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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Well... we already have? http://theoneups.bandcamp.com/track/koopa-beach-super-mario-kart Gonna do it again though. We've played it in many different styles during live shows.
  2. BardicKnowledge wins at life. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
  3. Can't make a SMK album without "Koopa Beach!" You don't think we'd just shortchange you and give you the same arrangement, do you? Maybe I'll show you some of "Something About Koopa Beach" Sunday just for you! Watch the YouTube channel! -m
  4. yyyyyyyyeeeeeeahhhhhhhhh, I'm gonna need someone to compile them all for me. Maybe put the game name and then the Hero and the Villain. Ex: [super Mario Bros. series] Mario / Bowser [Metroid series] Samus / Mother Brain Can someone do that for us so we can have a running list of all games? Pezman, what games were those?
  5. Gotta do "Battle Mode" if you're doing a SMK album! All major themes are represented. We didn't do individual winner themes, unfortunately. But it's gonna be fun.
  6. Nah, it's up for grabs for whatever. I don't think anyone should work on more than one track, though, considering the space limitation and the amount of talent. And it's not restricted to BD being BG and OCR being GG or anything. S'all good up in the hood. I'll compile the list of suggestions tomorrow, unless someone else wants to keep a running list for me.
  7. I love making babies cry as seen here: http://www.zazzle.com/bad_dudes_poster_5-228733858507571152
  8. Seriously. You can't tell me that ANY of those "Rainbow Road" themes hold any sort of sorry-ass candle to the original with their slow-tempoed, grocery store crappiness. srsly /drunk
  9. I hate it. I HATES IT! Sounds Mario is taking shit shower in a grocery store at a tempo too slow for racing. EDIT: ALMOST as much as I hate the N64 Rainbow theme GRAH!!! So cheesy and slow
  10. So it begins... The Bad Dudes and OverClocked ReMix Present HEROES VS. VILLAINS Talked to djpretzel and Liontamer at MAGFest -- It's a go. I want a clean fight. No orchestral foo foos, no slow jams. This is balls to the wall. The Good Guys versus the Bad Guys. And we're the Guys to do it. Let's do TWO DISCS ONLY (80 mins per disc). Let's break it down like: BEFORE WE START CLAIMING TRACKS: We all need to come up with potential good guys and matching bad guys. There can be multiple themes from which to pull as in these examples: LINK: Hyrule Theme (Zelda III version, Zelda IV version) GANON: Battle with Ganon (Zelda III), last battle fights from Ocarina, last dungeon from first game, etc.) MEGA MAN: almost any MM Title Screen etc... It's going to help if everyone uses MIDI in some facet as we're going to be big on quality control on this one. We don't want to leave anyone behind, but with only two discs, there will be cuts, re-writes, and maybe even a reboot of the series (e.g. tag "Begins" on the end of it). QA is a must with the Bad Dudes and OverClocked ReMix's names on the cover (we're hoping to press up some discs). So let's get to it. If you've wanted to be a Bad Dude, now's the time to show your stuff. If you just make foo foo orchestra shits but want to get on, team up with a rockin' dude and do it up all orchestra rock or whatever. If you're all Dale North Christmas Morning-like, GTFOoH. Let's get to work. I want this out at next MAGFest. All questions will be answered when I'm done with your mother. UPDATE 2010.01.23 Thanks to BardicKnowledge and Larry Oji for this compiled list. Here are the rules: 1.) By popular demand, the Bad Dudes will do the Villains disc. 2.) Bad Dudes will pick out their tracks, leaving that corresponding Hero available to an OCR regular. 