.gamexpo.us/ That way I'll be around!
  5. Will do! I said Will do!
  6. The OneUps Saturday September 19 2009 at KoL Con 6 (1940 E Main Street) in Mesa, Arizona WITH MC Frontalot & Yellow Minute $10 (free with con registration) Concert starts at 22:00 It's KoL Con 6! (The Kingdom of Loathing) We're excited to be performing for the Con, and with our friend MC Frontalot again! First time to Arizona - Minibosses territory! (unfortunately the Minibosses couldn't do the show because Ben broke his elbow - was looking forward to another stage-sharing reunion) Come check it out 'cause it's going to be a lot of up-close-and-personal fun!
  7. Huge interview on the album: http://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/CHRONOTORIOUS_Interview.html
  8. I'll be watching for it! Lotta good releases this year!
  9. Thanks! When are YOU going to come out with an album?
  10. Do want pls kthx
  11. I know, it's fine. This album of mine has just been in the works for over four years. No big. I've already produced two completely different songs with different artists with the same name so things are going to overlap sometimes. No big. Carry on!
  12. hahaha you don't really have to change it for me thought that's cool. Not sure if ours will see the light of day. Will depend on CHRONOTORIOUS sales. So purchase accordingly (buy if you want us to succeed, don't buy if you wish for us to burn in the eternal fire). Go forth.
  13. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I already have that name for an album I've had in the works for four years - a Zelda album. I will cut your face!! cool concept though even if it's similiar to mine yet different enough
  14. http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=4041
  15. Option to order by mail has been added. You are most welcome.
  16. Yeah, sorry, we totally spaced on mail orders. I thought of it today while driving and got a message to get it done. Should be ready ASAP.
  17. Hope you don't think that's Warrant. Do you actually know? I'll give you a hint. It starts with M and ends with inibosses.
  18. Love it and everything about it, but don't call it NES Rock. That Fight Dragons band does that and I don't think NES Rock is a good term because I think of the Advantage and Minibosses when I hear that term. Just my two prick cents. That said, I'm getting the tape.
  19. Minibosses ruled last year. Lost my voice rocking out with "Ikari Warriors."
  20. Do you like metal? Awesome local metal bands: Chemical Discipline The Battle Within
  21. These guys are the best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXXe2ukYQlY
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