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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Uhh... If you're uploading anything other than a .WAV, you're probably making a mistake. I dunno shit about .FLAC except SOME people want it (not most) and that Bandcamp will make them for the SOME people taht want them when you download it. Good luck.
  2. I'm on Twitter. http://www.twitter.com/mustin The OneUps are on Twitter. http://www.twitter.com/theoneupsband and BUMP
  3. Ditto. And dial-up? Damn... That sucks.
  4. Yeah, not familiar with any of that.
  5. Hmm... This is new. Looks interesting. Doubt it'll be of much use for video game music. Maybe some of the Final Fantasy and other Square-Enix stuff. Anyone have any experience with it? My interest is piqued.
  6. Why? You get a .ZIP file. What's wrong with that? You also pick whatever format you want (MP3, OGG, AAC, FLAC, etc.). I use Bandcamp to buy music as much as I can.
  7. Yeah, it's a pain to do self-distribution/shipping on CDs, but it's worth it. It's nice to personalize with the fans. I've sent out thousands of CDs by hand. Just packaged up three right now while - coincidentally - listening to MegaRan ^ Just get hooked up with Stamps.com and you're good to go.
  8. You can do Bandcamp and still aggregate with whatever company you want for iTunes/AmazonMP3. Yeah, you are responsible for sending out the CDs yourself, but the system makes it very easy to do so. Plus, Bandcamp's cut? Zero. This, paired with distribution through TuneCore, is perfect for me. Customers like the ability to buy a physical CD and get a digital download of their choice immediately, while they wait for snail mail. Yeah, if you don't plan on selling a lot, CDBaby can be a better deal, but even in the first year, I'll make up for those fees for several years where CD baby would have taken their 9%+ of those hella sales. I also prefer the back end system for TuneCore. I've taken all of my music out of CDBaby. It was good, but I very much prefer TuneCore and the $20 bucks a year is well worth it for me. (Also, Rhapsody? I wouldn't pay extra for all those extra stores - not that you have to with CDBaby - 'cause they don't amount to a hill of beans. Stick with iTunes worldwide and AmazonMP3 - just my advice.)
  9. Don't do CD Baby!! If you get this in time, use TuneCore. It's cheaper and wayyyyy better/faster. www.TuneCore.com Also, use Bandcamp.com. They are AWESOME.
  10. Been a real good year for albums if you ask me. MC Frontalot - Zero Day brentalfloss - What if This CD... Had Lyrics? The OneUps - Super Mario Kart Album Beefy - With Sprinkles Mega Ran & K-Murdock - Forever Famicom (CD) Don't be sad - get glad, baby!
  11. Damn, I was gonna "in before the lock" but if DJP posted in here and didn't shut it down, then the future is lookin' C R a Z y ! !1
  12. Love the twist on this. Nice work. Gotta love that bass line.
  13. This album is sick. Do yourself a favour and check it out. If you only listen to one song, make it http://megarankmurdock.bandcamp.com/track/epoch-2
  14. Pretty awesome to have him throw out these names. Larry gets a shout out! As he should 'cause he's the man.
  15. Excellent! Always loved "Sunset Riders" - ended up buying it on eBay from a guy in Canada. This is nice. Very nice. Great work. Sombreros off to you.
  16. Damn, that's a phat line up. Wish I could be there.
  17. "Mario Circuit" on the front page. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02032/
  18. Fuck, that's it, I'm moving to Sweden. I've wanted to for years. It's on. Keep rockin' it with this group, man. It's great!
  19. Well, that's pretty much the greatest compliment ever. And we're done! Oh, and here's the music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQGHtzrJKbM
  20. AmazonMP3 has the album up, but it's not available for purchase until tomorrow! Still, you can hear all the samples! Awesome! http://amzn.to/9RqAWV
  21. This kinda works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCneT59SENU But this is better, though it's actually a funeral... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OGbU-YB4bI Though I love this one so much: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LYwSN7y7fY
  22. Toadofsky, Battousai, that's why it's called "Something About Koopa Beach."
  23. What's taking so long?! Where's the CD? Is it even going to be a CD? What else can I expect from this Super Mario Kart Album? Find out in the exclusive Original Sound Version interview! http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=9559
  24. Not sure I'd agree with that, but to each his/her own.
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