3.) OCR regular will respond, especially if "called out" by a Bad Dude. 4.) In the event no OCR regular picks a Hero to match a Bad Dude, suggestions will be taken from that Bad Dude, and/or an OCR regular "challenging" a Bad Dude to a series of his/her choice. Here are your sources. Start picking! [Ace Attorney] Phoenix Wright / Godot or Dahlia [Adventures of Bayou Billy] Bayou Billy / Godfather Gordon [Altered Beast] Centurion / Demon God Neff [battletoads] Battletoads / The Dark Queen [beyond Good & Evil] Jade / The Domz [bust a Groove] Hiro / Robo Z [Castlevania] Simon Belmont / Dracula | SnappleMan / Ailsean [Cheetahmen II] Cheetahmen/Dr. Morbis (o.k. I don't really know how this one'll work out but still...) [Chrono Trigger] Crono / Lavos [ChuChu Rocket!] ChuChus / KapuKapus [Comix Zone] Sketch Turner / Mortus [Contact] Terry / Mint [Day of the Tentacle] Purple Tentacle / Red Edison [Donkey Kong Country] Donkey Kong / K.Rool [Double Dragon] Billy and/or Jimmy Lee / Shadow Master [EarthBound] Ness / Giygas [Fatal Fury] Terry Bogard / Geese Howard [Final Fantasy V] Bartz/Exdeath [Final Fantasy VI] Locke / Kefka [Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance] Ike/Black Knight [Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland] Tingle / Uncle Rupee (I'm pretty sure not much people here completed this ) [F-Zero GX] Captain Falcon / Black Shadow [God of War] Kratos / Zeus | Brandon Strader / ktriton [Ghouls 'N Ghosts] Arthur / Firebrand [Gitaroo Man] U-1/Gitaroo Man / Zowie [Grim Fandango] Manny Calavera / Hector Lemann | djpretzel / ??? [Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure] Henry (Pompous Adventurer's Club Theme/Adventure Awaits) vs. Weaselby (Dirty Tricks/Weaseljuice) [Kid Icarus] Pit / Eggplant Wizard [Kingdom Hearts] Sora / Xemnas or Xehanort [killer7] Harman Smith / Kung Lao (erh, don't know if there are character's themes in the soundtrack...) [Kirby] Kirby / King DeDeDe | halc / Bladiator [Knights in the Nightmare] Maria's Theme / Melissa's Theme [Langrisser II] Erwin / Kaiser Bernhardt [Lost Vikings] Vikings / Tomator [Maniac Mansion] Bernard / Dr. Ed [Mario] Mario / Bowser | McVaffe / Mustin [Mega Man] Mega Man / Dr. Wily | Another Soundscape / JigginJonT [Mega Man X] X / Sigma [Metal Gear Solid] Solid Snake/Liquid Snake/Revolver Ocelot [Metroid] Samus / Mother Brain | BigGiantCircles / Mazedude [Monkey Island] Guybrush Threepwood / LeChuck | OA, Audio Fidelity, & Abadoss / Diggi Dis [Ninja Gaiden] Ryu / Jaquio [No More Heroes] Travis / Jeane or Henry [Okage Shadow King] Ari / Belioune [Okami] Amaterasu/Orochi/Yami [River City Ransom] Alex and Ryan / Slick [shadow The Hedgehog] Shadow/Black Doom [shantae] Shantae/Risky Boots [shining Force II] The Shining Force (Sir Astral) / The Devil Kings (Zeon) [sonic the Hedgehog] Sonic / Dr. Eggman | Malcos / Dale North [starCraft] Terrans / Zerg [star Fox] Fox McCloud / Andross [street Fighter II] Ryu / Sagat | zircon / posu yan & Joshua Morse [street Fighter III] Alex / Gill [streets of Rage] Axel / Mr. X [super Mario Bros. 2] Mario / Wart [super Mario RPG] Geno / Smithy [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Turtles / Shredder | bLiNd / danimal cannon [Tetris] L-Block / Square (Theme A / Theme B?) - Tengen / Nintendo? [Tetris Attack] Yoshi / Bowser [Threads of Fate] Rue / Doll Master or Valen [Viewtiful Joe] Joe / Jet Black [X-Men] X-Men / Magneto (Sega Genesis) [Yoshi's Island] Yoshi / Baby Bowser or Kamek [Ys] Theme of Adol / Theme of Dark Fact [Zelda] Link / Ganon | José the Bronx Rican / zyko
  11. Precisely the reason I'm arranging ours the way it is - hate that track, hate that guy, hate all Mario Karts other than the first and Super Circuit and ESPECIALLY hate all "Rainbow" themes past the first one. In fact, all the music past the first one. Hate.
  12. Didn't see a thread for it, and it's getting kinda exciting again, so in case anyone here didn't know about it or would be excited about it, here's a sneak peak of the upcoming Super Mario Kart Album. I'll be posting a video every Sunday with updates. Good times!
  13. Thought about it, but just had crazy inspiration one day on the CT jingle. That theme always creeped the SHIT out of me. Just bugged me to all hell. So I brought the Herrmann and we did it.
  14. http://baddudesmusic.com/jingle.html Please re-download for 192 MP3s with artwork.
  15. Wow, thanks for posting this. I would have totally missed it otherwise. Thanks!!
  16. I don't even know where to begin.
  17. [nods] God I so hate the words underrated and overrated can you be any more arrogant?
  18. Final Fantasy VI
  19. That's a good idea.
  20. I've had this for a while. It's amazing.
  21. I think I'm way out of touch with Hip-Hop 'cause mine sounds nothing like any of this stuff these kids these days are doin'... zircon, I'ma eMail you some stuff and ideas...
  22. I have a metric ton of HH tracks I've done that, as of Friday, will need a new home. Let's talk.
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